Epidote, massive and in crystals, occurs at Ore Hill, Lisbon and Warren.
Tourmaline is found in Piermont, Springfield and Orford. It is imbedded in milk quartz, and great care is needed to save the crystals from fracture.
Staurotides, single and double crystals, occur in very great abundance at Mink pond, Lisbon.
Tremolite, of a white and finely radiated variety, is abundant at Warren.
Gold, in minute particles, was first discovered in this State in 1854, at Plainfield, and soon after at Lebanon and Hanover. In 1864 it was found in Lyman, and the next year in Lisbon. There was much excitement in both of these towns, for several years fol- lowing, attended with considerable expense in excavations and the erection of a large crushing mill. The gold is of fine quality, and some $12,000 worth have been extracted. The best mines are in Lyman, four miles from Lisbon village. At intervals, the working of these mines has ceased, but, at this time (Oct. 1873,) two of them are being developed with a yield of moderate profit.
Silver is found in the lead ores of Madison and Shelburne, and if the galena was abundant, it would warrant the extraction of the silver.
Galena occurs in Madison in considerable quantities; but it is so largely mixed with the ores of zinc and copper that the working of these mines has been abandoned.
Zinc ores are found in great abundance at Madison and Warren. The former affords fine specimens of yellow blende, or the sulphuret of zinc; and the latter of black blende, or the oxide of zinc. Nei- ther of them is worked at the present time.
Copper. The sulphuret of copper is found in many towns of this State. Lyman, Bath, Littleton, Dalton, Whrren, Croydon, and Lirity afford fine specimens of this kinq of ore. Most of these localities have been more or less worked, but, as yet, with unfavorable results. /
Iron ore is found at ore Hill, Lisbon, Piermont, Bartlett, Tam- worth, and Littleton in considerable quantities. At Lisbon the
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