Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, 1875 page 263
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and the bridle, which he had drop-
ed, were found, and they tracked
liis blood about forty rods, when
they discovered the mangled
corpse. The throat was torn,
and one thigh devoured. Whilst
they were standing around the
body, the bear arose from behind
a log. Three guns were fired at
him at the same instant, which
dispatched him, and a fire was
immediately kindled, in which he
was consumed.

First Ministers. Rev. Samuel
Perley, Congregational, ordained
in 1778, died in 1779; Rev. Jere-
miah Shaw, ordained in 1779;
Rev. Joshua Dodge, settled in
1808. The first house for public
worship was erected in 1773, and
blown down by a violent east
wind, in 1819. The Congregational
church was formed March 12, 1777.

Boundaries. North by Sand-
wich and Tamworth, east by Ossi-
pee and Tuftonborough, south by
Lake Winnipiseogee, and west by
Centre Harbor and Squam Lake.
Area of improved land, 14,265

Distances. Fifty miles north
from Concord, and about fifteen
north-west from Ossipee.

Railroads. By daily stage to
Meredith station, ten miles, on the
Boston, Concord, and Montreal
Railroad. When completed, it is
expected that the New-Hamp-
shire Central, and Meredith and
Ossipee Railroads will pass
through this town.


Hillsborough Countv. The
surface of this town is uneven and
elevated, but the soil is strong and
productive, well adapted to grass
and grain. On many of the eleva-
tions a fine prospect of the coun-
try, east and south-east, can be
obtained. On the top of one of
these elevations is situated the
flourishing village of Mount Ver-
non, which has become noted for
its fine scenery, healthy location,
literary institution, and as a sum-
mer resort for tourists from Bos-
ton, New-York, and other large

Streams. There is but one stream
of any note. It rises in the north
part and passes into Amherst near
the eastern extremity of the plain.
This stream was called, by the In-

Employments. Farming and
keeping summer boarders are the
principal occupations of the inhab-
itants. The manufacture of fancy
writing desks and boxes has been
carried on quite extensively for a
number of years. The value of
these desks and boxes, annually
manufactured, is about $ 45,000.

Resources. Productions of the
soil, $ 72,973; mechanical labor,
$21,200; money at interest, $13,
670; deposits in savings banks,
$36,739; stock in trade, $6,225;
from summer tourists, $

Churches and Schools. Congre-
gational Church, Rev. Seth II.
Keeler, pastor. There are five
schools in town, average length for
the year, twenty weeks.

Literary Institution. Me Collom
Institute was organized in 1850;
D. A. Anderson is the Principal.

Library. Mount Vernon Public
200 volumes, and Me Col-
lom Institute Library, 600.

Hotels. One of the finest hotels
in the State was burnt in this town,
in April, 1872, and has not been



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