principally consisting in augers and bits, $50,000; leather, 5,500 sides; lumber, 940,000 feet; wheel heads, 20,000 annually manufactur- ed, and all valued at $ 85,000.
Resources. Annual value of productions of the soil, $ 145,200; mechanical labor, $ 30,200; money at interest, $20,000; deposits in savings banks, $43,413; stock in trade, $ 14,000; professional busi- ness, $ 10,000; summer tourists, 2,000.
Churches and Schools. Metho- dist, Rev. Noble Fisk, pastor; Congregationalist, no pastor. And two other churches with no per- manent pastor. There are fifteen schools in town, average length for the year, nineteen weeks.
Hotels. Spafford House at Fac- tory village, and Lake House at the center.
First Settlers. Chesterfield was granted to twelve persons by the name of Willard and fifty-two oth- ers February 11,1752 and originally called Number One. The first settlers were Moses Smith and William Thomas, who, with their families, came up the Connecticut in canoes, in the fall of 1761. Their chief subsistence'through the win- ter and spring of their first year in the wilderness, consisted of salmon and shad of which there was a great abundance in the river, and deer, which were numerous in the forests.
First Minister. Rev. Abraham Wood, Congregationalist, ordained in 1772, died in 1823.
Boundaries. North by West- moreland and Keene, east by Keene and Swanzey, south by Winchester and Hinsdale, and west by Brattleborough and Dum- merston Vermont. Area, 29,439 |
acres; improved land, 19,450 acres.
Distances. Sixty-two miles south-west from Concord, and eleven south-west from Keene.
Railroad. It is eleven miles to Keene station on the Cheshire railroad.
Merrimack County. Chiches- ter is a good farming town, the soil, in most parts, being rich, abundantly repays the cultivator for his labor. The surplus products of the farmer find a ready mar- ket in Concord, Pittsfield and Sun- cook. Many farmers in this town have become quite wealthy by their industry.
River and Pond. The east part of the town is watered by Suncook River, which furnishes some good mill sites, and flows through some fine interval. Linkfield Pond is in Chichester from which flows a small stream south-west into the Soucook.
Bear Hill. In the north part of the town is the highest eleva- tion. It is under a high state of cultivation and very productive.
Indians. On the banks of the Suncook were the plantations of the Penacooks, a powerful tribe of Indians, who once resided in this vicinity. Chisels, axes &c., of stone, are frequently discovered.
Employments. The people are principally engaged in Agriculture. The manufactured goods consist of 2,500 clapboards; 550,000 shin- gles ; 270,000 feet of boards 25,000 pairs womens boots and shoes; carriages &c. (See tables).
Resources. Productions of the soil annually valued at $ 85,000; from mechanical labor, $ 10,700; stocks, bonds and money at interest, |