Junction Canal Co...................
Long Island Canal Co...............
Long Island Canal & Naviga¬ tion Co.
Manlius Canal Co..,.................
Moflawk & Hudson Look Navigation Co.
Neversink Navigation Co..........
New York & Sharon.................
Niagara Canal Co.....................
Northern Inland Lock Naviga¬ tion Co.
Northern Slackwater & Rail¬ way Co.
Gneida Lake Canal Co ...
Onondaga Canal Co..................
Ontario Canal Co.....................
Orange & Sussex Canal Co.........
Oswegatchie Navigation Co.......
Owasco & Erie Canal Co...........
Peconic River Lock Navigation Co.
Rochester Canal & R. R. Co.......
St. Lawrence Lock C0...1...........
Salmon River Harbor Canal Co..
Scottsville Canal Co..................
Seneca Lock Navigation Co.......
Seneca & Susquehanna Lock Navigation Co.
Sodus Canal Co ................
Susquehanna & Chenango.........
Wallabout Canal Co.................
Wallabout Canal Co.................
Western Inland Lock Naviga¬ tion Co. |
May 11,1845 |
April 15,1828 |
$200,000 |
April 8,1848 |
300,000 |
April 15,1828 |
50,000 |
April 17,1816 |
500,000 |
April 16,1816 |
50,000 |
April 19,1823 |
April 5,1798 March 30,1792
May 13,1846
March 22,1832
N$ 25,1824
March 31,1821
April 11,1825
April 25,1831
1,1829 8,1808
March 26,1831 April 1,1808
May 16,1837 April 30,1829 April 6,1813
March 31,1815 March 19,1829
May 20,1836 April 9,1828
April 18,1838
March 30, 1792 |
From Chemung Canal at Elmira to State line to connect with North Branch Canal.
To connect Bays on s. side and to cross, Canoe Place to Peco¬ nic Bay.
The same...............................
Erie Canal and Manlius Slack¬ water Navigation.
Cohoes Falls and Schenectady...
From Sharon, Conn., to tide water to any point on the Hudson or in the City of New York.
Lake Erie and Lake Ontario......
Hudson River and Lake Cham¬ plain.
Port Kent and Saranac ...
Erie Canal and Onondaga Hollow.
Canandaigua Lake and Erie Canal.
From Columbia, on the Dela¬ ware, through Orange co., to the Hudson.
From the St. Lawrence to Black Lake and Canton.
Owasco Lake and Erie Canal.....
To construct Locks and Dams in Peconic River.
Rochester and Lake Ontario......
For building Locks at Isle au Rapid.
Lake Ontario aud Port Ontario..
Scottsville and Genesee River.
For improving navigation between Seneca and Cayuga Lakes.
From Seneca Lake to Chemung River near Elmira.
From Seneca River or Canan¬ daigua outlet to Great Sodus Bay.
From river to Chenango Canal.
Wallabout Bay and Tillory St. Brooklyn.
Wallabout Bay to Kent Avenue, Brooklyn.
To open navigation on the Mo¬ hawk, Wood Creek, Oneida, and Oswego Rivers to Lake Ontario. |
Completed in 1858.
Nothing done but survey.
Nothing done.
State Canal Feeder.
Nothing done.
The project failed. The State loaned its credit for $10,000 aud lost the whole sum.
Surveyed nearly on the present line of the Harlem R. R.
Nothing done'.
Work commenced but no part completed.
Nothing done.
Finished in 1835, and purchased by the State in 1841.
Not constructed.
Nothing done.
The right granted in 1828 to build a r. r. on the line. Nothing done on either.
Nothing done.
Nothing done.
Nothing done.
Railroad only constructed.
Locks completed but too small for general use.
Never completed.
Merged in Cayuga & Seneca Canal.
Nothing done.
Partly constructed, but never used.
Not constructed.
Completed to Oneida Lake in 1797. The rights were after¬ ward vested in the State, and such as were available were used for the Erie Canal. |