Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, 1875 page 140
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Employments. Farming is the
principal occupation of the inhab-
itants, some of the farms being
under a high state of cultivation.

96,000 pairs womens shoes are an-
nually made. There is also quite
an extensive manufactory of stiff-
enings and inner soles, employing
twenty hands. 700,000 feet of lum-
ber are sawed annually.

Resources. Productions of the
soil, $44,611; mechanical labor,
$ 32,500; stocks and money at in-
terest, $ 6,650; deposits in savings
banks, $3,750; stock in trade,

Churches and Schools. Metho-
dist, Rev. J. W. Sanborn, pastor.
There are four schools in town;
average length for the year, twen-
ty-two weeks. Jeremiah Morrill,
Esq., bequeathed to this town,
$ 2,000, the interest of which is to
be applied for the benefit of pub-
lic schools in East Kingston.

First Settlers. William and
Abraham Smith. Incorporated,
November 17, 1738.

First Minister. Rev. Peter Cof-
fin, ordained in 1739, dismissed
in 1792.

Boundaries. North by Brent-
wood and Exeter, east by Kensing-
ton, south by South Hampton, and
west by Kingston.

Area. 3,445 acres of improved

Distances. Forty-two miles
south-east from Concord, six south
from Exeter and twenty miles
south-west from Portsmouth.

Railroads. Boston and Maine


Carrotx County. The surface
of this town is uneven. The soil
on the uplands is good, producing
fair crops of corn, potatoes, hay,
&c. The soil on the plains is a
sandy loam, and was formerly cov-
ered with an excellent growth of

Streams and Ponds. There are
no streams of any note in this
town. There are several ponds,
of which Snell’s Pond is the prin-
cipal one.

Minerals. Iron ore of good
quality is found here; also a vein
of sulpliuret of lead.

Employments. Nearly all of the
inhabitants are engaged in ag-
riculture. There is some lumber
business carried on.

Resources. Agricultural prod-
ucts, $92,614; mechanical labor,
$4.500; money at interest, $3,988;
deposits in savings banks, $3,441;
stock in trade, $2,500.

Churches and Schools. Two Free-
will Baptists, Rev. J. Fletcher and
W. S. Merrill, pastors. There
are eleven school districts and
eight schools in town. Average
length of schools for the year, sev-
enteen weeks.

Hotel. Robinson’s Hotel.

First Settlers. Ea'ton was grant-
ed to Clement March and sixty-five
others, November 6, 1766. It
originally included the town of
Madison, the whole with an area
of 33,637 acres.

First Church. A Baptist Church
was formed in 1800.

Boundaries. North by Conway,
east by Broomfield, Maine; South
by Freedom, and west by Madison.

Distances. Seventy - one miles
north-east from Concord, and
twenty-two north from Ossipee.

Railroads. The Great Falls and
Conway and Portland and.Ogdens-
burg Railroads form a junction at
North Conway, ten miles distant.


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