Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page preface 7
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The historical knowledge of the State which the author acquired
in the preparation of “ The Young People’s History of Maine,” led to
an increased acquaintance with its people and localities; and the
popularity of that work has led to the belief that a Gazetteer of the
State, in which every town, plantation, mountain, lake and bay should
receive due mention would be welcomed by the intelligent people
Maine. Accordingly, the attempt has been made to present in these
pages a clear and concise topographical description, together with a
brief historical and statistical notice of the several counties, cities,
towns and villages of the State. Three works of a somewhat similar
%»    nature had previously been offered to the public; but the two older ones

are rarely to be found and are quite out of date, and therefore wide
from present facts, while a recent work is on a plan not suited to the
popular demand. It is hoped that the present compilement may meet
the requirements of a great number of people; yet the author is con¬
scious that the book is not perfect, neither is it so full as it might be
made would space allow. To those desiring more of a business and
-    political directory the author wo'uld recommend“ The Maine Register,”

j    the excellent year book of Hoyt, Fogg & Donham.

The author takes this opportunity to express his thanks for the full
''    specifications furnished by clerks of cities, towns and plantations by

i    filling our blank circulars and by letters. One city and a few towns

^    have failed to respond, wherefore the articles relating to those places

1    are not so full as they otherwise would be.

Coolidge & Mansfield’s History and Description of Hew England
]’r    has afforded much aid; and many important and pleasing facts have

been obtained from the articles in Crocker & Howard’s History of New
England, prepared by Revs. Mark Trafton, D.D., J. S. Cogswell, E.
P. Thwing, J. S. Swift, Henry O. Thayer, Amasa Loring, Geo. B.
Ilsley, and Hon. Parker Tuck and Miss C. B. Homer, with William B.
Lapham, M.D., and R. R. McLeod, L. F, Starrett, R. K. Sewall, E. F.
Duren, E. P. Mayo, Albert C. Wiggin, and Geo. W. Drisko, Esqs.

Essential aid has been obtained from E. H. Elwell’s “Portland


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