Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 008
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Brick manufactory, by counties, 109.



manufactory of, 110,160,246, 286, 330,
331, 332, 398, 505, 542, 550, 563, 566,
568, 569, 598, 632, 639, 662, 666, 691,
696, 698, 699.

Brine springs, 26,178,181,186,197, 203,
257,325, 327, 392, 395, 400, 449, 456,
473, 474, 478, 479, 482, 483, 512, 514,
515, 517, 522, 532, 619, 688.
Britannia Ware manufactory, 163, 286.
Brockville captured, 574.

Brooklyn Institute, 369.

Broom Corn, statistics by counties, 107.
culture of, 101, 220, 381, 407, 413,595,
597, 600, 606.

Broom Handle manufactory, 590, 597.

manufactory, 243, 282, 413, 595, 597.
Brothertown Indians, 465.

Brown, Col., 410, 416.

John, settlement of, 349.

Brown’s Tract, 341, 349, 375, 379.

Brush manufactory, 286, 556.

plains, 631, 636.

Buckskin manufactory, 311,317.
Buckwheat, quantity raised, 101,104.
Building associations, 81, 366, 700.
Building stone, 26.

Buildings, public, New York City, 436,437.
Bull, William, surveys by, 621.

Burgoyne, Gen., 164, 166, 233, 299, 461,
504, 554, 559, 586, 673,679, 682, 685,

Burial Case manufactory, 549.

Burial Places, New York City, 428.

gee Rural Cemeteries.

Burnetsfield Patent, 341, 344, 345, 346.
Burning of jail, Delaware county, 258.
of steamer Sir Robert Peel, 360.
springs, 208, 213, 214, 267, 491, 499,

Burr, Aaron, 404.

Busti, Paul, 322.

Butler, Col. John, 409, 410, 411, 415.

Walter N., 347,409, 410, 411,415,531.
Butler’s Patent, 317, 605.

Butt and Hinge manufactory, 166
Buttermilk Channel, 419.

Falls, 505.

Butter, product by counties, 106.

Byrne’s Patent, 605, 682.

Cabinet Making shops, by counties, 109.
Cabinet Ware manufactory, 203, 286, 368,
390, 402, 514, 515, 522, 523, 598, 618.
Cabinet of Natural History, 125,126.
Calcareous tufa, 391, 717.

Calculating machine, 161.

Calico Printing, 293.

Cambridge Patent, 680.

Camden Tract, 685.

Campbell’s Patent, 679, 683.

Camphene manufactory, 368.

Canada, expeditions against, 246,311,358.

408, 493, 681, 682.

Canada, fortifications in, 45.

Canadian canals, 119.
railways, 119.
trade, 117,118.

Canal Appraisers, 54.

Black Biver, bistory of, 60, 61.

Board, 54.
boats, 58.

Cayuga & Seneca, history of, 62.
Celebration, 58, 59.

Champlain, history of, 60.

Chemung, history of, 62.

Chehango, history of, 60, 61.
Clearances, 56.

Commissioners, 54, 59.

Companies, 64, 356, 632, 642, 661.
Crooked Lake, history of, 62.
Delaware & Hudson, 63, 502, 506.
Department, Auditor of, 54.
distances, 59.
enlargement, 59, 60.

Erie, history of. 58.
feeders, 201, 218, 321, 389, 482, 484,
513, 620, 624, 645, 671.

Fund, 54.

general notice of, 54.

' Genesee Yalley, history of, 62, 63.
hydraulic, 359, 454, 455, 484,524. 593,
*637, 657.

Manhattan Island, 418.
natural, 575.

Oneida Lake, history of, 61.

Canal Oswego, history of, 61, 62.

reservoirs, 60, 61,173, 389, 390, 393.
statistics, 55, 56, 57, 58.
structures, 58.
tolls, 56, 57.

Canals, notices of, 156, 169, 171, 173,179,
186,187, 193, 198, 201, 203. 218,220,
221, 224, 226, 228, 230, 279, 280, 288,
293, 330,341,346, 375, 381, 384, 385,
387,388, 395, 397, 398, 401, 402, 403,
404, 407, 413, 420, 449, 451,452, 455,
459, 466, 468, 469, 475, 482, 484, 488,
489, 492. 502, 491, 512, 513, 514, 515,
518, 520, 523, 524, 526, 574, 581, 585,
587, 593, 598, 609, 610, 611, 614, 617,
642, 624,654, 689, 690, 691, 693, 714,

Canastota Tract, 47, 389.

Capital, State, 26, 27.

Car manufactory, 286, 395, 509, 571.

Wheel manufactory, 160, 273,286,509.
Mills, 462, 516, 608, 694, 695.

Carding Machines introduced, 683.

Card manufactory, 199.

Carillon Fort, 298.

Carleton, Major, 300.

Caroline steamer destroyed, 453.

Carpenters, by counties, 109,152.

Carpet Bag manufactory, 510.

Carpet manufactory, 199,244,275,402,407,
411,468, 549, 686, 695, 707.

Carriage manufactory, 109, 160, 166, 228,
229, 237, 255, 275,286, 346, 368, 399,
401, 402, 405, 411, 419, 463,484, 487,
494, 496, 522, 548, 561, 575, 598, 657,
658, 683, 716.

Cartridge manufactory, 549.    ‘

Cary, Trumbull, and others, purchase by,

Cascades, 20, 21, 22, 165, 203, 210, 227,
235, 239, 253, 255, 271, 300, 305, 310,
312, 320, 324, 326, 328, 333, 346, 352,

355, 360, 361, 374, 376, 377, 379, 383,
386, 390, 395, 401, 402, 419, 467, 474,
484,486,487,505, 508, 514, 515, 517,
521, 523, 524, 526, 527, 532,558, 560,
572, 579, 593, 597, 604, 605, 609, 611,
613, 616, 617, 618, 646,654, 656, 657,
658, 664, 670, 674, 675, 715.

Cases before Court of Sessions, N.Y., 421.

Cassiltown Manor, 564.

Castle Garden, 117, 427.

Castles of the Mohawks, 408.

Catholic Schools, New York, 431. See
Roman Catholics.

Catskill Mountain House, 333.

Patent, 332.

Cattle market, 427.

statistics by counties, 106.
trade, 428.

Caughnawaga Indians 408.

Caves, 26,155,162,163,164, 302, 328, 351,

356, 360, 361, 362, 393, 416, 482,570,
• 600,604, 606, 607, 666, 674,675, 684.

Cayuga Bridge, 199, 200.

Marshes, 63, 474.

Cazenove, Theophilus, 322. .

Cement manufactury.—See Waterlime.

Central American Educational Society,

Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, 412.
Park, New York, .44, 42-3, 424.

Chain across the Hudson, 504, 505, 508,
509, 542.

Lake Champlain, at Ticonderoga, 299.

Chain Cable manufactory, 681.

Chair manufactory, 275, 2S2, 286, 343, 402,
462, 487, 527, 610.

Chamber of Commerce, 116, 436.

Chambers, Thomas, 661, 662, 664.

Cfaambly Canal, 119.

Champlain Lake, 297.
grants on, 298.

Champlain, Samuel, 233, 297, 477, 519.

Chandleries, 109, 286, 368, 419, 563, 567.

Channels of New York Harbor, 418.

Chapel, Queen Anne’s, 413.

Charitable societies, 144.247,287, 403, 433,
434, 561.

Charity schools, 370, 431.

Charles III of Spain, grant to a New York
church, 435.

Charters, New York City, 418, 438.
to academies, 127.

Chase, Bev. Philander, 265.

Chasm, remarkable, in Clinton co., 238.
in Lewis co., 378.

Chassanis, Peter, Purchase, 353, 375, 377.
Cheesebox manufactory, 343, 347, 348.
Cheesecocks Patent, 503, 508, 568.

Cheese manufactory, 175, 416, 537.

product of, by counties, 107.

Chemical works. See Laboratories.
Chenango Tract, 47.

Triangle, 224.

Twenty Towns, 52, 224, 389.

Cherry Yalley massacre, 410, 531.

Patent, 532.

Chevaux de frise, 542.

Children’s Aid Society, 370, 403, 434.

Hospital, 432.

Chinese, early trade with, 162.

Cholera, 308.

Christian Association, 146.

Connexion, 140.

Unions, 146,147.

Cryslers Field, 311.

Churches, general article on, 139 to 144.

New York, 434, 435.

Church, John B., and Philip, 169.
property controversy, 287.

Tract, 321.

Cider, product by counties, 105
Cigar manufactories. See
Cincinnati, Society of, 434.

Ciscoes, fishery of, 359
Cities, officers of, 31.

City Courts, 34.

Halls, 156,160, 246, 275, 365, 369,403,
423, 436, 468, 488, 524.

Inspector’s Department, N. Y., 427.
Park, Brooklyn, 369.

Railroads, 367, 368, 429.

Schools, 160,199,246,275,286,369,403,
429, 430, 468, 488,524, 560, 598.
Clark, Rev. Thomas, 685, 686.

Willis and Lewis G., 486.

Clarke, Miss Sara J., 487.

Claus, Colonel Daniel, 315, 409, 412.
Clearances on Northern lakes, 118.
Clearing-House Association, N. Y., 436.
Clendening Yalley Aqueduct, 424.
Clergymen, number by counties, 151.

property of, exempt from taxes, 48,
Clerks’ offices. See
County Buildings.
Clermont, steamboat, 162, 521.

Clifton Park Patent, 585, 587.

Mine, 572.

Clinton, Charles, 510.

College, Fairfield, 343.

Clinton, DeWitt, 58, 59,102, 481, 506, 549.
George, 274, 276.

Sir Henry, 504, 664, 699.

General-James, 410, 412, 531, 536.
Prison, 41, 238
Purchase, 224.

Township, 47.

Clock manufactory, 638.

Clover mill, 350.

Cloves of the Catskills, 329, 334.
Coachmakers, number by counties, 151.
Coal formations, 329, 619.
mining for, 178, 407.

Oil manufactory, 367.
trade, 220, 488, 618, 624, 655, 657, 661,
662, 663, 664.

Coasting trade, statistics of, 115,116.
Coast Survey, 23,121.

Coffee and Spice manufactory, 368.

Colden, Cadwallader, 508, 546.

Tract, 341, 343, 344, 345, 348.

Collar and Bosom manufactory, 657.
Collection districts, coasting trade by, 115.
general article on, 111.

Northern frontier, 117, 118.
ship building by, 115
tonnage by, 112.

Collectors on canals, 54.

Collect Pond, N. Y., 418.

Colleges, general article upon, 125.

notices of, 48, 125,126, 160, 161,188,
220, 252, 343, 384, 391,403, 419, 430,
431, 455, 464, 498, 546, 560,564, 575,
598, 610, 616, 657, 707.
tabular list and statistics of, 126,127
Colonial history, 125.

Colonization Society, 146.

Colored Home, 425, 426.
schools, 136.

statistics of, by counties, 150.

Color manufactory, 272, 373.

Comb manufactory, 272, 286.

Commerce, foreign, 111,. 112,113,114,115,
162, 247, 367, 418, 436, 438, 639.


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