Nail manufactory, 198, 235, 297, 300, 301, 302, 561.
Nantucket formerly in New York, 18. Narrows, 365, 873, 563.
National societies, 434.
Comp. Emancipation Society, 146. Natural Bridge, 674, 704.
Nautical society, 434.
Naval Dep6t, 368.
Hospital, 45, 368.
Lyceum, 369. stores, 245.
Navigation, 22,156, 272,279, 296, 297, 418.
companies, 64, 82.
Navy Yard, 368.
Neander, Dr., library of, 403.
Necks of land, 544, 549, 550, 551, 631, 638, 703, 706.
Needle manufactory, 570.
Newburgh, discontent of troops at, 504.
Patent, 509.
New Dorlacli Patent, 603.
New England Alliance, L. I., 633. Newgate Prison, so called, 41.
New Petersburgh Tract, 389.
Newspapers, 157,169,178,187,198,209.218, 224, 233, 241, 251, 258, 268, 280, 297, 307,315, 321, 330, 337, 341, 352, 366, 375, 381, 389, 396, 407, 439, 451, 459, 475, 492, 502, 513, 518, 530, 540,545, 553, 564, 568, 573, 585, 595,-602, 610, 614, 620, 632, 642, 650, 655, 661, 671, 678, 689, 697, 711, 718. discontinued, New York City, 442. New York, before Revolution, 431. New York State Agricultural College, 126. Harbor encroachment, 46, 418. Library Society, 435.
Society, 101. system, geological, 24.
Niagara River and Falls, 449, 450,452,455. Nickel, 26.
Nicoll’s Patent, 637.
Nitschman, Bishop David, 274.
Noah, Mordecai M., 290.
Noble, Arthur, 337, 339, 349.
Nobleboro’ Patent, 342, 349.
Noble’s Patent, 48.
Normal School, 125,136,137, 369, 429. Northern Inland Lock Nav. Co., 60. Notaries public', 35.
Nott, Rev. Eliphalet, 532, 598.
Noxious animals, 30.
Nurseries, 398, 402, 498, 544, 546, 694, 703. for children, 420, 425, 426, 433, 549.
Oakum manufactory, 286.
Oats, statistics of, 101,104.
Oblong Tract, 18, 269, 540, 703. Observatories, 423, 464, 505.
Ocean steamers, 82. .
mails, 124.
Ocher, 175, 377.
Odeltown, affair at, 234.
Officers, State, county, and town, 40. Ogden Samuel, purchase by, 321.
Tract, 321.
Ogdensburgh taken, 574.
Ohio Basin, 2S4.
Oil cask manufactory, 638.
cloth manufactory, 368,468, 556, 590, 657, 658.
manufactory, 198, 286, 293, 357. 368, 390, 402, 515, 532, 549, 556, 567, 618, 632, 637, 639, 657, 691.
Old Fort, so called, 327.
Military Tract, 235, 237, 240. Pre-emption Line, 494.
School Baptist Church, 139.
Omnibus routes, New York City, 429. Oneida Community, 392.
Indians, friendly, 410, 596. Reservation, 389.
River Improvement, 62. stone, 458.
Oothoudt’s Patent, 48, 468. .
Ophthalmic Hospital, 432.
Optical Instrument manufactory, 392. Ordnance, summary of. 45.
Organ manufactory, 286, 468.
Oriskany, battle of, 342,410, 412, 414, 461. Orphan Asylums, 161, 200, 247, 275, 370, 403, 419, 425, 426, 433, 488, 518, 524, 561.
Oswegatchie District, 575.
Overseers of Highways, 39.
Owasco Lake Improvement, 63.
Oxen, statistics by counties, 106. |
Oysters, 46, 544, 549, 550, 563, 567, 632, 636, 638, 704.
Page, David P., 137.
Pah manufactory, 286, 297, 301, 385, 482, 536, 570, 657.
Paine, John, 242.
Thomas, 703.
Paint man’j'., 312, 368, 402,419,549, 555. Painted Post, 624.
Painters, by counties, 153.
Palatinates, 242,245,408,409,412,415, 416, 509, 601, 603, 605, 606, 667. Palisades, 21, 25.
Palisades, (military,) 372, 373, 437. Palmer, Edmund, tory spy, 699.
Erastus D., 487 Mine, 236.
Purchase, 585.
Paper Box manufactory, 317.
manufactory, 110, 166, 199, 200, 215, 228, 241, 243, 244, 247, 248, 274, 277, 286, 297, 317, 330, 334, 345, 346. 352, 362, 375, 377, 384, 385, 390, 402, 407, 466, 484, 485, 487, 504, 510, 516, 527, 538, 550, 556, 557, 558, 561, 570, 584, 589,590, 593, 605, 606, 610, 634, 657, 666, 704.
Pardoning power, 31.
Pardons, statistics of, 36.
Parish, David, 580.
Parker, Col., 266.
Parks, 369, 422, 423.
Parsonage, Queens, 413.
Passengers, statistics of, 117,122.
Patchin, Gen., 603.
Patent Leather manufactory, 286, 368. Patents, Land, 46, 48, 49, 53, 258, 341,408. Pathological Society, New York, 431. Patriot “ War,†235, 354,-357,360,452,574, 575.
Patroon, title of, 159.
Paulding, John, 699.
Pauw, Michael, 564.
Peaches, quantity by counties, 107. Pearling Mill, 593.
Pearl barley, 482, 484.
Pears, quantity by counties, 107.
Peas, statistics by counties, 105.
Peat, 232, 237, 241, 267, 337, 394, 458, 474, 505, 540, 570, 629, 671.
Peg manufactory, 317.
Pelham Manor, 703, 704.
Pell, Thomas, 700, 703, 704.
Pemaquoit, 18.
Pendergrast sentenced, 269. ,
Penet Square, 48, 353, 357, 360. Penitentiaries, 156, 280, 365, 425, 475. Peppermint, 689.
Oil manufactury, 691.
Perache’s Tract, 48.
Percentage of population, 151.
Perry, Commodore, gifts to, 423.
Personal liabilities of stockholders, 80. Pestilence, 428, 601.
Petrie’s Purchase, 342.
Petroleum springs, 168, 173, 186. Pharmacy, College of, 431.
Phelps and Gorham Purchase, 321,382,398, 494.
Philippe, Louis, 404, 498.
Philipsburgh Manor, 700, 702, 704, 708. Philipse Patent, 540, 541.
Philosophical Instrument man’y., 286. Physicians, by counties, 153.
Piano manufactory, 160, 228, 286, 468,509, 685.
Pickle manufactory, 707.
Picquet, Francis, 574.
Pictured Rocks, 380.
Pierrepont Estate, 376, 378.
Piers, 156, 280, 284, 356, 367, 419, 422, 524. Pike, Z. M., monument to, 359.
Pilots, 115,116.
Pine plains, 156, 312, 351, 638.
Pin manufactory, 275.
Pipe-clay, 26.
Pistol manufactory, 699.
Pitcher, Lieutenant Governor, 685.
Pitt, statue of, 438.
Plains, Hempstead, 544, 547, 548.
Plane manufactory, 286.
Plan of union proposed, 162.
Planing mills, 160, 205, 220, 228, 235, 237, 239, 286, 289, 292, 293, 317, 347, 367, 368, 393, 399.401, 402, 405, 406, 454, 466, 506, 514, 546, 590,598, 604, 610, 617, 025. |
Plank roads, 39, 80,159,179,235,236, 258, 284, 311, 321, 354, 459, 515, 518, 596, 601, 642.
Plaster mills, 110, 205, 221, 228, 229, 238,
244, 247, 271, 274, 367, 385, 393, 368, 400, 401,406, 454, 468, 484, 559, 618, 652, 657, 682, 683'.
Plate of Johnson family, 316, 400, 410. Plattsburgh attacked, 234.
Plow manufactory, 244, 454, 466, 515, 699. Plums, by counties, 107.
Pocket Book manufactory, 286.
Point au Fer, 233, 237.
Police Department, 420.
Political societies, 434.
Poor, associations for relief of, 287,370. county and town, 161, 168, 179, 1S6, 198, 208, 211, 218, 223, 233, 241, 251, . 258, 268, 280, 297, 307, 314, 320, 330, 341, 352, 375, 381, 388, 396, 407, 425, 427, 434, 451, 459, 475, 492, 502, 513, 518, 530, 546, 550, 553, 595, 600, 614, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 642, 649, 654, 661, 671, 678, 689, 696, 711, 718. statistics 05 37, 38.
Superintendents of, 30, 36.
Popham, Major Wm., 705.
Population, total, by counties, 150. by towns. See Acres, <£c. comparative, 151.
of cities, 371, 404, 435, 436, 469, 599. Porcelain manufactory, 367, 368.
Portages, 22, 23, 460, 466, 519, 528.
Portage Falls, 386, 711, 713.
Porter Road, 642.
Port of New York, 438.
Portrait gallery, 495.
Portraits in Capitol, 27.
Ports of entry, 111, 216, 399, 438, 638, 694. Port Wardens, 116.
Postal arrangements, 122,123.
Post office, 123, 437.
Potash, 415, 518.
Potato culture, 101,105, 639, 682.
Potsdam sandstone quarries, 312.
Potter, Rev. Alonzo, 137,'270.
-Potteries, 286, 468, 691.
Potters’ Field, 420, 423, 425, 426, 428. Pouchot, M., surrender of, 574.
Powder mills, 504, 559.
Premiums for domestic manufacture, 102. Presbyterian Church, 141,142.
United, 139.
Prevost Patent, 333.
Prideaux, Gen., 452.
Primitive Methodists, 142.
Printers’ Library, 435.
number by counties, 153.
Printing cloths, 509.
offices by counties, 110.
Print manufactory, 272, 563, 565, 576 Prison Association of New York, 42, 426, 433.
Prisoners sold as slaves, 661.
Prisons, 41, 200, 238, 425, 426, 427.
Prison ships, 371, 372.
Privateering on St. Lawrence, 355.
Prize fighting, Boston Corners, 243. Protestant Episcopal Church, 142.
Provident and Mutual Aid Societies, 434. Provincial Congress, 662.
Patent, 684.
Provost, Sir George, 234.
Public health, 427.
Schools, 135.
School Society of New York 430. Pulteney, Sir William, 321, 384, 404, 621, 622.
Pump manufactory, 286,368, 400, 405, 463, 598, 617.
Putnam, Gen. Israel, 298, 371, 450, 504, 540, 541, 672, 682, 685, 686.
Puts Rock, 686.
Pyroligneous Acid manufactory, 182. Pyrotechny, 286.
Quackenboss, John, 685.
Quaker settlement, 366.
Springs, 591.
Quarantine, 18, 31, 116,117, 419, 427, 428, 563, 565, 566.
Quarries, 26, 41, 155,165,167,168,170,172, 173, 175, 190, 191, 192, 197, 201, 204, -
205, 208, 213, 214, 215, 218, 223, 243,
245, 267, 270, 271, 279, 282, 284, 301,
305, 312, 314, 318, 320, 331. 332, 340,
341. 343, 346*347, 349, 3591 381, 383, 385, 393,395, 400, 407, 411' 449, 454, |