Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
gationalists have a Union meeting-house here. The town has four public schoolhouses, valued at $600. The population in 1870 wrns 464 In 1880 it was massed with other settlements in the preliminary census report. The polls in 1870 numbered 105 ; in 1880, the same. The valuation in 1870 was $82,828. In 1880 it was $68,608. The rate of taxation in the latter year was 38 mills on the dollar.
Topsham, in Sagadahoc County, is situated in a broad bend of the Androscoggin river extending, in general course, from Lisbon south-east to Brunswick, and from thence north-eastward to Merry- meeting Bay. Bowdoin and Bowdoinham bound the town on the north, and Brunswick on all other sides,—with the northern extremity of Bath across the bay on the east. The streams are Little River, which separates it from Lisbon, Cathance River, which comes down from Bowdoin to the centre of the town; then runs north-eastward into Bowdoinham,—imperfectly repeating within the town the course of the Androscoggin about its border. East of this lies Muddy River, a tide-water creek having the same course as the former, A short distance east of this stream is Pleasant Point,—a part of Bowdoinham, but springing out into the bay from the north-eastern corner of Tops- ham. The greatest length of the town is between the eastern and western angles,—the distance being about 9 miles. Its greatest width is from above the village to Lily Pond at the northern border of the town. The area is very near 25,000. The surface of Topsham is generally level, varied by a few ravines and low hills,—of which Ararat—a station of the U. S. Coast Survey a mile north of Topsham bridge—is the highest. In the higher portions the soil is a brown loam, on the plains a sandy loam, and in the lowlands, clay and clay loam. The rock is generally a very coarse granite, with a preponderance of felspar. The Trenton Felspar Company are operating a quarry here.
The manufactures are at the first falls on the Androscoggin between the villages of Brunswick and Topsham. There are here the paper mill of the Bowdoiu Paper Company, a ship-yard or two, a planing and threshing-mill, three lumber-mills, door, sash and stair factories, a grain-mill, bricks, etc. The Maine Central Railroad runs through the town, having a station at the village. Topsham is connected with Brunswick on the south side of the river by three bridges, two of which are railroad bridges. The upper railroad bridge is of wood ; the lower one is a long and beautiful structure of iron. An iron bridge of a beautiful design has just been erected between the two villages for or- dinary street uses.
Topsham was first occupied about 1658 by Thomas and James Gyles, and three men named York with their families, who bought lands on the bay and river before King Philips war. One of these built a bouse and resided at Fultons Point, another at the head of Muddy River, and a third Gyles on Pleasant Point. At each of these places, not many years since, the cellars and chimnies of their rude dwellings Avere clearly traceable. It is thought probable that the settler at Fultons Point arrived several years prior to the others; for it is stated that, in 1750, there was a tree upwards of one foot in diameter groAving in the cellar. There is also a tradition that this settler lived for many years on friendly terms with the natives, hut at last while absent in quest of provisions, the Indians massacred his family and burnt his house; and the bereaved man now returned to
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