6 seminaries, 17 other boarding schools, 619 free schools, (of which 312 were supported by the Hawaiian Government,) and 17,020 pupils. The receipts in the year ending July 31,1858, were $334,018.48, the principal part of which was' derived from donations.—Forty-Ninth Report A. B. O. F. M., 1858.
1 This society was formed by the union of two societies pre¬ viously formed by the Presbyterian and Reformed Protestant Dutch Churches. It is supported by the Congregationalists and New School Presbyterians, and to some extent by the Reformed Protestant Dutch, Lutheran, and German Reformed Churches. In 1858,1,012 persons were connected with this society or its agencies and auxiliaries, of which 133 are within this State. The number of congregations and stations fully or statedly sup-
lied is 2,034; Sabbath school scholars, 65,500; contributions to
enevolent objects, $24,272.28. The receipts in 12 months were $175,971.37; the payments in the same time were $190,735.70. Total receipts in 32 years, $3,456,082; total years of labor, 18,871; total additions to churches, 150,275.
There are a central and a western agency in this State,—the office of the former of which is at Utica and of the latter at Geneva. The number of missionaries aided within the year was 133. Total contributions, $39,347.96.
2 This movement was supported by most of the evangelical denominations; but several of them have since established Sun¬ day school organizations among themselves. The American Sunday School Union had, in 1858, expended about $2,500,000 in books, and $1,000,000 more in organizing Sunday schools. Its receipts for the last year were $65,076.14; and it had formed 1,524 new schools, with 57,787 pupils and 9,694 teachers. The New York Sunday School Union had, in 1858, 210 schools, re¬ porting 60,000 pupils, 4,825 teachers, 82,294 books in libraries, and$13,089 raised by contributions. Sunday schools in some form are supported by nearly every religious denomination, and are chiefly for Biblical instruction. A State Sunday School Teachers’ Convention, formed in 1855, meets annually. Its third report, made Oct. 1858, gave a total in the State of l,895®Bchools, 22,263 officers and teachers, and 212,312 pupils.
3 This society has 15 stations in various parts of the world, and grants aid to various Bethel operations not connected with it. The receipts for the year ending in 1858 were $25,236.20; and the total expenses in the seamen’s cause about $100,000; 2.257 mariners had been received at the Sailors’ Home in New York, and the whole number received into that institution from fts establishment was 52,353. |
4 The association has 61 home laborers; and its receipts in the year ending in 1858 were $76,603.22. Its expenses in the same time were $79,604.33. It has agents, and supports chapels in several foreign countries.
6 The slave trade was abolished in 1807, and after Jan. 1, 1808, the cargoes of captured slaves were to be sold for the bene¬ fit of the State where they might land. By an act of March 3,1819, the General Government appropriated $109,000 for the restoration of a large number of Africans to their native coun¬ try. By the co-operation of the Government with this Society a purchase was made in Dec. 1821, in the neighborhood of Cape Mensurado, on the w. coast of Africa, from which has grown the present Republic of Liberia, under the special patronage of this society. Formal possession was taken April 28, 1822.
Several of the subordinate State societies have been merged in anti-slavery and other more radical societies for the termi¬ nation of slavery. In the year ending in 1858 the receipts of the New York Colonization Society were $15,624.62.
8 The expenses of the society for the year ending in 1858 were $17,052, including those of the Anti Slavery Standard, its prin¬ cipal organ. Receipts, $15,200 from the paper and donations, and $17,355 by auxiliaries.
A New York State Anti Slavery Society, with numerous aux¬ iliaries, was formed about 1834-36, and its friends soon organ¬ ized themselves into a political party. The highest State vote of this party was in 1844, when it amounted, on the Governor’s ticket, to 15,136. Slavery existed under the Dutch, and was continued through the English period of our colonial history. An act was passed March 31,1817, declaring that every child born of a slave in this State after July 4,1799, should be free at the age of 28 if a male, or at 25 if a female. Every child born after the passage of the act was to become free at the age of 21, and measures were ordered for the education of children held in service. The importation of slaves was prohibited. The first emancipation under this law, therefore, took effect July 5, 1827, as the law fixed the period as after instead of upon the 4th of July, as was perhaps intended. The 5th of July has sometimes been celebrated as their anniversary of independence; and hence arises the slang expression of “ Fourth of July one day arter.” Those born before the above date remained slaves till their death, and the census of 1855 reported one such-as living in the State. The number of slaves in New York at different periods has been as follows —
1790......21,324 11810......15.017 11820......10,046 11840.......... 4
1800......20,613 11814......11,480 1 1830...... 75 j 1850..........— |