Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, 1875 page 98
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seilles quilts; 262,000 yards flannel.
Total value, $435,000.

Home Mill. A. Briggs & Co.,
Cotton cloth. Capital, $ 60,000.
Employ 8 males and 20 females.
Pay annually for labor, $ 10,000.
Produce 500,000 yards sheeting,
valued at $ 40,000.

Sullivan Machine Co. Manufac-
ture Steam Dimond Drill Ma-
chinery for quarrying rock, turbine
water wheels, cloth measuring ma-
chines, and do general machine and
mill work. Capital, $200,000. Em-
ploy 56 males. Pay annually for
labor, $ 30,000. Products valued at
$ 125,000.

Sugar River Paper Mill Co. Man-
ufacture printing paper. Capital
stock, $ 100,000. Employ 30 males
and 20 females. Pay annually for
labor, $24,000. Produce 600 tons
paper, valued at $225,000.

Claremont Manufacturing Co.
Manufacture paper and books, and
do stereotyping and book and job
printing. Capital, $ 100,000. Em-
ploy 34 males and 34 females. Pay,
annually, for labor, $ 40,000. Prod-
ucts valued at $ 102,600.

Russell Jarvis. Manufactures
hanging paper. Capital, $25,000.
Employs 7 males and 2 females.
Pays, annually, for labor, $3,000.
Produces 330,000 lbs. paper, valued
at $ 29,700.

John 8. Farrington. Manufac-
tures straw wrapping paper. Cap-
ital $ 7,500. Employs 5 males and
1 female. Pays annually for labor
$ 1,400. Produces 120 tons paper,
valued at $7,500.

Sullivan Mills. Geo. L. Balcom.
Manufactures black doeskins.
Capital, $40,000. Employs 20 males
and 18 females. Pays, annually, for
labor, $ 17,000. Produces 65,000
yards doeskins, valued at $ 75,000.

Charles H. Eastman. Leather
Capital, $ 20,000. Employs 4 males.

Pays, annually, for labor, $ 1,300.

Produces 100,000 lbs. leather, val-
ued at $30,000.

Sugar River Mill Co. Manufac-
ture flour, feed, and do custom
grinding. Capital, $30,000. Em-
ploy 8 males. Pay, annually, for
labor, $3,120. Grind 42,600 bush-
els of grain, valued at $52,000.

Saw Mills. Three saw mills,
capital, $8,000, employ, a part of the
year, 10 males. Pay, annually, for
labor, $ 3,300, Saw 950,000 feet of
lumber, valued at $ 13,000.

Blood & Woodcock. Monuments
and grave stones. Capital, $ 3,000.

Employ 8 males. Pay annually foi
labor, $3,500. Products valued at

Houghton, Bucknam & Co. Sash,    ,

doors and blinds. Capital, $8,000    i

Employ 8 males. Pay annually foi
labor, $4,500.

There are several boot and shoe
establishments in town, employing
about fifty hands, in addition to
which are carriage, blacksmith,
paint and tailors’ shops, printing
offices, &c. The United States
census for 1870, gives thirty-three
manufactories of all kinds, em-
ploying 371 males and 375 females,
who annually receive for their la-
bor, $244,100.

Banks. Claremont National, cap-
ital, $ 150,000; Sullivan Savings
Institution, deposits over $ 700,000.

Newspapers. National Eagle,    s*

Northern Advocate, and The Com-

Hotels. Tremont House, Sullivan
House, and Junction House.

Churches. Trinity Church, Epis-
copal, Rev. I. G. Hubbard, D. D.,
rector; 215 communicants. Prop-
erty valued at $ 12,500, Union


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