Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
erick Kimball, Miss Maria Becket, John B. Hudson, Charles J. Schumacher, and others. Eminent names among Portland merchants who have passed away, are Matthew Cobb, Asa Clapp, William Chad- wick, Albert Nswhall, Joseph Cross, Ralph Cross, Arthur McLellan, James Deering, Benjamin Willis, Samuel Trask, Reuben Morton, and John B. Brown. [See notice of latter on page 611.]
Portland has eighteen church-edifices, including the cathedrals of the Episcopal and Roman Catholic denominations. There are also as many as twenty-five societies more or less benevolent in their objects, besides several others of an intellectual and social nature.
Portland has six National Banks, with an aggregate capital of $3,150,000. They are the First National Bank, and Casco National Bank, each with a capital of $800,000; Canal National Bank, having a capital of $600,000; Merchants National Bank and National Traders Bank, each having a capital of $300,000 ; and the Cumberland National Bank, with a capital of $250,000. The Maine Savings Bank, in Port- land, on the 1st of November, 1880, held in deposits and profits, the sum of $3,181,195.45; and the Portland Savings Bank, at the same date, held $4,480,770.32.
Portland has three daily papers, all well sustained. The Argus —ancient and respectable, and always fresh, bright, readable and democratic; the Press, a reliable Republican sheet, always elegant and honorable ; the Advertiser, the oldest daily paper in the city, but at present, the most concise; Republican in politics, but independent in its views. The Portland Sunday Times, is a lively secular weekly, devoted largely to social matters. It is independent in politics. The Morning News is a spirited journal, devoted to reform. It is Greenback in politics, but generally independent in its views. Zions Advocate, an organ of the Baptists, is an excellent denominational paper. The Christian Mirror, the organ of the Congregationalists in Maine, is ably edited, and wholly worthy of its patronage. The Portland Transcript, known to every Maine family, is unsurpassed in its field by any newspaper in the country. The North-East,, published monthly, is the organ of the Episcopal church in Maine. The Masonic Token, issued quarterly, by Stephen Berry, is devoted to masonry, and would consequently be very useful to every member of that order. The Helping Hand, a monthly, published by the Young Men's Chris- tian Association, is well adapted to a worthy purpose. Our Home and Fireside Magazine, published monthly and Saturday hy H. Hal- lett & Co., is devoted almost wholly to stories. The Peoples Illus- trated Journal and The Illustrated Household Magazine, published monthly, by Geo. Stinson & Co., are of the same class and of equal rank. The Glohe, published every Saturday, is devoted to local news. The Portland Price Current, issued every Saturday, by M. N. Rich, is a sine qua non to the merchants of the city and its neighborhood. The City Item is a lively little daily, devoted to news. It is Greenback in its politics. The Floral Monthly, issued by W. E. Morton & Co., is a very desirable publication to ail cultivators of flowers.
In her public schools, Portland takes much pride ; for with them slio has not hesitated at the expense of the best instructions and super- vision which could be obtained. They are very carefully graded, and the standard of scholarship is high. The schoolhouses are generally not only handsome buildings, but their internal arrangement is well-
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