church value, $ 33,000. Grace Church, (Methodist) Rev. T. L. Flood, pastor; members, 300; church value, $50,000; Baptist, Rev W. II. Eaton, D. D., pastor; members, 184; church valuation, $ 16,000. St. James, (Episcopal,) Rev. George W. Brown, rector; communicants, 100; church value, $ 40,000. St. Bei'nards (Catholic,) Rev. D. W. Murphy, priest; mem- bers, 1,600; church value, $ 10,000. The Baptist society is now build- ing a new church edifice, (1873). Total number of churches, 7; number of members, 2,850; church valuation, $223,000. There are eleven school districts, and thirty schools in Keene. Number of scholars, 1,190; average length for the year, twenty-nine weeks; annual amount of money appropri- ated for school purposes, $ 14,978. 14. The schools in this town stand as high as in any town in the State.
The Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, Seventh Edition, Compiled by Alonzo J. Fogg. Concord, N.H.: D.L.
Keene Natural History Society was organized in 1872, and has met with eminent success in col- lecting illustrative specimens of the several departments pertain- ing to the natural sciences. The interest in this enterprise is grow- ing rapidly and its members have already a museum consisting of numerous objects exemplifying the mineral, and animal kingdoms, in their various phases, together with rare and curious works of art.
Libraries. Keene Public Libra- ry, 3,000 volumes; A. S. Carpen- ter, M. D., (private), 800; D. H. Woodward, Esq., 500; Rev. E, A. Renouf, 1,000; Messrs. Wheeler and Faulkner, Esqs., 450; G. B. Twitchell, M. D., 1,000; Mrs. Ing- ersoll, 1,200; Gen. James Wilson, 700; Rev. W. O. White, 1,800; C. |
S. Faulkner, Esq., 500; George Cook, Esq., 800; J. H. Elliott, Esq., 500; Rev. J. A. Leach, 2,700; Samuel W. Hale, 500; D. W. Gil- bert, 400; I. F. Prouty, 400; Gen. S.
G. Griffin, 800; C. T. Buffum, 400; Rev. G. W. Brown, 900; Dr. H. II. Darling, 600; Rev. W. II. Eaton, I>.
D., 900; C. C. Webster, Esq., 500; Rev. D. W. Murphy, 400; G. II. Tilden & Co., 600; Horatio Colony, Esq., 800; Julius N. Morse, 500; Hon. T. M. Edwards, 500; and Samuel Dinsmore, 500. Total number of volumes in libraries of 400 volumes or more, 24,150. There are at least six Sunday- school libraries, ranging from 500 to 1000 volumes each.
Hotels. Cheshire House, Eagle Hotel, and American House. To- tal value of hotels in the town, $ 170,000; total number of arrivals for the year, 24,300.
Livery Stables. There are four livery stables, with fifty-nine hors- es, valued at $ 12,000.
Banks. Cheshire National, Ash- uelot National, Keene National, Cheshire Provident Institution for Savings, and Keene Five Cent Sav- ings Bank.
Newspapers. New-Hampshire Sentinel; Cheshire Republican.
First Settlements. Keene was originally granted by Massachu- setts, under the name of Upper Ashuelot. The first settlement was commenced about the year 1734, by Jeremiah Hall, Elisha Root, Nathaniel Rockwood, Seth Heaton, Josiah Fisher, Nathan Blake, and others. It was incor- porated under its present name, April 11, 1753, in honor of an Eng- lish nobleman, Sir Benjamin Keene.
From Haywards Gazetteer, we |