Quarries, continued.
458, 463,464,467, 470, 471, 473,482, 483, 484, 485,491, 497. 512, 515, 517, 528, 530, 532, 540, 542, 566, 572, 577, 581,587, 590, 613, 615, 617, 660, 662, 663, 064; 666, 688, 692, 693, 696, 699,
700, 702, 704, 705, 708,713, 714, 715. Quarter Sales, 157.
Quartz crystals, 340, 343, 649. Queensborough Patent, 585.
Quitman, General, 277.
Quitrents, 46, 242, 258, 699, 701, 704. Quogue Purchase, 638.
Race courses, 548, 549, 550.
Rafting, 265, 352.
Rail Roads, Canadian, 119.
Commissioners, 69. employees, by counties, 153. gauge, 74.
general article on, 66. notices of, 71,112, 156, 159, 169, 170, 172,173,174, 179,180,182,184,186,
187,189,191,192,193, 194, 201,203, . 204, 205, 208, 209, 214, 218, 219, 220, 224, 232, 235, 237, 238, 241, 244,245, 246, 247, 248, 258, 265,268, 270, 271, 276,' 280, 282,292, 293, 307, 310, 312, 321, 324, 325, 337, 341, 345, 346, 354, 356,357, 366, 367, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 388,392, 395, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402,403,405, 407, 416, 451, 454, 455, 459, 462, 466, 467, 468, 470, 471, 475, 480, 482,483,484, 488, 495, 496, 498, 500, 502, 504,505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 513, 514, 515,518, 520, 521, 530, 540, 542, 544, 545, 546, 548, 549, 550,
552, 555, 557, 561,563, 568, 569, 570, 571, 573, 575, 576,577, 578, 579. 580, 581, 582, 585, 587, 590, 593, 596,598, 600, 609, 610, 612, 614, 617, 618, 620, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 632, 636, 637, 639, 640, 641, 642, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 657, 678, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700,
701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706,707, 708, 711.
projects, &c., 76 to 79. statistics of, 74, 75.
Rake manufactory, 260, 657.
Randall, Robert Richard, 566.
Randalls Island, 42, 420, 425.
Rangers, 242, 298, 305.
Rank of military officers, 43.
Rapelje, Sarah, 371,437.
Raspberry culture, 498.
Ratan manufactory, 546.
Reaches on the Hudson, 542.
Real, Count, 356.
Reciprocity Treaty, 117, 524.
Record Commissioners, 365.
Recorder, 420, 428.
Records, State, 26.
Red Jacket, 615.
Reformed Methodists, 143.
Presbyterians, 143.
Protestent Dutch, 143.
Refugees, Canadian and Nova Scotian, 235, 237.
Refuge for Juvenile Delinquents, 432, 433. Regalia manufactory, 286.
Regents of the University, 125,126, 635. Registers of Deeds, 35, 365, 697. Registration of births, marriages, and deaths, 427.
Religious societies, 100,144.
Remsenburgh Patent, 48,342,347,349,466. Rensselaerwyck Manor, 155, 156, 157, 165,
Reservations, gold and silver mines, 26,46. Salt Springs, 478, 479, 480.
See Indian Reservations.
Reservoirs. See Canal Reservoirs. Resident Physician, 116.
Revenues, United States, 111.
Revolution.: See War of Revolution. Revolutionary claims, 419. Rheimensnyders Bush, attack upon, 346. Richmond College, 564.
Rideau Canal, 119.
.Ridge Road, 512, 693.
Rifle manufactory, 344, 402.
Riots. See Mobs.
Rivers, general sketch, 20.
Roads, opening of, 39.
Robberies, 242.
Robert, Louis J., grant to, 298. |
Robinson, Beverly, 540, 542, 699.
Rock City, so called, 173,192.
Rocking stones, 701, 705.
Rogers, Platt, 300.
Robert, 298, 674, 685, 701.
Rolling mills, 199, 235, 297, 569, 571, 666, 699, 708.
Roman Catholic Church. 143.
Roofing slates, 26, 243, 267, 555, 677, 682,
Rope manufactory, 228, 286, 368, 376, 464, 556, 558, 634, 693.
Rosin Oil manufactory, 368.
Ross and Butler, 416.
Ross, Major, 316.
Rotunda, N.Y., 423, 437. .
Royal Grant, 315, 342, 343, 345, 347,348. Rubber Toy manufactory, 272.
Rumbout’s Patent, 269, 272.
Rural cemeteries, 100, 166, 200, 275, 371, 372, 373, 398, 404, 428. 549, 577, 599, 703, 704.
Rye, where most raised, 101. statistics of, 104.
Sable Iron Co., 236.
Sackets Harbor, 525.
Sackett, Richard, 270.
Sacondaga Patent, 317.
Saddle & Harness manufactory, by cos., 153.
Tree manufactory, 691.
Safe manufactory, 160, 368, 402, 561. Safety fund, 89.
Sail manufactory, 286.
Sailors’ Snug Harbor, 566.
St. Hilary, Count, 521.
St. Lawrence Canal, 119.
St. Leger, Gen., 166, 342, 410,461, 467, 586. St. Regis Indians, 233, 308.
Saleratus manufactory, 401.
Salisbury, Aaron, 290.
Salmon fisheries, 124, 520.
Salometer, 480.
Salt holes, so called, 488.
manufactory, 110, 198, 203, 399, 405, 479, 483, 487,488, 489, 512, 514, 515, 522, 532, 632, 692, 693. marshes and meadows, 365, 372. 373, 418, 544, 546, 547, 548, 550, 563, 566, 631, 633, 635, 636, 638, 696, 706. Springs Lands."47. springs. See Brine Springs. wells, 479, 480, 483. •
Salvage, 117.
Sandpaper manufactory, 546.
Sand plain, 584.
Sandstone terrace, 577.
Sandy Creek battle, 525. '
Sandy Hook fort, 565.
light, 419.
Sanger, W. P. S., 368.
Saratoga Patent, 585.
Sargent, Henry G., 59.
Sash & Blind manufactory, 110, 188, 228, 229, 244, 248, 255, 270, 286, 297, 301, 362, 368, 385, 386, 393, 407, 413, 454, 463, 484, 510, 515, 554, 575, 582, 590, 596, 603, 652, 686, 716.
Satinet manufactory, 261, 508.
Savings hanks, 99,100, 166, 436, 640.
Saw manuf&ctery, 286, 506.
Sawmills, by counties, 110.
Saw Set manufactory, 348.
Scale manufactory, 402, 693.
Scarcity of provisions, 264.
Schaghticoke Indians, 559.
Schoharie invaded, 316.
School Commissioners, 38,135,137,139. Districts, 31,135, 138.
Fund, 46, 47,135.
General Article on, 135. houses, 138.
Indian, 412, 478.
Lands,'47, 389.
statistics, 138. See Acres, etc. Schools, Common, 38,135.
See City Schools.
Schuyler, Han Yost, 342.
Patent, 269, 342.
Peter, 408.
Philip, 316, 410, 591, 592.
Scott’s Patent, 413, 602, 603.
Screw manufactory, 468.
Scriba, George, 519, 520, 528.
Scriba’s Patent, 48, 519, 521. |
Scythe manufactory, 274,312,466,483,590, 617.
Sealer of Weights and Measures, 30, 38. Seal of Broome Co. presented, 178.
Delaware Co. adopted, 257.
Seamen’s Friend Society, 146. employed, 113.
Hospital, 120, 434.
Retreat, 566.
tax upon, 117,120, 566.
Seamless Bag manufactory, 590, 683, clothing, 271.
Seat of Government, 26, 438.
Secretary of State, 32, 125.
Secret Societies, 147.
Seigniories, French, 233, 298.
Select schools under Regents, 125. Seminaries, 200, 453,454,498,533,602, 713.
See also Academies.
Senate, 28.
Districts, 28.
Seneca Indians, 397, 452, 493. .
Lock Navigation Company, 62.
River Improvement, 61, 62.
Turnpike, 469.
Serpentine, 670, 675.
Serpent, tradifion of, 493.
Servis’s Patent, 466, 468.
Seventh Day Baptists, 143.
Seward, William II., 200, 510.
Sewers, New York, 425.
Shad fisheries, 124.
Shakers, 143, 166, 243, 248, 384. Sliaunandhoi Patent, 585, 587.
Shattuck, Artemas, 714.
Shawl manufactory, 508, 598, 618.
Shay, Daniel, 165, 603.
Sheep husbandry, 107, 637, 686 Shell, John Christian, 345.
Sheriff murdered, 242. ■ county, 35.
Shingle manufactory, 110, 286, 290, 291, 292, 293, 301, 338, 454, 470, 523,526, 527, 575, 580, 590, 611, 625, 667, 694. Shinnecock Indians, 638.
Ship building, 115, 213, 28'6, 297, 3£2, 356, 357, 358, 359, 367, 368, 399, 520, 525, 549. 569, 570, 632, 633, 634, 636, 639, 662, 686. canal, 284, 690.
Timber Co., 291.
Shipments, Buffalo, 285.
Shoe manufactory, 346, 373, 402, 548, 568, 570, 705.
Shovel manufactory, 705.
Showmen, 706.
Sickness, 681.
Silk manufactory, 275,286,391,566,570,657. Silliman, Prof., analysis by, 324.
Silurian rocks, 155.
Silver Lake Tract, 711.
mines, so called, 257, 337, 374.
Plating, 286.
Ware manufactory, 110,163, 368, 488, 652.
Simcoes Queen’s Rangers, 551.
Skanandoa, Indian chief, 469.
Skene, Philip, 299, 686.
Skinners, 698.
Slack Water Navigation Co., 614.
Slate, 26.
Slate Cos., 267, 270, 273.
Slave rescue, 489. .
Slaves, Indians sold as, 661.
Small Pox Hospital, 425.
Smallwood, Col., 701.
Smith, Col., 452.
Gerrit, 393, 524.
Joe, 494, 467.
Peter, lease of, 462. purchase of, 389, 393.
William, H, 634.
Smuggling, 233, 357.
Snell and Zimmerman’s Tract, 342.
Soap manufactory, 109, 2S6, 368, 402, 509, 59S.
Socialists, 392.
Societies, Agricultural, 102. See New York State Agricultural Society. Society for Promoting Agricultural Arts and Manufactures, 101,161. Promoting Useful Arts, 101.
Soda manufactory, 286.
Solar works, 479, 480.
Solitary confinement, 41.
Sons of Liberty, 423, 438. |