Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 498
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from

Phillips, about 12 miles distant. The principal settlements are along
the road near these ponds. Scarcely more than a stone’s throw from
the most westerly of the ponds is Long Pond, a source of the An-
droscoggin River,—so near do the sources of these streams approach
each other. The pond is situated in the middle of the woods, and is
about a mile in extent, and a very pretty sheet of water. An arm of
it extends within a few feet of the stage-road, which passes to the
north of it. The manufactures of this plantation, so far as reported,
consist wholly of lumber.

The plantation takes its name from the river of which it contains the
head-water. It was owned by the Oquossoc Angling Association, which
was incorporated in 1870, and now numbers some seventy members.

Most of these reside in the vicinity of New York City. The principal
establishments of the association are on Lake Kennebago, in the second
township north of Rangeley, and upon its outlet. The ponds and
streams of this township abound in trout.

The valuation of the plantation in 1880 was $8,400.

S<tll£or(l, in York County, is the western portion of a tract of
land purchased in 1661 by Major William Phillips of the Indian chiefs
Fluellen,Captain Sunday and Hobinowell. It was confirmed by Gorges
to the major or his son Nathan, in 1670. In 1696, Mrs. Phillips willed
it to her former husband’s son, Peleg Sanford, from whom the name is
derived. It was at first called Phillipstown. Sanford was surveyed
in 1734, and settlement commenced in 1740. The northern part of the
town was settled in 1745 by Captain David Morrison. He purchased
the lot containing the mill privileges above Springvale, and built a
house and saw-mill. The record of a town meeting, held in 1770, show
that the chief business of the meeting was to authorize the employment
of a minister and schoolmaster for three months. The first mention of
any ministerial service is that of a marriage hy Rev. Peltiah Tingley, a
Baptist, in 1774. Tradition says that the first preaching in town was
from the top of a high rock which is to be seen on the road from South
Sanford to Alfred.

It is said that Louis Philippe, afterward King of France, once
stopped at the Old Colonel Emery House, in South Sanford. A bed
in the house is still pointed out as the king’s bed. The royal heir vis
ited in Maine for several weeks about 1790.

The town has Alfred and Kennebunk on the east of its irregular
outline, Alfred and Shapleigh on the north, Wells and North Berwick
on the south, and Lebanon and North Berwick on the west. It is 10
miles long by 5 wide. The area is 17,921 acres, exclusive of water
surface. Springvale, in the northern part of the town, is the principal
business centre. It is on tbe Portland and Rochester railroad, 36    t

miles from Portland. Other villages are South Sanford and Sanford
villages, near the centre of the town.

The principal body of water is Bonny Bigg Pond. Smaller ones
are Sand Pond, Picture Pond, Deering and Littlefield’s ponds. The
Mousam River runs through the town longitudinally, furnishing within
its limits seventeen powers. On the power at Sanford village are three
woolen mills and a saw-mill. Among the products are carpets, and
robes and blankets for sleighs. At Springvale are the cotton factory
of the Springvale Mill Company, two lumber-mills, a grist-mill, and a


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