awakening a great local interest in agricultural matters. Tlie office of the society is kept at the Agricultural Rooms, corner of State and Lodge Sts., Albany, where it has a museum and library.
County and Town Societies.—The act of 1853 allows county agricultural societies to purchase and hold real estate to an amount not exceeding '$25,000 and personal property not ex¬ ceeding $1,000, for the purposes set forth in their articles of incorporation, and for no other pur¬ poses. Town and other societies may hold real estate to the amount of $10,000 and personal property to the amount of $3,000. Each county or union society must have at least one director or manager for each town; and each {own, village, or city society must have not less than 10 directors, who are elected annually by ballot. Upon application of two-thirds of their members to the Supreme Court of the district in which they are located, these societies may obtain an order for the sale of a part or the whole of their property. An amendment to the act was passed April 13, 1855, by the provisions of which the number of directors was changed to 6, 2 of whom are elected each year for a term of three years. Any person may become a life member by the pay¬ ment of a sum not exceeding $10; and the officers are jointly and severally liable for all debts due from the society contracted while they are in office, if suit be commenced within one year
President, one Vice President from each of the Judicial Districts, a Recording and a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Executive Committee, consisting of the above and 5 others chosen for the purpose.
Premiums are awarded in money, plate, medals, books, and diplomas; and the society embraces within the field of its patron¬ age not only stock, farm, and garden products and implements of husbandry, but a wide range of useful aud ornamental manu¬ factures, particularly those which are the products of homo in¬ dustry. The places and times of holding the State fairs, names of Presidents, and total receipts of the State society have been as follows:—
3.650.00 4,370.18 4,333.17 4,034.22 6,272.86 8,144.55
11.956.25 8,125.41 6.009.90 9,248.70
Sept. 29, 30 Sept. 27, 29 Sept.' 20. 22 Sept. 18,19 Sept. 17,.19 Sept. 15,17 Sept. 14,16 Sept. 5, 7 Sept. 11,13 Sept. 3, G Sept. 16,19 Sept. 7, 10 Sept. 20, 23 Oct. S, 6 Oct. 2, 5 f Sept. 30, \ | Oct. 3/
Oct. 6, 9
Oct. 5, 8
Oct. 4, 7
1847 184S
1850 1S51
passed April 7,1819, created a board of agriculture and appro¬ priated $10,000 annually for 2 years, to be distributed for the pro¬ motion of agriculture and family domestic manufactures in the several cos., on condition that a similar sum should be subscribed by the co. societies formed under this act. A board, formed of the president, or a delegate chosen from each co. society, met annually at Albany, elected officers, examined reports, and selected for publication such returns as they deemed proper. These were published by the State. Three volumes of Memoirs were issued, and the board continued in existence but little longer than the appropriation was continued. County societies, on the plan of the Berkshire Co. Agricultural Society, began to be formed in 1817 ; and, by the exertions of De Witt Clinton, El- kanah Watson, and other friends of the measure, they were extended to most of the cos. These societies, after a brief period, fell into disuse; and that of Jefferson co. is the only one of this class that can trace an unbroken descent from that period.
The first officers of the present State Agricultural Society, formed in 1832, were Le Bay de Chaumont, President; E. P. Livingston, Jacob Morris, and Robert L. Bose, Vice Presidents; P. S. Van Bensselaer, Recording Secretary; Jesse Buel, Corre¬ sponding Secretary; Charles R. Webster, Treasurer; and H. W. Delavan, John Townsend, and H. Hickox, Executive Committee. County societies were again instituted in many of the cos. under the influence of this society; but most of them were short lived. The “Cultivator” was begun in March, 1834, by Jesse Buel, under the guarantee of Stephen Van Bensselaer and James Wadsworth, as the organ of the society and medium of commu¬ nication between the friends of agriculture; and it has been con¬ tinued ever since, under private auspices, but entirely devoted to the interests of agriculture. It has for many years been pub¬ lished by Luther Tucker, of Albany.
Any person a citizen of the State may become a member of the State Society upon payment of $1 annually, or a life mem¬ ber by payment of $10 at one time. Presidents of co. societies and one delegate from each are ex officio members. The officers of the society are elected annually in Feb., and consist of a
Saratoga Sp’gs
Syracuse ........
Saratoga Sp'gs
New York.......
Syracuse .... Albany.......
Joel B. Nott.........
Jas. S. Wadsworth Jas. S. Wadsworth
J. B. Beekman.....
B. P. Johnston.......
J. M. Sherwood.....
George Vail.........
Lewis F. Allen......
John A. King.......
Ezra P. Prentice...
John Delafield.......
Henry Wager......
-Lewis G. Morris....
William Kelly.....
Samuel Cbeever...
Theod’re S. Paxton
Alonzo S. Upham. Wm. T. McCoun... A. B. Conger........
Town and Union Agricultural Societies.
(For County Societies see p. 103.)
Date of organization. |
Jan. |
3,1857 |
March |
5,1856 |
March 10,1858 |
March 14,1859 |
May |
13,1856 |
Sept. |
4,1858 |
Oct. |
19,1857 |
March 23,1857 |
Aug. |
16,1856 |
Dec. |
28, 1855 |
8, 1858 |
Jan. |
12,1859 |
Jan. |
3, 1857 |
Jan. |
3, 1857 |
Jan. |
13, 1857 |
Feb. |
9, 1869 |
Aug. |
22,1857 |
April |
5, 1859 |
Feb. |
2,1856 |
22.1857 5, 185S
March 19,1859
June 27,1857 Feb. 9,1855
June 21,1856
March 20,1859
Nov. 10,1857 Jan. 27, 1857
April 4,1857
March 29,1S59 June 26, 1856 Feb. 26, 1857 June 10,1859 April 18,1859
Bainbridge Agricultural Society.....................
Brookfield Agricultural Society......................
Canaseraga Agricultural & Mechanical Society,
Chautauqua Farmers’ & Mechanics’ Union at
Connewango Agricultural, Horticultural, & Me¬ chanical Society.........................................
Connewango Union Agricultural & Ilorticultu-
- ral Society.................................................
Constantsa Town Agricultural Society............
Coventry Agricultural Society.......................
Dryden Agricultural Society..........................
Ellisburgh, Adams, & Henderson Agricultural
Farmers’ Club, of Little Falls.........................
{Farmers’ & Mechanics’ Association of Cazenovia F’armers’ & Mechanics’ Association of Fenner...
Galen Agricultural Society.........................—.
Gorham Agricultural Society..........................
Gouverneur Agricultural & Mechanical Society Hamilton Agricultural & Horticultural Associa¬ tion of......................................................
Harpersfield Union Agricultural Society.........
Ilartland Agricultural Society........................
Hornellsville Agricultural Society..................
Jefferson Agricultural Society, Schoharie Co-
Lebanon Agricultural Society.........................
Leon Agricultural Society..............................
Lodi Agricultural Society, of..........................
Nelson Farmers & Meclianics’Association.........
Oswfego City Agricultural Society I..........
Otselic, Pitcher, Pharsalia, & Lincklaen Agricul¬ tural Society.............................................
Rusliville Union Agricultural Society..............
St. Lawrence International Agricultural &
Mechanical Society, Ogdensburgh................
Sandy Creek, Richland, Orwell, & Boylston Agri¬ cultural Society.........................................
Sangerfield & Marshall Town Agricultural So¬ ciety .........................................................
Somerset Agricultural Society........................
Susquehanna Valley Agricultural & Horticul¬ tural Society...........................i.................
Union Agricultural Society, (Broome and Dela¬ ware cos.)................................................
Union Agricultural Society, of Palmyra...........
Virgil Agricultural Society............................
Wilson Agricultural Society...........................
Winfield Union Agricultural Society...............
Wiskoy Agricultural Society, Genesee Falls, Pike, & Eagle.............................................
Dec. 6,1855