Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 009
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Commerce, lake, 118,119,208,214,237,239,
280, 285, 352, 395, 399, 402, 403, 452,
517,518, 520, 524, 525, 580, 582, 657.
river, 156, 246, 268, 274, 276, 285, 330,
332, 502, 509, 561, 580, 581, 620,652,
661, 662, 663, 664, 666, 699.
Commercial colleges, 287, 431, 489.
Commissioners of Canal Fund, 54.

for taking acknowledgment of deeds,


of Emigration, 117, 419, 420, 427, 549.

of Excise, 36.
of Health, 116.
of Highways, 39.
of Land Office, 46, 53.

Common Councils of cities, 31, 420.
Communities, 293, 405.

Comptroller, 32.

Confectioneries, 286.

Congregational Churches, 140.

Methodist Church, 140.

Congress, Continental, 565.

first meeting in New York, 438.
first Colonial, 162.

Connecticut Tract, 321, 513.

Constable’s Towns, 375.

Contracting Board, 54.

Contributions to aid Schenectady, 599.
Controversy in Dutch Church, 275.
Convention for adopting U. S. Const., 276.
Hartford, 48, 52.

Hempstead, 544,545.

Kingston, 664.

Provincial, 269, 272, 276.

Conventions at Syracuse, 488.

Convents, 419, 431, 434, 701.

Convictions, statistics of, 36, 421.

Cooper Institute, 435.

Cooper, J. Fenimore, 536.

Cooperages, 286, 514, 691.

Coopers, number by counties, 151.
Copperas, 305.

manufactory, 575.

Copper coinage, 509.

ores, 25,267,340,575,577,579,660,704.
Corn, statistics of, 101,104.

Cornplanter, an Indian chief, 410,414,
Cornwall county, 18.

Coroners, 35, 427.

Cortland Manor, 705, 706, 708.
Corporations, general article on, 80.
Cosby’s Manor and Patent, 341, 344, 348,

Cotringer Tract, 321.

Cotton manufactory, 110, 166, 216, 228,
241, 247, 248, 253, 271,274, 276, 293,
334, 346, 347, 348, 352, 356, 360, 362,
368,402, 464, 465, 466, 468, 471, 504,
509, 510, 525, 527, 532, 533, 534, 535,
536, 538, 554, £56, 558, 559, 560, 561,
569,571,584, 590, 591, 598, 605, 634,
638, 662, 666, 682.

Councils, Indian, 322, 344, 414.

Council of Appointment, 31.
of Revision, 31.
of Safety, 601.

Country Roads, Suffolk co., 632.’

Country seats, 272, 275, 276, 664, 696, 703,
704, 707, 708.

County buildings, 156,160, 168, 179, 186,
198, 208, 218, 223, 232, 241, 251,258,
268, 280, 297, 307, 314, 320, 330,337,
341, 352, 365, 375, 381, 388, 396,407,
451,458, 475, 492, 502, 512, 518, 536,
540,544, 553, 563, 568, 573, 584, 595,
600, 609, 614, 620, 632, 642, 649, 654,
661, 671, 678, 689, 697, 710, 717.
Clerk, 35.
courts, 34.

Superintendent, 137.

Treasurer, 36.

Courts of admiralty, 117.
of Appeals, 33.

for Trial of Impeachments, 33.

New York City, 428.
of oyer and terminer, 35.
of sessions, 35.

State, 33.

United States, 33.
of Wiltwyck, ancient, 663.

Courtenaj', E. II., 368.

Coverlet manufactory, 695.

Cowbell manufactory, 283.

Cowboys, 333, 698. .

Cowen, Eseck., 592.

Cows, number by counties, 106.

Craigie Tract, 321.

Cranberry swamp, 528, 618.

Cratean lakes, Onon. co., 26,474, 482, 484.
Cricket grounds, 423.

Crime of New York City, 421.

Criminal convictions, 35,36.
courts, 35.
statistics, 425.

Crosby, Enoch, 541.

Croton Aqueduct, 418, 422, 424, 697, 706,
707, 708.

Valley surveyed, 424.

Crown Point, fort at, 297, 298, 299, 673.
Crumhorn Mountain Tract, 125.

Crystal palace, 423, 424.

Cuck, George, a tory, 414.

Cumberland Bay, naval victory in, 234.
Currents of rivers reversed, 304,579.
Customhouses, 119,120, 239, 247, 286, 355,
356, 436, 524, 580, 638.

Cutlery manufactory, 246, 508.

Dairying, product of. See Acres, etc.
Dakin Ore Bed, 273.

D’Alainville, seigniory of, 298.

Dam, State, 678.

Deaf and dumb, statistics by counties. 150.

Asylum, 419, 432, 433.

Deane’s Patent, 48, 235, 471.

Deaths, New York, totals, 428.

of Holland Co. proprietors, 322.

De Bruyn, John Hendrick, Patent of, 247.
Debt of N. Y. to U. S., Revolutionary, 45.
Debtors, imprisoned, 42.

De Courcelles, expedition of, 408.

Deep Spring, so called, 484.

Deeds, acknowledgment of, 35.

Degrees conferred by Regents, 125.

De Lancey’s corps, 551.

De Lancey, JaSnes, 701, 705.

Patent of, 413.

De la Barre’s expedition, 358.

Delaware & Hudson Canal, 63, 642, 661,
662, 664, 666, 668.

Delliu’s Patent, 682.

De Nonville, expedition of, 493, 499.
Dentists’ Gold manufactory, 368.

Denton, Rev. Richard, 547.

Depots, 403, 561.

Deserters executed, 412, 536.

De Tracy’s expedition, 408.

De Yeaux, Samuel, 455.

Devendorf, Jacob, scalped, 416.

Devil’s Hole, event at, 452, 453.

De Tries, D. P., 564.

Dewitt, Simeon, 58, 657.

Die manufactory, 593.

Dieskau, Baron, 298, 671, 672.

Dikes, 677.

Diluvial valleys, 361.

Dioceses of New York, 142, 143.
Dionondahowa Falls, 680, 683.

Disciples of Christ, 140.

Dise’s Manor, 604.

Dispensaries, 287, 370, 432.

Distances by canals, 59 to 64.

by railroads, 66 to 73.

Distilleries, 160, 198, 199, 201. 213, 214,
286, 344, 367, 368, 384, 385, 391, 398,
401, 406, 454, 462, 467,483, 484, 487,
497, 515, 535, 561, 593, 617, 618, 691,
693, 699.

Distributing post offices, 123, 652.

District attorneys, 35.
libraries, 135.
school meetings, 135.

Districts, aldermanic, 420.

Assembly, 28.

collection. See Customhouses.
judicial, 33, 34.
military, 43.

Senatorial, 28.
of Tryon co., early, 409.

Divisions. Colonial, Dutchess co., 269.
Docks, 307.

Dolomite, 41, 267, 699.

Domestic manufactures by counties. See
Acres, die.

Dongan, Governor, 564.

Dover Stone Church, so called, 271.

Door factory, 188.

Dorfs of Palatinates, 601.

Downie, Commodore, 234.

Downing, A. J., 708.

Doxtader, Tory, 411, 4^6, 602, 607.
Dressmakers, number by counties, 151.
Drouth, 352.

Drowned Lands, 501. 506, 507, 510, 511.
Drug manufactory, 275.

Dry docks, 45, 368. 618.

Dry goods, statistics of, 113.

Duane, Colonel, 410.

Dubois, Bishop, school founded by, 360.

Colonel, 410.

Dudley Observatory, 161.

Duel, 358.

Duerville Patent, 235.

Duke of Gloucester, 574.

Dukes county, 18.

Dutch, policy of, toward Indians, 408.
settlements by, 366,408, 437, 503, 601,
663, 667.

Duties on salt, 54.

Duties, receipts from, 111, 113,114.*
Dwellings, number and kind of, 108.
Dwight, Francis, 137.

Dyed Stuffs manufactory, 373, 563.
works, 293,465, 5i?5, 706.

Earl of Moira, 574.

Earthen Ware manufactory, 198,286, 499,

Easton’s Patent, 466.

Eaton, Amos, 24.

Ebenezer Society, 293
Edge Tool manufactory, 166, 235, 286,300,
347, 893, 395, 402, 486, 590.

Edict of Nantes, Revocation of, 269, 564.
Edmeston, Col., 533.

Elections, New York, 420.
canvass of, 30.

Inspectors of, 40.
military, 44.

Electors, census of, 31.

Elephant, fossil remains of, 163.

Elevations above tide, 19 to 22.

Delaware co., 257.

Steuben co., 619.

Washington co., 677.

Elevators, 293, 356, 399, 525.

Eleven Towns on Black River, so called,
353, 355, 357, 358, 361, 362, 375.
Elias, officers of the ship, 564.

Elk, domestication of, 182.

Ellicott, Joseph, 322.

Embargo, 233, 247, 356, 357, 643.

Emery manufactory, 546.

Emigration. See Commissioners of Emi¬

Emigrant homes, 427.

Emmons, E., analysis by, 324.

geologist of Second District, 24.
Encroachment upon N. Y. Harbor, 46.
Endowment of Union College, 598.
Engineers, Canal, 54.

English conquest, 438.

Engraving, 286.

Entries of vessels at New York, 112.
Epidemic, 361, 579.

Erie Canal. See Canals.

Basin, 284.

Escheats, 48.

Esopus, enemy advance to, 504.
Evacuation Day, 437, 438.

Evangelical Lutheran Church, 140.

Evans, David E., 322.

Evan’s Patent, 503.

Evans, William, bequest of, 393.

Evening schools, 430.

Exchange building, 160.

Excise, Commissioners of, 36.

Executive Department, N. Y. City, 420.
State, 19.

Expeditions against Canada. See (Xmada.
Exports, Canadian, 118.

total New York, since 1701, 112, 114.
Eye and Ear Infirmaries, 370, 432.

Fairs, Colonial, 101.

State, and other, 102, 269, 706.

Fall Hill Patent, 341, 34-3, 346.

Families, number of, by counties. Sea
Acres, do.

Fancy Goods manufactory, 455.

Fanning Mill manufactory, 618, 691, 692.
Farms, number of, by counties, 108,151.
Farrett, James, agent of Earl of Stii ling,
633, 635, 637, 639.

Federalist (the) newspaper articles, 276.
Feldspar, 267, 671, 674.

Females, Asylum for, 433, 488.

Female Guardian Society, 433.

Seminaries. See Academies.

Ferries, general act, and list of. 82.

notices of, 200, 245. 249, 271, 272. 275,
276, 277, 356, 367, 420, 428, 450, 509,
546, 555, 563, 570, 580, 636, 664, 666
699, 700, 704.


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