Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire, 1875 page 545
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To this date, Oct. 14, 1873, 742 children, including both sexes,
I    have been committed to its care, all of whom have been more or

less benefitted by being subjected to its restraints and discipline,

*    and a large proportion have come to be of average character with

!    other citizens of the State.

j    The Institution is regarded and managed as reformatory rather

*    than penal, and is supported by an annual appropriation of six
thousand dollars from the State, which, with the amount collected

!    for the maintenance of the inmates—two dollars per week—togeth-

*    er with their earnings, is amply sufficient to meet the ordinary ex-
penses. It has a fund of ten thousand dollars—bequeathed to it
before it had a being even—by a former citizen of Manchester, the
late James Mc’K. Wilkins, Esq., and also, of three thousand dol-
lars, donated by Moody Kent, Esq., late of Pittsfield, both of

j    which    are kept intact in principal.

|    The    whole number in the school,    during the year 1872,    has been

!    139 ; the number received, 47; of these, 17 have been discharged

at expiration of sentence; 10 have been honorably discharged by
^    the Trustees, for good conduct; 5 have had homes found them by

■    the Superintendent, and 1 has been sent to his alternate sentence.

Five have escaped, leaving 101 in the school. Average time of
detention of the children discharged, 2 years and 6 months.

^ ’    Of the whole number 47 are Americans; 77 Irish ; 9 French ;

I German; 1 English ; 4 Mixed (African); and were committed
^    by Supreme Judicial Court, 31; Manchester Police Court, 41;

*    Dover Police Court, 7 ; Concord Police Court, 7; Nashua Police

*    Court, 6; Portsmouth Police Court, 6 ; Somersworth Police Court,

'    1; Farmington Police Court, 1; Great Falls Police Court, 1;

|    Justices of the Peace, 38.

*    For    the term of minority, 45 ; 7    years, 4; 6 years, 3 ;    5    years,

|    14; 4 years, 8; 3 years, 21 ; 2 years, 18 ; 1 year, 25, and 1 till

payment of fine and costs.

'    For    the offence of stealing, 61; firing buildings, 4 ; house    break-

^    ing, 27 ; night walking, 1; stubbornness, 24 ; idleness or vagrancy,

10 ; truancy, 11; forgery, 1.

At the age of 7 years, 3 ; 8 years, 5; 9 years, 11; 10 years, 12;

II years, 12; 12 years, 14; 13 years, 14; 14 years, 19; 15 years,
26; 16 years, 22 ; 17 years, 1.

There is a chair shop attached to the school in which the chil-
dren have earned, the past year, $6,222.26.


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