The drives in and around Clare- mont, over good and well worked roads, in almost every direction, are varied, attractive and pleasant. The people have been too much oc- cupied with other pursuits to give attention to the building of hotels with which to take in strangers as summer boardei's, yet there are ample accommodations for ordina- ry travel. City visitors in consid- erable numbers are entertained by private families, and many are hospitably received by their friends during the hot season.
The Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, Seventh Edition, Compiled by Alonzo J. Fogg. Concord, N.H.: D.L.
Few towns are more generally healthy than Claremont. Epidem- ics and prevailing sicknesses of any kind are unknown here, which is accounted for by rapid streams, entire exemption from fogs and the causes of them, pure water, and the generally comfortable condition and regular habits of the people.
Claremont village is situated about three miles due east from Connecticut river, occupies a large and varid area and through it runs Sugar River. The fall of the riv- er in the town is two hundred and fifty feet; in the village it falls a hundred and fifty feet in a distance of about half a mile. Each foot of fall is capable of turning one thou- sand spindles. The private dwell- ings are all comfortable, well painted and well kept, while many of them are large, elegant, and surrounded by handsome yards, and flower, fruit and vegetable gar- dens. This village furnishes an abundant market for all the wood and agricultural productions of this and the surrounding towns, and is quite a center of trade for the western part of the county, and adjacent towns in Vermont. |
One of the great advantages of Claremont over other towns is its superior water-power, derived, mainly, from Sugar River. This river is the outlet of Sunapee Lake, wdiich is nine and a half miles long and from a half mile to two and a half miles wide, and lies eight hundred and twenty feet above Connecticut River. By an act of the New-Hampshire Legislature, authorizing the Sunapee Dam Cor- poration, composed of mill owners along Sugar River, this lake can be drawn down ten feet, as maybe re- quired in any time of drouth— though this has never yet been found nefcessary—which insures an abundant supply of water during all seasons of the year. Sugar River is about twenty miles long from the Lake to Connecticut Riv- er, into which it empties. It is fed by what is called the South Branch, which has its sources in Lempster, Unity and Goshen, the NorthBranch, coming from Spring- field, Grantham and Croydon, both of which it receives in the town of Newport, and other smaller streams along its course.
Employments. The inhabitants of this town are engaged in agri- culture, manfacturing, the various mechanic arts, different branches of trade, and the professions. The leading business, after agriculture, is the manufacture of cotton goods. Some of the larger establishments are noticed in detail.
Monadnock Mills. Manufacture cotton cloths from one to three yards wide, Marseilles quilts, union flannels, and lumber. Capital, $200,000. Employ 125 males and 225 females. Pay annually for la- bor, $115,000. Produce 2,908,911 square yards sheeting; 12,000 Mar- |