Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, 1875 page 533
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all the modern appliances for the practical study of chemistry, &c,
In connection with the college is a farm of nearly    400 acres, 162

|    acres of which was purchased and presented to the    institution by

*    the late Hon. John Conant, of Jaffrey. This farm    will afford the

student an opportunity of seeing the practical application of the
theoretical knowledge which he is acquiring in the college.

There are two terms in the year, covering the time from the 1st
of September, to the 19th of April, excepting a vacation of four
weeks in mid-winter. The tuition is $ 15 per term.    It has a course

of study covering a period of three years, in which    science and its

application to agriculture and other manual industries are made
especially prominent.

Twelve free scholarships, one for each senatorial district, estab-
lished in connection with the congressional grant, are designed to
aid young men of limited means in educating themselves for the
practical avocations of life. During the past year a scholarship has
been established by the Hon.
John Conant for each town of Ches-
hire County. Young men desiring a State scholarship, should
**    make application to the senators of their respective districts ; those

j    desiring one of the town scholarships, should apply to the selectmen

of the town in which they reside. There are other scholarships
available to worthy applicants from any part of the State.


The New-Hampshire Orphans’ Home and School of Industry is
a benevolent institution, chartered by the State, but relies entirely
upon the voluntary contributions of the people for the funds nec-
essary to meet the expenses of its establishment and maintenance
and belongs equally to all denominations who aid it by their con-
tributions. Congregationalist, Methodists, Baptist, Unitarians,
Universalists, Christians, Freewill Baptist, and Friends are repre-
sented, upon its Board of Trustees as visitors.

It receives as its beneficiaries all promising children of want,
without regard to social status, complexion or nationality.

It is for orphans and those that are worse than orphans, render-
ed so by the dissolute character and poverty of their parents.

The object of the institute is to extend the hand of sympathy to
those waifs upon the rough sea of life, who have been deprived of
good homes either by misfortune or neglect, and instead of leaving


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