Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 451
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from

POLAND.    451

main. Upon it is a primary sea-coast light, built in 1830. The tower
of the light is 60 feet high, and the light is 70 feet above sea level. At
sea in ordinary states of the atmosphere, it can be seen a distance of 12
nautical, or nearly 14 statute miles.—See Long Island Plantations and
Swan Island Plantation, also article on Civil Divisions in the first part
of this volume.

Pleasant Mountain. See article on Denmark.

Pleasant Ridg-e Plantation, in Aroostook County,
was re-organized in 1869 under the name of Caswell Plantation.

Plymouth lies at the south-western angle of Penobscot
County, 20 miles west of Bangor. It is bounded on the north by
Newport, east by Etna, south by Dixmont, and by Troy in Waldo
County, and Avest by Detroit in Somerset County. The space south-
west of the centre of the toAvn is pretty much occupied by Plymouth
and Little ponds, Avhich also receives the Avaters of a pond in Dixmont,
and discharge through Martin Stream into the Sebasticook in the north-
west part of the toAvn. On this stream are five powers, all improved
except one. The principal falls are at Plymouth Village, near the centre
of the toAvn. The manufactures consist of cloth, lumber, furniture,
carriages, fumigators, leather, etc. The basin of the ponds which supply
these powers is about one half covered by forest. The area of the
reservoirs is at present some 1,800 acres. The height of dams might
easily be so increased that from this storage the gross power of the
series of falls, at 15 feet each, would be 486 horse-power, or 19,440
spindles for 10 hours a day, 312 days in the year. The storage could
be used in six months or less, and the natural run would suffice for the.
rest of the year, doubling or trebling the poAver. As it is, the stream
is very uniform on account of reservoirs. The stream at the falls runs
over compact ledges.

Plymouth Avas incorporated in 1826. It has Baptist and Methodist
churches. There are eight or ten stores and two hotels. The number
of public schoolhouses is nine; and the school property is valued at
$3,600. The valuation of real estate in 1870 Avas $188,350. In 1880
it was $183,193. The population in 1870 was 941. In 1880 it was 828.

Plymouth Company- See article on Kennebec County.

Poland is the south-west town of Androscoggin County. It is
10 miles from Lewiston and 35 from Portland, with both of which
places it is connected by the Grand Trunk Railroad, which passes across
the north-eastern portion of the toAvn. The territory of Poland is
nearly square, its angles marking the points of the compass. It is
bounded on tbe north-east by Minot and Auburn from which it is
separated by the little Androscoggin River, on the south-east by NeAV
Gloucester and Auburn, on tbe south-west by Casco and Raymond,
and on the north-west by Otisfield and Oxford. It contains 26,000
acres of land, about two-thirds of which is improved. There are six
considerable ponds Avholly within its limits and another in part. Thomp-
son’s Pond, the last mentioned and largest, is at the western angle,


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