Obsolete Insurance Companies, continued.
Date of act of incorporation or of filing articles.
July 23,1849
Oct. 31,1849 May 9,1850 March 2,1810
2.1798 14, 1825
March 28,1809 May 4,1829
April 8,1825
May 9,1850
April 11,1825
April 22,1831
April 13,1837 April 8,1836
April 13,1826 May 26,1851 July 8,1851 Sept. 17,1852 Nov. 14, 1851 March 2,1810
28, 1836
23.1832 8,1853
13.1836 21,1825
7,1819 1,1850
28.1836 14,1815
April 10,1843 Feb. 20,1807 March 29,1823
May 14,1851 April 8,1825 April 7,1824
March 31,1836 April 29,1836
April 15,1852 April 15,1819 March 20,1852
May 5,1834 July, 1852 May 6,1834
May 26,1841
April 22,1831 Dec. 3,1850 May 5,1834
ApriVfc12,1839 ' riP29,1839
March 29, 1837
Sept. 29,1851 Aug. 1854
April 26,1833 April 1,1837
Oneida County Mutual Ins. Co.........
Oneida Insurance Co.......................
Oneida Lake Mutual Insurance Co...
Onondaga County Mutual Ins. Co.....
Ontario Insurance Co.....................
Orange Fire Insurance Co...............
Orleans Insurance Co ............
Oswego County Mutual Ins. Co........
Pacific Insurance Co. of New York— Palladium Fire Insurance Co...........
New York State Marine Ins. Co......
New York Union Mutual Ins. Co.....
Neptune Ins. Co. of the City of New j
Neptune Bell Marine Ins. Co. of)
New York.................. .J
Niagara County Mutual Ins. Co......
North American Fire Insurance Co-
New York Guardian Insurance Co.-
New York Insurance Co.................
New York La Fayette Ins. Co..........
New York Marine Insurance Co......
New York Mechanics’ Life Ins. &)
Coal Co...................................j
New York Mutual Insurance Co......
New York Northern Fire Ins. Co.....
People’s Ins. Co. of the State of N. Y.
Poughkeepsie Insurance Co..—.......
Protection Fire Insurance Co..........
Renovation Fire Insurance of the
City of New York..................-
Rensselaer County Mutual Ins. Co-
North American Insurance Co ....
North American Mutual Ins. Co......
Northern New York Live Stock Ins .Co Northern New York Mntual Ins. Co. Northern Protection Insurance Co- Ocean Insurance Co........................
Steuben County Mutual Ins. Co- Steuben Farmers & Merchants’ In¬ surance Co..........................
Susquehanna Fire Insurance CoA
Pelican Mutual Insurance Co.........
Phoenix Insurance Co. of New York Phoenix Fire Insurance Co..—........
New York State Mutual Ins. Co— New York Union Mutual Ins. Co- New York Firemen Insurance Co-
Seneca County Mutual Ins. Co......
Seventh Ward Fire Insurance Co- Seventeenth Ward Fire Ins. Co.....
Rensselaer Insurance Co .....
Rensselaer & Saratoga Ins. Co.“.. Rochester Insurance Co............
Syracuse Insurance Co..................
Tioga County Mutual Insurance Co.
Saratoga County Mutual Fire Ins. Co.
Salem Fire Insurance Co............
Schenectady & Saratoga Ins. Co-
New York Fire Ins. Co. of the City 1
of New York................ j
New York Protection Insurance Co-
Schoharie Mutual Insurance Co.— Schoharie County Mutual Ins. Co- Sea Insurance Co........................
Schenectady County Mutual Ins. Co.
Geneva .
Newburgh .
New York.......
New York.......
New York..........
Lansingburgh ...
Lansingburgh —
Troy ;.........
New York.......
Brasher Falls- Plattsburgh — Plattsburgh ....
New York.......
New York- New York- New York- New York-
New York-
New York-
New York.. Johnstown- New York-
Poughkeepsie- New York......
Saratoga Springs Salem................
New York-
Lockport .. New York-
Newark .....
Johnstown. New York—
New York- New York- New York-
Schoharie... Cobleskill... New York-
Waterloo- New York- New York..
Albany ...
Syracuse. Owego.....
Changed May 10,1847, to New York Fire & Marine Ins. Co.
Made assignment Jan. 1852, and closed up.
Receiver appointed.
Receiver appointed July, 1855.
Cap. $500,000. Closed by losses 1818 and reorganized. Changed to Hope Ins. Co. Jan. 26,1821.
Cap. $300,000.
Expired 1820. Extended to Jan. 1860.
Cap. $200,000.
Cap. $500,000.
Cap. $600,000. Changed April 15,1823, to Life & Fire Ins. Co.
Changed from Sun Fire Ins. Co. Cap. $240,000.
Cap. $100,000. Revived April 25,1831. Cap. $300,000.
Cap. $250,000. Changed to Neptune Bel] Mutual Ins. Co. of New York, April 22, 1831.
Changed from Neptune Ins. Co. Cap. $250,000. Revived April, 1832.
Cap. $250,000. Changed from Phoenix Fire Ins. Co. Allowed to take inland navigation risks May 7,1845,
Cap. $300,000.
Receiver appointed June, 1855.
Receiver appointed Oct. 1854. ,
Cap. $500,000. Extended to Jan. 1860.
Capital reduced to $350,000.
Cap. $250,000.
Closing up.
Cap. $250,000.
Cap. $400,000.
Receiver appointed March, 1852.
Cap. $500,000.
Cap. $300,000. Reincorporated May 3, 1839. Cap. $250,000.
Receiver appointed Jan. 1857.
Cap. $100,000. Stopped issuing poli¬ cies by act May 25,1S41.
Changed by dropping “County Mu¬ tual” April 7, 1858. Extended 30 years.
Revived May 9,1836.
Receiver appointed.
Cap. $250,000. Time for final divi¬ dend extended 1840 to June 28,1841.
Cap. $250,000.
Cap. $200,000. Changed to National Fire Insurance Co. May 24,1841.
f. 1. m. n. Cap. $500,000.
Original cap. $250,000. Changed to North America Fire Insurance Co. April 8, 1836.
Receiver appointed March, 1854. f. n. Cap. $100,006.
Cap. $300,000.
Reorganized Oct. 11, 1851. Receiver appointed Feb. 1855.
Cap. $50,000.
Cap. originally, $500,000. Closed up. Changed from Farmers & Merchants’ Insurance Co. of Western N. Y.
Receiver appointed Nov. 1856. Changed from Cooperstown Feb. 1855.
Receiver appointed.
Cap. $100,000.
“ Capital reduced from $199,880.90 to $87,536.45 by the great Troy fire of 1820. Life insurance taken away in 1831. Directed *0 close up by act of April 18,1843. & See Comptroller’s Report, 1858, p. 45.