Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, 1875 page 530
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pointed and commissioned by the Governor and Council, for a term
of four years, three retiring from the board, and three appointed
every year. These Trustees receive no compensation for their ser-
vices, actual traveling expenses alone being allowed.    JJ,

The Governor and Council, President of the Senate, and Speaker
of the House are, ex officio, constituted a visiting committee, with
full power to examine into the condition and affairs of the Institu-
tion, and see that its benevolent designs are being fully carried out.

With these wise precautions, it does seem that the New-Hampshire
Asylum for the Insane should be far above suspicion of any irregu-
larities, which are now resting upon similar institutions, in other
States; and while strict economy is practiced in all of its arrange-
ments, it has always been the policy of the Managers of this Asy-
lum to make it in all respects a curative Institution. Thirty-four
hundred (3400) persons have received its care and treatment from
the beginning; and of this number over fourteen hundred (1400)
have been restored to their mental health.

By Statute, the sum of six thousand dollars ($ 6,000) is annually
appropriated to assist the indigent insane in the payment of their
support at the Asylum, to be appropriated by the Governor; not
over one third of this sum being credited to their support by towns.

In addition to this State aid, the indigent insane receive, annually,
the sum of eight thousand dollars ($ 8,000), derived from the inter-
est of legacies left by various benevolent persons for their benefit.

These two charities so greatly lighten the burden as to bring the
benefit of the Hospital within the reach of those of very small

The permanent funds of the Institution are derived as follows ;

Adams fund, $1,200; Conant fund, $6,000; Chandler fund, $25,

000; Fisk fund, $ 11,699 ; Kent fund, $ 150,000 ; Kimball fund,

$6,753; Rumford fund, $15,000; Sherman fund, $5,000; making
a total of $ 221,552. It is expected that this amount will be in-
creased $20,000 by a legacy from Miss Arabella Rice, of Ports-
mouth.    *,

The total number of patients in this Institution in June, 1878,
was 276—139 men and 137 women ; 23 men and 10 women have
died within the year; number recovered in the same time, 61.

Although the Asylum, for the past thirty years, has been con-
stantly undergoing exterior changes, both in size and convenience,
still its architectural beauty has always been kept in view, and as


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