Vrooman’s Land, 605.
Patent, 48, 342, 343, 348, 349, 601.
Wadsworth, James, 137, 382.
Walk-in-tlie-Water, steamer, 288.
Walloomsac Patent, 556, 686.
Walloons, settlement of, 371, 437.
Walton’s Patent, 52, 265, 342, 348.
Tract, 489.
W a, worth, Reuben H., 592.
Wampum, 635.
Wards, date of formation, New York, 420.
Wards Island, 117, 419, 420, 427.
War of 1812-15 noticed, 45, 233, 353, 354, 355, 356, 358, 366, 372, 373, 398,399, 404, 437, 513, 520, 525, 555, 574, 579, 581, 583, 633, 639, 687, 690, 694.
Warren, Sir Peter, 315, 409, 419.
Wars, French, 301, 305, 460, 461, 467, 503, 519, 533, 554, 556, 558, 586, 672, 685, 686.
Indian, 408,415,416,478,493,555,556, 559, 588, 597, 599, 661, 700.
Revolutionary, 164,180, 233, 242, 244, 299, 331, 334, 366, 371, 415, 416, 531, 437, 438,461, 467, 503, 504, 508, 519, 533, 535, 537,538, 545, 548, 549, 550, 551, 554, 586,. 587,601, 604, 624, 633, 635, 636, 637, 638,639, 642, 643, 646, 662, 663, 664, 668, 698, 699, 701, 702, 707, 708.
Washington College, 564.
Washington, General George, 273,371,467, 503, 504, 509,536, 570, 699, 700.
inaugurated, 438.
Washington monument proposed, 423.
Water Cures, 180, 204, 220, 344, 385, 470, 497, 498, 658.
Waterlime, 24, 26, 155, 197,199, 204, 207, 279, 282, 292, 305,320, 340, 357, 374, 388, 390, 393, 394, 395, 454, 458, 469, 473, 482, 484, 485, 491, 497, 512,514, 600, 613, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 666,
Waterman’s Society, 434.
Waterspouts, 352.
Waterworks, 160, 284, 312, 362, 363, 369, 424, 488, 509, 548, 561,697, 706.
Watkins & Flint, 219, 610, 655.
Watson’s Tract, 342, 349, 375. |
Wawayanda Patent, 503, 506, 568.
Wax, product by counties, 107.
Wayne, Anthony, 569.
Weavers, number by counties, 153.
Webb, General, the coward, 461,. 467, 672. Webster, Ephraim, 479, 485, 489.
Weeds, noxious, 39.
Weights and measures, 38, 39, 427. Welland Canal, 119, 520, 525.
Well, remarkable, 271.
Wells family murdered, 531.
Wells in N. Y., 418, 424.
Welsh settlement, 466.
Wesleyan Methodists, 144.
Western House of Refuge, 42, 404.
Inland Lock Navigation Co., 58, 346, 461, 466, 596.
West India Co., 437.
West Patent, 702, 703.
West Point, 504.
Whalebone manufactory, 546.
Whale fisheries, 124, 247, 632,636,638,639. Whales, drift, 124, 635.
Wharves, New York, 422.
Wheat, statistics of, 101,104. Wheelbarrow manufactory, 482, 484, 665. Wheeler, Silas, 629.
Whetstones, 223.
Whip manufactory, 286.
Whitehouse, Rev. Dr., 137.
White Lead manufactory, 286, 368, 563, 566,666.
Whiting manufactory, 368.
Wilbur, Hervey B., 488.
Wilkinson, General, expedition of, 310,354, 356, 357, 574.
Jemima, 718, 719, 720, 721.
Wilkins Point, 45.
Willet’s Patent, 345.
Willett, Colonel, 316, 411, 461, 607. Williams College founded, 298.
Williams, David, 603, 700.
Ephraim, 298, 671.
Williamson, Charles, 384, 621, 622, 690, 692, 694.
Willis, N. P., 652.
Will of Sir Wm. Johnson, 315.
Windmill, battle of, 575.
Windmills, 635, 636, 637, 640.
Window Shade manufactory, 368. |
Wire manufactory, 699, 708.
Wolf, 580, 581.
bounty frauds, 308.
Woman’s Hospital, 432.
Wooden Ware manufac., 573,580,581,591.
Woodhull, General N., 371, 634.
Woodworth, Lieutenant Solomon, 345.
Woolen manufactory, 110, 166, 175, 194, 199, 200, 203, 206, 212, 216, 220. 221, 229, 244, 248, 255, 260 261, 263,265, 270, 272. 283, 289, 291, 292, 293, 301, 332,343, 344, 346, 356, 362, 379, 386, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 400, 401, 402, 406, 407, 411,412, 413, 416, 454, 463, -466, 468, 471, 485, 486,487, 505, 510, 514, 522, 535, 554, 561, 569, 584, 593, 597, 610, 611, 617, 618, 636, 651, 655, 658, 662, 663, 668, 681, 682,683, 6S5, 695, 703, 704, 713, 715.
Wool growing, 168, 178, 186,198, 208, 218, 223, 280, 320, 395,492, 498, 609, 620, 628, 688, 710.
Woolsey, Lieutenant 525.
Wooster, Ebenezer, 258.
Workhouses, 280, 398, 425, 426, 475.
Worth, General, monument to, 423.
Wreckmasters, 117, 544, 631.
Wright, Benjamin, 59, 70, 519.
Silas, 576, 685.
Wyandance, Montauk sachem, 633, 634, 638.
Wyoming massacre, 265, 410.
Yarn manufactory, 276, 346, 505, 569.
Yellow fever, 428.
Yeo, Sir James, 399, 525, 694.
Yorkshire, on Long Island, 365, 544, 545.
Young, Brigham, 495.
John, 326.
Samuel, 59, 137, 481.
Young Men’s Association, 147, 161, 275, 287, 369.
Christian Association, 146.
Christian Union, 147, 287.
Young's Patent, 842.
Zenger, Peter, trial of, 431.
Zinc ores, 26, 704.
Zinzendorf, Count, 274.
Zoological Garden, 423. |