Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, 1875 page 517
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which, for simple beauty, is not often surpassed. The place is easily
accessible, being on the line of the Manchester and Lawrence Railroad.

This institution is under the immediate charge of Miss Emma L. Tay-
lor, who has attained a high character among the most distinguished
schools in the country, for thorough, systematic, and refined education.

There are three terms, of thirteen weeks each, every year, with an
average attendance of fifty females.

Antrim High School—James E. Vose, Principal.

Atkinson Academy is pleasantly located in the town of Atkinson,
about three miles from the city of Haverhill, Mass., and two from the
Boston and Maine Railroad.

This institution is one of the oldest in the State, being founded in
1790. It has a fund of $
6,000. The building is located on elevated
ground, and contains six rooms. It has a library, philosophical and
chemical apparatus, cabinet &c., all in a fine condition. It has been suc-
cessful and maintained a high reputation as being a first class literary
institution. Its present number of scholars is about sixty. II. B. Wes-
ton, A. M., Principal. Rev. Jesse Page, President of the Trustees.

Austin Academy is situated at Strafford Centre. It was incorporat-
ed in 1834. G. C. McClellan, Principal.

Beede Normal Institute. This institution is pleasantly located at
Sandwich Centre, and was established in 1839, by Daniel G. Beetle, to
supply the pressing want, at that date, of more well qualified teachers.

This school has never been endowed, and now is under the manage-
ment of Mr. Beede, as principal. The school buildings were built en-
tirely by himself, and the institution has been sustained through his un-
aided effort. The expense of the recitation-hall and boarding house
was about eight thousand dollars.

The number of pupils who have received instruction here, is nearly
four thousand—many of them making popular teachers, while others
have filled honorable positions of trust, with credit to themselves, and
to their instructor. But few men in New-Hampshire hare, by their
own individual efforts in the past thirty years, imparted more useful
knowledge, to the young men and women of this State than Mr. Beede.
He now fills the responsible office of Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion in New-Hampshire.

Bristol High School, Bristol. Miss Alice French, Principal.

Charlestown High School. Mrs. Alice Pitts, Principal.

Chester Academy—Chester. Miss E. S.    Gale, Principal.

Christian Institute—This school, at    present located    at    Wolfe-

borough, was incorporated and established at Andover, where, in Feb-
ruary, 1857, it was opened for the instruction of students. In 1866, the
Institute was transfered to its present location, having been discontin-
ued one year at the time of its removal.    

The school year consists of thirty-eight    weeks, divided    into    three

terms. During its fourteen school years, the institute has had an average
annual attendance of
200 students. It has four established courses of
study, viz. Business course of three years; Academic, four; College


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