now arranged, the buildings present a fine and imposing appear- ance, excelled by few like institutions in this country.
There is connected with this Institution, one of the best farms in the State. The farm, together with the Asylum grounds, contains an area of one hundred and twenty-five acres. There is also a pas- ture, about one mile south-west from the home farm, which con- tains fifty-four acres. In 1871, the Legislature appropriated $ 7,000 to remove the old, and erect a new farm barn. The buildings, as repaired and improved, cost $ 10,940, and consisted of a farm barn, horse barn, carriage house, barn sheds, carpenter and machine shop, &c. The barn is 110 feet long, 45 feet wide and 22 feet post. A driveway goes through the center, so that teams can pass through without difficulty. In all its appointments it is a model barn. There are twenty-six cows, eight horses, twenty-eight fatting hogs and some thirty others of different ages. Some of the most important products, one year with another, are 80 tons of hay, 400 bushels of corn (in the ear), 300 bushels of oats, 300 bushels of potatoes, 9,500 gallons of milk, 30 pigs sold, 15 calves sold, 9,000 jj* pounds of pork, 400 heads of cabbage, 92 bushels of tomatoes, 80
bushels of onions, 500 bushels of apples, &c. Everything around the farm and farm buildings indicates that it is under the manage- j meat of husbandmen who understand their business, and the exam-
ple shown here is worthy to be imitated by hundreds of farmers in this State who idle away one half of their time, complaining of the hard lot of a farmers life.
| Board of Visitors. (Ex-officio.) His Excellency Ezekiel A.
Straw, Hon. Samuel P. Dow, Hon. John J. Morrill, Hon. William P. Newell, Hon. Dexter Richards, Hon. Joseph Powers, Hon. Charles H. Campbell, President of the Senate, Hon Asa Powler, j Speaker of the House of Representatives.
■ Board of Trustees. Hon. Isaac Spaulding, Nashua, Presi-
£ dent, Joseph B. Walker, Esq., Concord, Secretary, Hon, Charles A.
S'* Tufts, Dover, George B. Twitchell, M. D., Keene, Hon. John W.
I Sanborn, Wakefield, Hon. E. A. Hibbard, Laconia, William G.
Perry, M. D., Exeter, Hon. Denison R. Burnham, Plymouth> Waterman Smith, Esq., Manchester, Hon. Dexter Richards, New- port, George W. Haven, Esq., Portsmouth, Henry Colony, Esq., Keene.
Resident Officers. J. P. Bancroft, M. D., Supt, Treasurer
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