Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 516
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from


Bingham, on the east by Athens, south by Cornville and Madison, and
west by Embden. It is 15 miles north by north-west of Skowhegan,
on tbe stage-line to the Forks. The surface is uneven, being varied
chiefly by terraces at different levels, and the gullying of the higher.
Parkman Hill, in the centre of the town, and French’s, just east
of the village are the highest. The rock is generally unlaminated
slate. The soil is sandy loam in parts, and gravelly loam in others,
but with much rich alluvial land along the Kennebec. In the north-
eastern part are Wentworth’s Pond—about f of one mile in area—and
Baker’s, Rowell’s, and others smaller. The principal streams are Fall
Brook and Michael Stream. Tbe former rises in ponds in tbe northern
part of Bingham, and in the hilly region of Mayfield and Brighton,—
discharging into the Kennebec at Solon Village. It is here a rapid
stream with steep banks, four rods in width when full, with solid slate

ledge for bottom and banks. The fall is 100 feet within one fourth of
a mile,—neither of the 5 falls varying much from 20 feet. From the
irregular form of the banks and bottom, these falls present much pic-
turesque beauty within a limited space. Toward the southern part of
the town Michael Stream enters the Kennebec. On this stream, some
3 miles from its mouth, are a saw and lath machine. A mile below
this power, is a beautiful waterfall about 20 feet in perpendicular
height. The manufactures of tbe town are long and short lumber,
meal and flour, carding and cloth-dressing, carriages, harnesses, harness
pads, etc., etc. The manufacturing and other business is almost wholly
at Solon Village,—which, with its stream, is certainly one of the most
pleasing villages in the State. In the Kennebec, about a mile above


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