Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
split and quartered from end to end. The whole of this county is on the north side of the 45th parallel of north latitude. Frosts come early, the winters are long and snows deep; yet even in the northern part wheat and the other farm products, excepting corn, ripen abundant crops. When first entered by settlers, this territory was included in Hancock and Kennebec counties, but when (in 1809) Somerset County was incorporated, the western portion, amounting to three tiers of townships, was embraced m this new county. In 1816, Penobscot County was incorporated, and all but the three western tiers of town- ships above mentioned were included m that county. In 1838, Pis- cataquis County was incorporated, taking four tiers of townships from Penobscot, and three from Somerset county,—the most western tier being included in the Bingham purchase. It then extended in full width to Canada, but m 1844 its northern portion, embracing ahout 60 townships, was annexed to Aroostook County. In its present extent it contains more than 100 full townships, with an area of 3,780 square miles. The townships are generally 6 miles square, lying in regular ranges; the latter was numbered from the north line of the Waldo patent (now constituting a part of the north line of Waldo County) the southern tier m Piscataquis County being the sixth range in this enu- meration. In its length north and south, it includes 16 townships, and m its width, 7. Nearly twro-thirds of these townships are now covered with forests, and wholly unoccupied, except by the lumber- men in their annual pursuit of logs.
The county abounds m water-power, slate, granite, limestone; while there are some valuable mineral deposits,—the ehiefest yet known being the Katahdin iron mine.
The most important river is the Piscataquis, which gives its name to the county, and upon which the first settlements were made. The pioneer settler of Piscataquis County was Eli Towne, who moved his family from Temple, N. H., into Dover m 1803. Sebec was the first town incorporated in the county, the act having been passed February 28, 1812. The next was Foxcroft, which was incorporated on Feb- ruary 29, 1812. Dover, though the first settled, was not incorporated until 1822.
The principal occurrences of wide-spread effect in the county were the cold seasons of 1815 and the following year, when the crops suffered to such an extent as to produce great hardship,—and the great fires of 1825, which began in August and continued until the middle of October, in which much timber land and quite a number of dwellings were destroyed. '
The only railroad in the county is the Bangor and Piscataquis railway, chartered from Oldtown to Moosehead Lake. The Piscataquis Observer, is the only paper m the county. It was started in 1838 by George V. Edes as the Piscataquis Herald, but this was changed to the Piscataquis Farmer, from this in 1848 to its present name. The present proprietor is Mr. S. D. Edes, who still maintains its character as an excellent county paper. In the war of the Rebellion, Piscataquis County furnished its full proportion of gallant soldiers who did battle for the Union. Colonel C. S. Douty and Major C. P. Chandler, of oui fallen heroes, were natives of Piscataquis County.
The public schoolhouses of the county number 140,—valued at $44,- 200. The valuation in 1870 was 4,845,880 ; in 1880, $3,342,236. The
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