the position as being one of the best Academies in the State. It still has many friends, and is well sustained. There is a library of 500 vol- umes connected with the academy. John Herbert, Principal.
New-London Literaky and Scientific Institution—The location of ^ this Institution is delightful, healthful, and retired, amidst the hills and
lakes of Xew-Hampshire. It was founded at New-London in 1853. In 1873, a new academy building and boarding house were completed, with all the modern improvements for school purposes, at an expense of nearly $ 100,000, and, it now has one of the finest sets of school buildings in New-England.
It has a Boar.il of twenty-four Trustees, and a faculty of eight perma- nent teachers. Provision is made in the Institution for three distinct courses of study, viz.—the Scientific, College Preparatory, and Ladies Collegiate. Its most liberal endowment was from Mrs. James B. Col- gate of New-York, a native of New-London. There are two scholar- ships—viz. Smiths scholarship of $1,150, and Simonds scholarship of $ 1,000. The income of these is annually applied to aid young men who need and deserve assistance. The average attendance of students, for the past twenty years, is 132; number of alumni, 281.
The Presidents of the school have been, Rev. G. W. Gardner, D. D., 1853; Rev. G. B. Gow, A. M., 1861; Rev. A. W. Sawyer, D. D., 1861; II. M. Willard, A. M., 1870, and L. E. Warren, A. M„ 1872. f Present Officers—Rev. E. E. Cummings. D. D., President; Rev.
II. G. Salford, A. M. Secretary, N. T. Greenwood, Esq., Treasurer.
Newport High SchooI, Newport. George R. Brown, Principal.
Northwood Academy is situated at Northwood Centre, near the shore of Harvey Lake. But few towns in the State offer better induce- ments, for literary institutions, than this town. The scenery in and around Northwood is unsurpassed for beauty, in southern New-IIamp- shire, and everything that surrounds the youth tends to a healthy and moral influence, combined with a thorough and practical system of in- struction.
It was incorporated in 1866, and since that time has been under the immediate management of Rev. E. C. Cogswell as Principal. The school has a library of 500 volumes.
Northwood Seminary is located in Northwood, on Clarks Hill, about two miles south-east from Northwood Centre, and com- mands the most extensive and finest scenery in that section of the State. From this point, at a glance, can be seen, nearly the whole j , basin of Rockingham County, the ocean and its numerous islands near
the coast.
It was incorporated in 1867, and gives the scholar a privilege of ac- quiring a thorough academical education. It has a library of 750 vol- umes. William II. Cotton Principal.
Orford Academy is located in Orford village, on the Connecticut, and is well sustained. It was incorporated in 1853, and, has a library of 800 volumes. N. E. Stark, Principal.
Pennacook Academy—This popular Institution is situated in the
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