Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, 1875 page 53
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by Gilmanton . Area of improve
land, 18,025 acres.

Distances. Twenty-two miles
north-east from Concord, twenty-
five miles north-west from Dover,
and about twelve south-east from
Gilford. The distance, by boat on
the lake, to Wolfeborough is ten
miles, and to Centre Harbor, about
twenty-five miles.

Railroad. Dover and Winni-
piseogee, or Cochecho, Railroad
has its terminus in this town, at
Alton Bay.


Hillsborough Co. This town
was formerly the full Shire town
of Hillsborough county; but at the
present time, only one trial term
of the Supreme Judicial Court is
holden, which commences the first
Tuesday of May. The soil on the
river is of an excellent quality, pro-
ducing abundant crops. On the
hills the soil is strong, and many
valuable farms are found under a
. high state of cultivation.

For many years, Amherst was
considered the most important
town in the county, but the grow-
ing cities of Manchester and Nash-
ua are fast taking the prestige
which made Amherst the Metro-
politan town of the county, and, like
some European nations, are divid-
ing the power of Poland among
themselves. But this venerable
town will long be respected, both
for the eminent men who were na-
tives or citizens there, and as being
one of the finest towns in the coun-
ty, and having one of the pleasant-
est villages in the State.

Rivers and Ponds. The Souhe-
gan River is the principal stream,
and in its course to the Merrimack
River from this town, affords some

of the finest water privileges in the
county. Babboosuc, Little Bab-
boosuc and Jo. English Ponds,
are the largest collections of water.

Summer Resorts. The fine scen-
ery in and around Amherst, has
caused it to be a popular resort for
summer tourists, who spend their
vacation through the warm weath-
er. One of the finest hotels in the
State, is located in the village.
Many private residences in the
village, and in other sections of the
town, keep summer boarders.

Employments. The inhabitants
are principally engaged in farming.
Over 90,000 gallons of milk is an-
nually sold, and over 36,000 lbs. of
butter made. There is one large
foundery, and several other small
manufactories. There are about
90 mechanics of all trades. The
“Farmer’s Cabinet,” established
here Nov. 10, 1802, is one of the
oldest and most respectable weekly
newspapers in the State.

Resources. Agricultural pro-
ducts, $ 146,746; mechanical labor,
$36,800; stocks, &c., $ 19,900; mon-
ey at interest, $21,104; deposits in
savings banks, $ 192,086; stock
in trade, $28,600; from summer
tourists, $ 12,000. The town is
free from debt at the present time,
and there are but few towns in th
State, where the inhabitants are
more prosperous and happy, than
they are in Amherst.

Churches, Pastors and Schools.
Baptist, Rev. Albert Heald: Con-
gregational, Rev. J. G. Davis;
Methodist, Rev. George W. Ru-
land. There are eleven schools;
average length of schools for the
year, twenty-five weeks. Value of
school-houses, $ 10,300; annual
amount of money, appropriated for
school purposes, $ 2,078.56.


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