Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
Mr. Abbot w*as from Wilton, N. H., hut removed to Brunswick, Me., where he died in 1820, aged seventy-four years. He was succeeded in the business of settling his lands by his son, Jacob Abbot, who died in Farmington in 1847, at the age of seventy. Weld is the birth-place of the publisher of this work, who still cherishes a warm regard for his childhoods home, shown by his kindly interest in all that relates to the town.
The town was incorporated in 1816, and derived its name from Mr. Weld, one of the owners. It had previously been known as Webbs Pond Plantation.
Dr. L. Perkins was one of the most esteemed of tbe former citizens. The first preaching appears to have been by Rev. Lemuel Jackson of Greene, in 1804; and a Baptist church was constituted in 1809. There are now a Congregational church, and one occupied by both the Free Baptists and Methodists. Weld has eleven public schoolhouses, valued with other school property at $4,000. The valuation in 1870 was $245,260. In 1880 it was $231,911. The population in 1870 was 1,130. In 1880 it was 1,040.
Wellington is the southwestern town of Piscataquis County. The towns about it are Kingsbury on the north, Parkmsfh in the same county and Cambridge on the east, Harmony on the south, and Brighton on the west,-—the three last being in Somerset County. Its area is 23,120 acres. The town is quite uneven, with several high hills,—the highest of which is Ball Mountain, situated in the northern part. Higgins Stream, which runs through the northern part of the town, has four mill privileges, of which three are improved by saw and grist-mills. A branch of this stream also has a mill, and Carle- tons Brook near the north-east corner of the town is made use of for running one or more.
The territory of Wellington was a part of the Bingham Purchase. Until its incorporation the plantation was called Bridgetown, from an early proprietor. The first settler was James Knowles, who moved into the western part of the township in 1814. David Staples came soon after, and the next year J. B. Porter and John Ward joined them. In 1819 or 1820 a settlement wras begun on the east side of the town- ship, adjoining Parkman, and in 1821 came Mr. Isaac Hutchings, ever after a prominent citizen. At quite an early period John Davis built a saw-mill at Wellington Corner, adding a grist-mill soon after. John and Cotton Weeks also put up a mill on the same stream, and in 1826 Henry Carleton built a saw-mill on the brook still bearing his surname. In 1828 the town of Wellington was incorporated, and Mr. Carleton was town clerk and selectman for several years.
There is a flourishing Free Baptist society in town. Wellington has eight schoolhouses, valued at $600. The valuation of the town in 1870 was $119,269; in 1880, $116,712. The population in 1870 was 683. In 1880 it was 647.
Wells, situated upon the sea-coast, in York County, was first settled by persons from Exeter, N.H., about the year 1840. Its name is supposed to have come from Wells in England. In regard to land titles, Folsom says that an Indian named Thomas Chabinoke, devised all his title and interest to Namps-cas-coke (being the greatest part
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