The Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, Seventh Edition, Compiled by Alonzo J. Fogg. Concord, N.H.: D.L.
necticut river. Area, 25,000 acres; improved land, 14,870.
Distances. One hundred and sev- enty miles north from Concord and thirty-four north from Lancaster.
Railroads. Thirteen miles by daily stage to North Stratford sta- tion, on the Grand Trunk Railroad. It is expected that the Montreal ex- tension Railroad will pass through Colebrook in a short time.
Coos County. The surface of this town is uneven, and broken by mountains along its southern lim- its. The soil is generally strong and productive. In the spring large quantities of maple sugar are made.
Streams and Ponds. From the mountains descend a number of streams in a westerly direction in- to the Connecticut, affording many excellent water privileges. There are several ponds, the most noted of which is Lime Pond, situated near the line between this town and Colebrook. It is about one hundred and sixty rods long and fifty rods wide. The bottom is covered to the depth of near- ly six feet with perfectly white calcarious marl, which is formed by the shells of the cyclas and plan- orbis species, of which myriads are still living in the waters of the pond, and are generally found col- lected under loose stones. Fish Pond is well stored with trout of lai’ge size. Lime-stone, in con- siderable quantities, is found near the outlet of this pond.
Employments. Farming is the principal occupation of the people. There is some manufacturing car- ried on. One hundred tons of starch are annually made, and |
considerable lumbering is done.
Resources. Productions of the soil, $115,400; mechanical labor, $3,400; money at interest, $5,872; deposits in savings banks, $10; stock in trade, $2,500.
Chui'ches and Schools. There ar^ two churches, no regular pastors, and ten schools; average length of schools for the year, nineteen weeks.
Hotel. Columbia House.
First Settlement. In 1770 this town was granted and named Cockburne in honor of Sir James Cockburn, one of the grantees. Incorporated December 16, 1797; received its present name in June, 1811.
Boundaries. North by Colebrook, east by Dixville and ungranted lands, south by ungranted lands and Stratford, and west by Ver- mont. Area, 37,822 acres; im- proved land, 9,823 acres. A large portion of the rest of the territory consists of large tracts of heavy wood and timber land.
Distances. One hundred and six- ty-six miles north from Concord and thirty north from Lancaster.
Railroads. By daily stage to and from North Stratford station, twelve miles, on the Grand Trunk Railroad. The Boston, Concord and Montreal Railroad, when com- pleted, will pass through this town.
Merrimack County. Concord (a city) is the capital of New- Hampshire and shire town of the county. The surface is uneven, though it presents none of the ab- rupt acclivities, or deep valleys, common in many New-IIampshire towns. It is well watered by four rivers, two of which are of consid- |