Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 552
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from

552    GAZETTEER    OF    MAINE.

called), contains two gangs of saws, six single saws, and a lath-mill;

the “ Lower Block ” has one gang of saws, three single saws, lath-mill,

clapboard and shingle-mill, and others. At extreme low water the

power in this fall is 3,300 horse-powers, gross, for the 24 hours, or

133,000 spindles. The manufactures are all sorts of lumber, cooper’s-

ware, etc. There are four stores and a hotel. Veazie has a very pretty

village. The European and North American Railway runs through the

town, having a station at the village. The town was formerly the

seventh ward of Bangor, but wms set off and incorporated March 26th,    *

1853. It was named from General Samuel Veazie, who was the owner

of the mills and privilege, and the chief portion of the property. The

associations are those ot the P. of IL, and the K. of H. The religious

societies are the Congregationalists, Methodists, Baptists and Free

Baptists. There are three public schoolhouses, for 214 children of

school age. The average attendance is _ about one-half that number.

The valuation of estates in 1870 was $168,432. In 1880 it was $121,-
439. The population in 1870 was 810. In 1880 it was 622.

Vd'Ona, in Hancock County, is situated on the Penobscot
River, just south of Bucksport, and 20 miles west of Ellsworth. It is
connected with Bucksport by an excellent bridge of stoue and timber,

650 feet in length. The town is mostly high and rocky, and the soil

hard, but affords an excellent range for sheep. Within a few years

apple orchards have been planted, and are doing well. Verona is said

to have grown and shipped more wood to the acre than any other

town in the county. The chief industry is weir fishing; and during    %

the “ run of the salmon ” there is but little sleep for the fishermen.

Verona is the earliest settled locality on the Penobscot above Bel-
fast. It was first mentioned    in books as    the island of Lett.    It be-
longed to the Waldo Patent.    Falling into    the possession of an    orphan

girl, it gained the name of Orphan Island. Later, it was purchased
by a Mr. Wetmore, and bore the name of Wetmore Isle up to the
time of its incorporation in 1861. It was formerly a part of Prospect,
and for many years a part of Bucksport. Its area is 5,600 acres. It
was named for a town on the Po river, in Italy. Verona has four
schoolhouses, and the school property is valued at $2,400. The valua-
tion of estates in 1870 was    $51,075. In    1880 it was $50,073.    The

population in 1870 was 352.    In the census    of 1880 it was 356.

Vienna is the most north-westerly town of Kennebec County,
and is marked by considerable hilliness. Gilman Mountain, which ex-
tends into the adjoining town of Rome, is,the greatest elevation.

Granite is the principal rock. The grazing qualities of the town are    ^

excellent, and there are several fine farms. There are two mineral

springs of some note in town. Vienna is bounded on the east by

Rome, on the south by Mount Vernon and Chesterville, (the latter in

Franklin County), west by the same town, and north by New Sharon.

In and about Vienna are numerous ponds, the largest of which, called
Flying Pond, forms a portion of tbe south-west boundary. A p rtion
of Parker Pond lies in the southern part of tbe town ; Egypt Pond is
on the southern border a little west of the last j at the north-west
angle is McGurdy Pond ; Kimball Pond midway of the northern line,
and Boody and Kidder ponds succeed it on the east. A stream from


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