Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, 1875 page 392
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Coos Counties,) the value of its crops is equal to that of those
in any county of the State. (See tables.)

Manufactories. Nearly one third of all the manufacturing in the
State, is done in this county. The number yards cotton goods, of
all kinds, annually manufactured, is 112,025,000, valued at $ 16,800,
000 ; woolen goods 1,952,000 yards, valued at $ 1,098,000; 144,000
dozen pairs woolen hose, valued at $ 440,000; 2,040 tons paper,
of all varieties, $ 1.054,000; 154,500 pairs of men’s and women’s
boots and shoes, $258,000; 35,148,000 feet of lumber, $619,000;

746,000 bushels flour and meal ground, $ 819,000; leather tanned,
$432,000. The iron foundry and machine-shop business, such as
manufacturing locomotives, and all classes of machine work, is
twice as much as that of all the rest of the counties in the State,
being over $ 5,000,000 annually. The total capital invested in
manufactories is $ 15,990,000; number of manufacturing estab-
lishments, 588; males employed, 8,270, females, 7,460; annual
amount paid for labor, $ 6,323,000; value of manufactured goods,
$ 31,464,000.

Valuation and Taxes. The total assessed value of the county is
$ 37,115,441 ;—true value, $ 55,673,016. The total State, county,
town and school tax assessed in 1872, was $ 588,065.05, or about
16 mills on the dollar—the true per cent.,
10? mills.

Churches. There are 90 churches, and 72 church edifices, capa-
ble of seating 36,736 persons, or 57 per cent, of the population of
the county. Value of church property, $ 819,500.

Schools. There are 374 schools, of which 93 are graded. Num-
ber boys attending school, 6,624, girls, 6,405; average attendance
for the year, 8,992 or 67 per cent.; average length of schools, for
the year, 25 weeks; value of school houses and lots, $481,680; an-
nual amount appropriated for school purposes, $ 121,961.94; aver-
age amount to each scholar, $ 10.14.

Railroads. There are over one hundred and twelve miles of rail-
way track in the county. The Concord railroad extends from Hook-
sett line to Nashua; Manchester and Lawrence, runs from Manches-
ter to Londonderry; Concord and Portsmouth, from Manchester to
Auburn ; Manchester and North Weare, from Manchester to Weare ;
Wilton, from Nashua to East Wilton; thence by the Peterbor-
ough, through Lyndehorough, and Greenfield, to Peterborough ;
Nashua and Lowell, to State line; Worcester and Nashua, to
State line ; Nashua and Acton, to State line; Peterborough and


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