as may be approved by law. They can be organized by special act of the Legislature, and their charters are perpetual. The total number of savings institutions incorp. prior to 1859 was 75, of which 57 reported their statistics in 1858. They are placed under the care of the Superintendent of the Banking Department, who has general powers for the protection of the interests of deposi¬ tors, and is required to report their condition annually to the Legislature. Most of these institu¬ tions bear names closely resembling those of banks of discount and circulation, and are kept in the same building and have the same persons as officers of both.1
Class IY includes those whose certificates are filed in the County Clerks’ offices. Most of th corporations already described are required to file their articles in the clerk’s office of their respect¬ ive counties, in addition to depositing them in the departments of the State Government.
“ An Act to provide for the Incorporation of Religious Societies’5 was passed April 6, 1784.2 “ An Act authorizing the Incorporation of Rural Cemetery Associations” was passed April 27, 1847. “An Act to provide for the Incorporation of Tillages” was passed Dec. 7, 1847.3
Savings Banks, continued.
Name. |
Location. |
Date of incorporation. |
depositors. |
Resources. |
April |
17,1858 |
$ 5,490 |
$ 4,218 549,722 . |
Erie County Savings Bank................................................... |
Buffalo............... |
10,1854 |
542,641 |
Fishkill;............. |
Feb. |
25,1857 |
3,528,851 |
3,678,180 |
Greenwich Savings Bank...................................................... |
New York........... |
April |
24,1833 |
Hudson City Savings Institution.......................................... |
Hudson.............. |
April |
4,1850 |
44,010 |
45,206 |
institution for the Savings of Merchants’ Clerks..................... |
New York........... |
April |
12,1848 |
719,498 |
1,529,810 |
Irving Savings Institution................................................... |
New York........... |
July |
1, 1851 |
736,323 |
Manhattan Savings Institution....,........................................ |
New York........... |
April |
10, 1850 |
1,782,067 |
1,839,785 |
Manufacturers’ Savings Bank of Troy....................................
Mariners’ Savings Institution............................................... |
Troy.................. |
April |
15,1857 |
51,988 |
51,988 |
New York........... |
April |
16, 1852 |
419,689 |
430,141 |
Mechanics & Farmers’ Savings Bank of Albany...................... |
Albany.............. |
April |
12,1S55 |
179,049 |
372,417 |
Mechanics & Traders’ Savings Institution............................... |
New York........... |
April |
16,1852 |
256,679 |
Monroe County Savings Institution.........................'.............. |
Bochester........... |
April |
8, 1850 |
23,637 |
Troy.................. |
April |
15,1857 |
23,637 |
13, 1852 |
1,569 |
92,993 |
Niagara County Savings Bank.............................................. |
Lockport............ |
10,1851 |
1,636 |
Onondaga County Savings Bank............................................ |
Syracuse............. |
April |
10,1895 |
129,601 |
130,262 |
Poughkeepsie Savings Bank................................................. |
Poughkeepsie...... |
April |
16,1836 |
247,505 |
36,289 |
June |
21,1831 |
33,621 |
Borne Savings Bank............................................................ |
Borne................. |
30, 1851 17,1854 |
Bose Hill Savings Bank........................................................ |
New York........... |
April |
. 71,854 |
72,285 |
Savings Bank of Utica......................................................... |
Utica.................. |
April |
26,1839 |
334,262 |
227,559 |
Schenectady Savings Bank................................................... |
Schenectady....... |
April |
29,1834 |
211,886 |
Seamen’s Bank for Savings.................................................... |
New York........... |
Jan. |
31,1829 |
7,349.474 |
7,825,443 |
Sing Sing Savings Bank........................................................ |
Sing Sing........... |
March |
9,1854 |
35,410 |
35,711 |
Sixpenny Savings Bank of Albany...................................,.... |
Albany.............. |
April |
17, 1854 |
10.601 |
10,601 |
Sixpenny Savings Bank of the City of New Yoi-k.................... |
New York........... |
June |
4,1853 |
112,361 |
113,548 |
South Brooklyn Savings Institute......................................... |
Brooklyn............ |
April |
10,1850 |
522.350 |
538,664 |
Soutllold Savings Bank......................................................... |
Southold............ |
April |
7, 1858 |
47,479 |
7,001 |
State Savings Bank of Troy.................................................. |
Troy.................. |
April |
18, 1856 |
47,479 |
Syracuse Savings Bank......................................................... |
Syracuse............ |
March |
30, 1849 |
237,580 |
63.622 |
April |
23,1823 |
15,187 |
Ulster County Savings Institution......................................... |
Kingston............ |
18,1851 |
Union Savings Bank of Albany............................................. |
Albany............... |
April |
13,1854 |
15,187 |
Westchester County Savings Bank........................................ |
Tarrytown.......... |
July |
21,1853 |
103,734 |
108,729 |
Western Savings Bank......................................................... |
Buffalo............... |
July |
9,1851 |
77,048 |
77,048 |
Wiiliamsburgh Savings Bank................................................ |
Brooklyn............ |
April |
9,1851 |
1,086.882 |
1,119,001 |
Yonkers Savings Bank......................................................... |
Yonkers.............. |
April |
3,1854 |
47,405 |
48,069 |
Superintendent of the Banking Department. Sixteen savings banks have been incorp. that never organized. Only two of the whole number chartered have ever failed. The “ Knicker¬ bocker Savings Institution,” of N. Y., incorp. April 8, 1851, failed and went into the hands of a receiver in 1854; and tho “ Sixpenny Savings Bank of Bochester,” incorp. July 13,1854, failed.
2 This act was amended, so far as it related to the Bef. Prot.
D. Societies, March 7, 1788. Other amendments were made in 1801,1813, and 1828. Eor statistics see p. 139.
3 Previous to this act, villages were incorp. by special acts of the Legislature, and the articles were filed in the State Depart¬ ment: but since, the filing of articles has become a mere local affair; and it is extremely difficult to obtain a complete list of the incorporated villages of the State. |
The first savings hank in England was formed in 1804, and the first in New York in 1819, under the auspices of the “ So¬ ciety for Prevention of Pauperism.” A public meeting was tailed and the plan discussed and approved Nov. 29, 1816. The first deposits were made July 3,1819, and |2,807 were received the first evening from 80 depositors, in sums of from $2 to $300. Within 6 mo., $153,378.31 had been deposited, by 1,527 persons, and but $6,606 had been withdrawn, tip to 1857, $47,530,067.61 had been intrusted to the care of this institution.—Common Council Manual, 1858, p. 623.
The first savings bank in Albany was established in 1820; in Troy, in 1823; in Brooklyn, in 1827; and in Buffalo, in 1836.. Most of these banks were originally required to report to the Legislature; but their returns were seldom published. Under the act of March 20, 1857, they are required to report to the