Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
press has been established here, and the energetic, newsy and spicy Phillips Phonograph is regularly issued every Saturday. It is pub- lished by O. M. Moore, and is well worthy of the patronage of the best citizens of Franklin County. Another literary institution of private ownership is a circulating library of about 400 volumes.
The township of Phillips was granted by Massachusetts to Jacob Abbott, Esq., in 1794. Some improvements were made in the town- ship as early as 1790 or 1791. Among the early settlers were Perkins Allen, Seth Greely, Jonathan Pratt, Uriah and Joseph Howard and Isaac Davenport. The plantation was first called Curvo, a name ap- plied by Captain Perkins Allen, because of a resemblance to a port of that name which he had visited. It was incorporated in 1812, under the name of a former principal proprietor.
A natural curiosity is a huge bowlder about 80 feet in diameter. Another is the nearly dry bed of a pond in the upland, and the gorge through which its unloosed waters ploughed their way toward Sandy River. This action arose from the insertion of a plank flume, with bulkhead and gate, for the purpose of increasing the power for the grist mill of the Messrs. Noyes on a neighboring stream. A slight leak increased, so that the flume was pressed out, when the whole con- tents of the stream swept down tbe incline, ploughing up the soil, moving great rocks, sweeping away the buildings of a Mr. Shephard, the mill and every vestige of the improvements which had been made at such cost.
There are two church-edifices in Phillips, one of which belongs to the Methodists, while the other is a Union church. The town has fifteen public school-houses; which, with other school property, are estimated to be worth $4,000. The estates in 1870 were valued at $375,576. In 1880 the valuation was $447,905. The rate of taxation in the latter year was fifteen mills on the dollar. The population in 1870 was 1,373. In 1880 it was 1,437.
PhipsTbiirg* constitutes tbe southern, point of Sagadahoc County. It lies between the Kennebec River on the east, and New Meadows Harbor and West Bath, on tbe west. On the opposite side of this harbor is Great Island, a part of Harpswell. On the eastern side are the island towns of Arrowsic and Georgetown. Bath lies at the north-west. Phipsburg is very nearly 12£ miles in extreme length and of an average width of about 3 miles. Bays and inlets mark its entire circumference. Following the shore north-eastward from Cape Small Point, we pass tbe inlet known as Spragues and Morses rivers, succeeded by Hunniwells Beach; north which Hunniwells Point and Sabino peninsula form the eastern shore of Atkins Bay. On its north- ern side rises the lofty bluff of Coxs Head, upon which, in 1814, an earthwork was erected ; beyond which is Wymans Bay. At tbe north looms Parkers Head, and at its south-western side is tbe inlet basin forming the tide-power known as Parkers Head Mill Pond. Next succeed the harbor at Phipsburg Center, with Drummore Bay two miles above, with inlet and tide-power. Through Fiddlers Reach, a curve of the Kennebec around the northern end of Phipsburg, we pass to Winnegance Creek, nearly three miles in length, and a basin at its extremity, forming two unsurpassed tide-powers, and separating Phipsburg from Bath and from West Bath except for a neck 200 rods
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