8. “ An Act for the Incorporation of Companies formed to Navigate tlie Ocean by Steaffiiships” was passed April 12, 1852.1
9. “An Act to authorize the formation of Companies for Ferry Purposes’’ was passed April 9, 1853.2
10. “ An Act for the Incorporation of Companies formed to Navigate tlie Waters ©f Lake George by Steamboats” was passed January 14, 1854.3
11. “ An Act for the Incorporation of Companies formed to Navigate tlie Lakes and Rivers” was passed April 15, 1854. Cos. report annually to the State Engineer and Surveyor.4
1 Previou; to 1852, Steamship Cos. were incorp. by special acts; since that time tl*ey have organized under the general act.
Ocean Steam Navigation Companies. |
Names op Companies. |
Date of Or¬ ganization. |
Capital. |
Names op Companies. |
Date of Or¬ ganization. |
Capital. |
Amazon Steamship Co................
Amer. Atlantic Steam Nav, Co....
Amsterdam Steamship Co..........
Atlantic Steamship Co...............
Cal., N.Y., & Europ. Steamship Co. CaL, N.Y., & Europ. Steamship Co. Cent. Amer. & Cal. Steamship Co.. Mexican Ocean Mail & TnlantfCo. N. Y., Balt. & Alex, Steamship Co.. N. Y. & Boston Steamboat Co ... N. Y. & California Steamship Co... N. Y. & Galway Steamship Co.... N. Y. Harbor Steam Freight Co... N. Y. & Havana Steamship Co..... |
Dec. 26,1853 ( Feb. 23,1839, ) 1& May 8,1845/ Jan. 6,1854 May 26,1855 Oct. 1,1858 Oct. 1, 1859 July 7, 1852 Jan. 25, 1853 Oct. 27,1852 April 19,1828 March 15, 1853 Sept. 6, 1853 March 11, 1853 Jan. 14, 1859 |
1.500.000 1.000,000
100.000 |
N. Y. & Havre Steamship Co.........
N. Y. & Matanzas Steamship Co.... N. Y. k New Orleans Steamship Co. N. Y. South American Steamboat Co
N. Y. & Southern Steamship Co.....
N. Y. & Virginia Steamship Co----
North American Steam Nav. Co....
Ocean Steam Navigation Co..........
Ocean Steam Packet Co...............
Ocean Steamship Co.....................
Parker Vein Steamship Co............
Staten Island & N.J. Steam Nav. Co. U. S. & Cent. American Transit Co.
U. S. & Liberia Steamship Co.........
W. India & Venezuela Steamship Co |
Jan. 13,1855 Jan. 15,1859 Sept. 12,1854 April 14,1827 Sept. 29,1853 April 10,1850 May 1,1839 May 8,1846 May 6, 1839 April 7, 1819 Dec. 26, 1853 March 17,1853 June 25, 1859 March 13,1854 March 8,1856 |
300.000 1,500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
250.000 1,000,000
100.000 150,000 |
S The Ferry Companies are required to report annually to the Secretary of State; but the reports are not published. |
Ferry Companies formed under the General Act.
Names of Companies. |
Date of Or¬ ganization. |
Capital. |
Names op Companies. |
Date of Or¬ ganization. |
Capital. |
Brooklyn Ferry Co..................
Esopus k Hyde Park Ferry Co...
Fort Montgomery Ferry Co......
Flushing. College Point & N. Y.
Steam Ferry Co.....................
Garrison &West Point Ferry Co. Long Island Ferry Co. (N. Y. &
Navy Yard Ferry Co................. |
Feb. 26, 1855 Nov. 7, 1854 April 19,1853
June 29, 1859' Jan. 21,1854
Mav 9,1859 June 20, 1859 |
12,000 |
People’s Ferry Co. (N. Y. to Wil¬ liamsburgh).,...........................
Piermont & Dearman Ferry Co.....
Bhinebeck & Kingston Ferry Co... Bosevelt & Bridge St. Ferry Co.
(N. Y. to Brooklyn)..................
Sidney & Unadilla Ferry Co..........
Staten Island & N. Y. Ferry Co.....
Union Ferry Co. of Brooklyn........ |
April 21,1853 Sept. 5,1853 May 7,1853
April 26,1853 April 25, 1855 Cct. 26, 1853 Nov. 9,1854 |
250.000 100
800.000 |
8 The only Company formed under this act is the Lake George Steamboat Co., incorp. Jan. 23,1854. It has a capital of $20,000. |
4 Inland Steam Navigation Companies.
Names of Companies. |
Date of Organization. |
Capital. |
Names op Companies. ^ > |
Date of Organization. |
Capital. |
American Steamboat Co...............
American 'Transportation Co.“.......
Archimedean Propeller Co............
Black Hiver Steamboat Co„..........
Black Biver Steamboat Co............
Blanchard Steamboat Co..............
Buffalo k Toledo Transportation Co. Catskill Steamboat Transport. Co.. Cayuga Lake & Inlet Steamboat Co.
Chautauqua Steamboat Co............
Crooked Lake Steamboat Co.........
Dutchess & Orange Steamboat Co..
Essex Steam Navigation Co..........
Flushing Steamboat Co................
Fulton Steamboat Co...................
Harlem & New York Nav. Co---------
Hudson Biver Steamboat Co..........
Hudson Biver Steamboat Co.........
Lake Champlain Steamboat Co.6... Lake Champlain Steamboat Navi¬ gation Co..................................
Lake Erie Steamboat Co...............
Lake Erie Transportation Co. ......
Lake Erie & Buffalo Steamboat Co. Lake Ontario Steamboat Co'......... |
Feb. 3,1858 Jan. 11, 1855 June 1, 1859 April 12,1848 April 24,1856 Feb. 25, 1856 May 6, 1856 Aug. 15,1854 Feb. 25, 1828 May 4, 1829 April 18,1826 April 20,1825 April 24, 1829 April 21. 1829 April 18,1815 Jan. 14,1856 April 20, 1825 Sept. 15,1856 March 12,1813
May 11,1835 March IQ, 1820 Nov. 20,1856 March 23,1859 Jan. 28,1831 |
25.000 • 120.000
20 000
50.000 [10,000
20.000 200,000
100.000 114 000 100 000 50.000 100,000 |
Lake Navigation Co......................
New York Transportation Co..,.....
New York k Albany Propeller Line New York k Western Towing Co...
Niagara Falls Steamboat Assoc......
Northern Transportation Co..........
Northern Transportation Line......
North Biver Steamboat Co.d..........
Old Oswego Line..........................
Oneida Lake & Biver Steamboat
Ontario Steam & Canal Boat Co/....
Ontario Steamboat Co..................
Ontario & St. Lawrence Steam¬ boat Co .a..................................
Orangetown Point Steamboat Co...
Poughkeepsie Steamboat Co.........
St. Lawrence Steamboat Co..........
Seneca Lake Steamboat Co............
Suffolk Steamboat Co....................
Susquehanna Steam Navigation Co.
Troy Steamboat Co......................
United States Mail Steamship Co... Western Transportation Co........... |
Feb. 20, 1S56 April 15, 1854 Dec. 1,1856 Sept. 21,1857 Sept, 2,1854 Feb. 6,1855 April 6, 1857 March 10, 1820 May 2,1856
April 2, 1838 1842
May 12,1859 1848
April 16. 1830 March 30, 1827 1842
April 6,1825 March 25, 1829 May 11,1835 March 31, 1825
April 5,-
Dec. 8,1855 |
50.000 " 300,000
20.000 8,000
80.000 1,500,000
800,000 |
a Capital reduced to $270,000 Jan. 15, 1859.
6 Charter expired April 11, 1833. The first steamboat on Lake Champlain was in 1810.
« Merged in the Ontario & St. Lawrence Steamboat Co. in 1848.
Exclusive individual and corporate rights for steam naviga¬ tion upon the waters of this State have been granted under special acts, as follows:—An act was passed March 19,1797, granting to John Fitch the sole right of steam navigation in the waters of the State for a period of fourteen years. Having d Charter expired April 11, 1833. |
« Charter limited to 20 years. Beincofporated April 12,1842. f Merged in the Ontario & St. Lawrence Steamboat Co. in 1848. o Merged in the American Steamboat Co. in 1858.
done nothing for ten years, this act was repealed in 1798. An act was passed March 27,1798. granting to Kobert It. Livingston the sole right of navigating by steam for twenty years, con¬ ditioned to building a boat of at least 20 tons, capable of moving four milss per hour against the current of Hudson Biver. This |