Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, 1875 page 240
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add much beauty to the city, and
the streets around them, and are
desirable locations for private res-
idences. Many of the public
and private buildings are hand-
some and expensive structures.
Some private residences, including
grounds, have cost nearly $

000. There are fourteen church
edifices, between thirty and forty
school-houses, eighteen halls,
eight hotels, court house, city hall,
public library, two daily, two
weekly, and one monthly newspa-
pers, eight banks, one hundred and
fifty factories and mechanical
shops, of all kinds, thirty-six law-
yers, ten insurance agents, thirty-
four physicians, six dentists, and
(in 1870) 3,286 dwelling houses,
but at the present time (January,
1874,) it is estimated at 4,000. In
1870, ward one had 419 dwellings
and 4,080 inhabitants; ward two,
253 dwellings, 2460 inhabitants;
ward three, 768 dwellings and 4,296
inhabitants; ward four, 615, dwel-
lings, 4,073 inhabitants; ward five,
338 dwellings, 3,170 inhabitants;
ward six, 556 dwellings, 3,300 in-
habitants; ward seven, 237 dwel-
lings, 1,662 inhabitants; and ward
eight, 100 dwellings, 541 inhabi-

Churches. First Methodist Epis-
copal Church. Rev. C. W. Taylor,
pastor; organized 1829; house
erected 1830. St. Paul, Methodist
Episcopal, Rev. James Pike, pas-
tor ; church erected in 1840, value,
$ 16,000. Universalist, Rev. G. S.
Demarest, pastor; church dedi-
cated February, 1840, value$ 11,000.
1st Congregational. Rev. Cyrus W.
Wallace was pastor of this church
for nearly thirty years. He re-
signed his charge in 1873. No man
who has grown up with Manches-

ter, is more generally respected
and beloved by the whole commu-
nity than Mr. Wallace. House
erected in 1839; value $ 6,500.
Franklin Street Congregational,
Rev. William J. Tucker, pastor;
church organized in 1844, as the
Second Congregational Society.
House valued at $
11,000. First
Baptist, Rev. A. C. Graves, pas-
tor ; church value, S 60,000; organ-
ized in 1839. Merrimack Street
Baptist, Rev. A Sherwin, pastor;
church value $ 7,000. First Free-
will Baptist, -, pastor; or-

ganized in 1839. Pine Street Free
will Baptist, Rev. N. L. Rowell,
pastor; organized in 1859. Uni-
tarian, Rev. C. B. Ferry, pastor;
organized in 1840. Grace Church,
Episcopal, Rev. Lorenzo Sears,
rector; organized in 1841. Chris-
tian, worship at City Hall, Rev.
Elisha H. Wright, pastor. Ad-
vent, worship at Martin’s Hall,
Rev. Caleb Richardson, pastor;
St. Anne's, Catholic, Rev. William
McDonald, priest; House erected
in 1850: cost $
20,000. St. Augus-
tine’s, Catholic, Rev. J. A. Cheva-
lier, priest; House erected in 1872;
cost $ 45,000. St. Joseph’s, Catho-
lic, Rev. John O’Brien, priest;
House erected in 1869. at an ex-
pense of $ 70,000.

The chnreh property of Manches-
ter is estimated to be worth $ 270,
000; the three catholic churches
owning nearly one half. Some of
them are the finest and most ex-
pensive structures, of the kind, in
the State.

Schools. The whole number of
schools in the city is forty-five, of
which thirty-six are graded; aver-
age length for the year, forty
weeks; total amount of money
annually appropriated for school


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