Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, 1875 page 518
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Preparatory, three; and Young Ladies Graduating of four years. Stu-
dents completng either course, and passing satisfactoi*y examination
receive diplomas.

This is the only school in New-England maintained and conducted by
the Christian Connection. It rejects all sectarianism and bigotry, and
cordially opens its doors to all well disposed youth. The teachers and
officers constantly aim to promote thorough and accurate scholarship,
refinement of manners, a high moral sense and a pure religious life.

The institute possesses a fair Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus,
and has an endowment fund of $
10,000. The officers have recently
made provision to reconstruct the school, another year, upon an en-
larged and broader basis, and permanently establish it.

Principals. John W. Simonds, 1857; Rev. S. W. Wliitney, 1859;
Rev. John W. Haley. A. B., 1860; Rev. Thomas Bartlett, 1861; Edwin
Moulton, A. M., 1866; John H. Lary, A, M. 1868; George A. Chase, A.

B., 1869; John W. Simonds, A. M., 1870-74.

Officers. Rev. H. M. Eaton,Westerly, R. I.. President; Rev. S. A.
Hutchinson, Kittery, Me., Secretary; N. A. Moulton, Esq., Newbury-
port, Treasurer. Trustees—Rev. J. A. Perry, Providence, R. I.,; W.
H. Cate, Esq., Manchester, Rev. D.A. Wiggin, Tuftonboro, Rev. C. P.
Smith, West Randolph, Vt..; Mr. I. K. Gage, Esq., Fisherville; Rev.
J. W. Tilton, Hanover; Rev. O. J. Wait, Franklin; Mr. P. C. Shaw,
Hill; John W. Simonds, Franklin.

Clinton Grove Seminary is located in Weare, about three miles
from North Weare Railway Station.

This school is founded on strict moral principles, and the pupil knows
in the commencement what is before him as to his conduct out of school.
In the prospectus it expressly says, no fire-arms nor tobacco is allowed to
he used on any consideration; that they must come prepared with thick
shoes and rubbers, for daily exercise in the open air, which must be
attended to, as well as books in the school-room.

There is a large and commodious Boarding House, connected with
the school, which is under the immediate care of the Principal. Charles
A. Jones, Pi'incipal.

Concord High School, Concord. J. D. Bartley, Principal.

Conway Academy, Conway. W. W. Bates, Principal.

Contoocook Academy, at Contooeookville, Hopkinton. Rev.
Charles Hardon, Principal.

Conant IIigii School. This school is situated at Jaffrey, on the
Monadnock Railroad. It has a fund of $ 7,000, through the bequest of
the late Hon. John Conant, a resident of the town.

The town has built a school house at an expense of $ 12,000. The
school is well managed, and is at present under the instruction of Elia]

S. Ball, Principal.'

Dartmouth Home School, for Young Ladies, is situated in Hano-
ver, and has been in successful operation for eight years, or since 1865.

This school has all the advantages for furnishing young ladies with an
education, in classical as well as in all branches of English literature.


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