Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
Kimball and Boody ponds, running southward, and emptying into Flying Pond, furnishes the chief water-power in the town. On this stream, at Vienna Village, are a shingle-mill, a saw-mill for various lumber, and a grist-mill. Other manufactures of the town are boxes and measures, cooperage, carriages and sleighs, shovel-handles, etc. There is a stage-route to Augusta from the village. The nearest rail- wTay connection is Maine Central station at Belgrade depot, 12 miles distant.
This township was settled about 1786, the titles being given by Jedediah Prescott of Winthrop, and Nathaniel Whittier, of Readfield, who had purchased it of Massachusetts. As a plantation it was named Goshen. Its incorporation as a town occurred in 1802. The first set- tlers were Joshua Howland, John Thompson, Patrick Gilbraith, Noah Prescott, and John and William Alien. Following these were Arnold Witheren, James and Robert Cofren, Jonathan Gordon, Jedediah Whittier, Gideon Wells, Elijah Bunker, Daniel Matthews, Benjamin Porter, Timothy White, Caleb Brown and Joshua Moore. The first town meeting was held in that year,—Noah Prescott being moderator, and Daniel Morrill, clerk. Tho selectmen chosen were Jacob Graves, James Cofren and Joshua Moore; treasurer, Arnold Witheren ; con- stable and collector, Thomas Lines.
Later notable citizens have been Nathaniel Graves, Oren Dowst, John Marden, John Mooers, Nathaniel Whittier, Andrew Neal, and others. The first child born in town was Briggs Howland. Vienna sent 91 soldiers into the war for the Union, of which number 14 were lost. Jesse Lee, from Virginia, was the first settled minister. There are now in town Free Baptist and Methodist societies, each of whom have a suitable church. Vienna has ten public schoolhouses valued at $1,500. The valuation of estates in 1870 was $200,015. In 1880 it was $167,316. The rate of taxation in 1880 was 23 mills on a dollar. The population in 1870 was 740. According to the census of 1880 it is now 644.
Vinalhaven, in Knox County, lies at the entrance of Pen- obscot Bay. With North Haven, formerly included, the area of the town was *16,527 acres. It was what was known in the early history of New England as South Fox Island, taking its name from a number of silver-gray foxes seen there. On account of its safe and convenient harbors it was a jflace of much resort for the early voyagers. There was, however, no permanent settlement until 1765, and even then the inhabitants did not enjoy undisturbed quiet. During the Revolution the British at Castine impressed many of the islanders, forcing them to labor on the fortifications in that place. Many also fled from the island, leaving theirffiouses to be reduced to ashes by the soldiers who plundered them. On the conclusion of peace the inhabitants returned ; and 72 of the number purchased the whole island from Massachusetts, for the sum of £246.
Vinalhaven has a bold shore; yet running in between projecting bluffs, are good harbors on every side. One of the best of these is Carvers Harbor, in the southern extremity of the island, where also is the principal village. The island is 15 miles east of Rockland. The surface is very broken, so that not more than one-third of the area is suitable for cultivation. The soil is gravelly. The crops are principally grain and potatoes. Isle au Haut and Baron moun-
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