Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 158
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158    ALBANY

In 1817 W. L. Stone united it with the Albany Gazette.

The American Journal of Science and Art, Thos. McKee, editor.

The Albany Register was published by John Barber from 1788
till 1808, and by S. Southwick till 1817.

The Federal Herald, by Claxton & Babcock, brought from
Lansingb’gh in Feb. 1788, and again returned thither.

The Albany Centinel, semi-w., 1796. In Nov. 1806 changed to

The Republican Crisis. Backus & Whiting and Isaac Mitchell
were successively publishers.

The Albany Chronicle was commenced in 1797 by John McDo¬
nald. Joseph Foy and Henry C. Southwick were after¬
ward its editors. It was discontinued in 1799.

The Guardian, 1807. Van Benthuysen & Wood,'2 years.

The Balance, and New York Slate Journal, semi-w., 1808-11,
& Frary; removed from Hudson.

The Albany Republican was started in April, 1812, by Samuel

B. Brown.—Romaine succeeded the' next year, and after
several years it was merged in the Saratoga Patriot.

The Stranger, 1813-14, 8vo. John Cook, pub.

The Albany Argus was established as a semi-w., tri-w., and w.,
Jan. 1, 1813, by Jesse Buel; and d., semi-w., and w.
editions were issued in Oct. 1825. Edwin Crosweli was
many years its publisher. Feb. 15,1856, merged in

Tlie Atlas and. Argus, da., semi-w., and w. Comstock &
Cassidy, pub.

The Albany Atlas, da., semi-w., and w., was started in 1841 by
& Wendell; in 1856 it was united with the Argus.

The Christian Visitant, 4to, was begun June 3, 1815, by S.
Southwick, and continued 2 years.

The Friend, 8vo, mo., was begun in 1815 by D. & S. A. Abbey.
1 vol. published.

The Statesman, pub. by — Carter; removed to N.Y. in 1818.

The Plough Boy was started 1819, by Solomon Southwick,
under the
nom deplume of Henry Homespun.

The Albany Microscope, 1820, by Chas. Galpin, continued till 1842.

The National Democrat, published at Albany and N.Y., was
started in 1823 by Wm. McDonald, and continued 1 year.

The Religious Monitor, mo., was commenced in May, 1824, by
Chauncey Webster. It is now published in Philadelphia.

The Escritoire, or Masonic and Miscellaneous Album, was started
in 1826 by E. B. Child. Its name was changed to

The American Masonic Record, and was pub. by E. B. Child for
4 or 5 yrs.

The American Masonic Register was pub. 5 y. by L. G. Hoffman.

The National Observer, w. and semi-w., was started in 1826 by
Geo. Galpin, and continued 4 years: S. Southwick, ed.

TM Albany Telegraph and Christian Register was started in
1826, and in 1827

The Albany Christian Register, L. G. Hoffman, pub,, and J. R.
Boyd, ed., May 19, 18277

The Albany Daily Chronicle was started April 22, 1826, and
published a short time by Galpin
& Cole.

The Comet was begun Aug. 4,1827. D. McGlashan, ed.

The Standard was published in 1827 by Matthew Cole.

Signs of the Times was started Oct. 13, 1827, and discontinued
Nov. 8,1828. D.McGlashan, pub.,S.De W. Bloodgood,ed.

The Antidote was pub. in 1827. Webster & Wood, pub., S.
Southwick, ed.

The Morning Chronicle, da., and The Albany Chronicle, semi-w.,
were published in 1828 by Beach, Denio, & Richard.

The Age was published in 1828 by Galpin & Sturtevant.

The Albany Times and Literary Writer was started Dec. 27,
. 1828, by Jas. McGlashan; Bloodgood & Yan Schaick, eds.

The Albanian, semi-mo., was started Jan. 30, 1828, by Arthur
N. Sherman.

The Albany Minerva was published in 1828 by J. Munsell.

Tile Albany Evening Journal was commenced
March, 1830. It was published by B. D. Packard
& Co.,
Thurlow Weed, ed. A w. and a semi-w. journal are
now issued from this office by Weed, Dawson & Co.

The Farmers, Mechanics, and Working Men’s Advocate, da., was
started in 1830 by McPherson
& McKercher. The fol¬
lowing year it appeared as

The Daily Freeman’s Advocate, and Farmers, Mechanics, and
' Working Men’s Champion, and was pub. 1 or 2 yrs.

The Albany Bee, da., was started in April, 1830, by J. Duffey, W. S.
McCulloch, and Charles Angus.

The Temperance Recorder, mo., was published in 1831 by the State
Temperance Society.

The Albany Quarterly, 8vo. Commenced in 1832 by the Alb.
Hist. Soc. Jas. B. and Sam’l. M. Wilson, eds. 1 vol. pub.

The Daily Craftsman was removed from Bochester in 1831.
E. J. Roberts
& Henry James, publishers.

American Temperance Intelligencer, mo., was started in Jan. 1834.

The Silkworm, 8vo, mo., begun May, 1835. The 3d vol. was
changed to

The Silk Worm and Sugar Manual, devoted in part to sugar
beet culture. It was discontinued in 1838.

The American Quarterly Hemp Magazine was commenced Feb.
1833. 2 vols. published.

The Albany Transcript, da., the first penny paper in Albany, was
started Oct. 12, 1835.

The Albany Bouquet and Literary Spectator, mo., was published
in 1835 by Geo. Trumbull.

The Albany Whig was commenced in 1834, by J. B. Van Schaick
& Co., as the weekly of The Daily Advertiser. It was
soon merged in
The Albany Gazette, a semi-w. paper
issued from the same office.


The Ommon School Assistant, mo., was published in 1836 by J.
Orville Taylor.

The Associate Presbyterian Magazine, 8vo, mo., Bev. P. Bul¬
lions, ed. Pub. from 1838 to 1842.

Southwiek’s Family Neivspaper was published in 1838.

The Jeffersonian was published by Horace Greeley during the
campaign of 1838.

Tlie Cultivator, mo., was commenced in March, 1839, by
Jesse Buel. It was afterward published by W. Gaylord
and L. Tucker, and now by L. Tucker & Son.    /

The Tomahawk and Scalping Knife was published a short time.

The Albany Patriot was started in 1840 by Jas. C. Jackson,
and continued 4 years.

The Unionist, da., was published by J. Munsell, and

The Rough Hewer by Theo. M. Burt, during the campaign of

The District School Journal, mo., was established at Geneva in
1840, Francis Dwight, ed. Removed to Albany in 1841,
and continued by the State School Dep. until 1852.

The Examiner was published in 1841 by G. Galpin.

The American Magazine, 8vo, mo., sorted in 1841 by J. S. & B.
Wood. 3 vols. pub.

The Irishman was published seven weeks in 1842 by H.
O’Kane, J. Munsell, printer.

The New York State Mechanic was started in 1842 by J.
Munsell, and continued eighteen months.

The Northern Star and Freeman’s Advocate was started in
1842 by J. G. Stewart and Charles S. Morton.

The Sunday Tickler was published in 1842 by C. W. Taylor.

The Albany Switch was commenced in 1842 by H. J. Hastings.
In 1855 Edward Leslie became its editor.

The Youth’s Temperance Enterprise, mo., started Nov. 13,1842, by
J. Stanley Smith, ed. and pub., and continued 3 years.

The American Citizen, da. and w., was. started in 1843 by Stone
& Henley, and ed. by J. S. Smith.

The Albany Knickerbocker, da. and w., was com¬
menced in 1843 by H. J. Hastings, and is still continued.

The Albany Daily Patriot was published in 1843 by C. T. Torry

The Subterranean was started Mar. 23,1843, by Jas. Duffey.

The Albanian, da., was published in 1844.

The Albany Religious Spectator was started in 1844 by J. Mun-
. sell ahd E. H. Pease. The next year it passed into the
hands of B. F. Eomaine, who continued it until 1857.

The Birney Advocate, semi-mo., was pub. during the campaign
of 1844 by E. W. Goodwin.

The Anti-Renter was started by Thos. A. Devyr Aug. 16,1845.

The Albany Freeholder was started April 9, 1845, by Thos.

A. Devyr, and continued until 1854.

The American Quarterly Journal of Agriculture and Science,
8vo, was commenced Jan. 1845, by E. Emmons and A.
T. Prime. Jan. 1846 it was pub. monthly by E. Emmons
and A. Osborne. It was sold to Ch. Bement in 1848,
and discontinued in Dec. of the same year.

The Gavel, mo., published in 1845 from Munsell’s press. .

The Scourge was published in 1845 by Woodward & Packard.

The Vesper Bell, da., a few numbers pub. by Abbott & Crosby.

The Albany Herald, da. and tri-w., was commenced in 1846 by

A. B. Van Olinda, and in Dec. it took the name of

The Morning Telegraph, and in March, 1847, of

The Sta tesman, edited by W. M. 'Watson.

The Balance was published in 1846.

The Mechanics’ Advocate, 1846, J. Tanner, pub., continued 1 yr

The Mechanics’ Journal, 1846, Munsell & McFarlan, pub., was
issued 1 year.

The Horticulturist, and Journal of Rural Art and Rural
was commenced in July, 1846: A. J. Downing,
ed., L. Tucker, pub. The 8th vol. was removed to
Bochester. In 1855 it was pub. at Philadelphia by B.
P. Smith; John J. Smith, ed. In Jan. 1858 removed to
N.Y.; Saxton, pub., J. J. Smith, ed.

The Mechanics’ Mirror, 8vo, was published in 1846 from Mun¬
sell’s press.

The Son of Temperance and Rechabite, 8vo, mo., was pub. in
Aug. 1846 by J. Stanley Smith
& Co.

The Albany Castigator was issued in 1847 by M. J. Smith.

The American Literary Magazine, mo., started July, 1847, T.
Dwight Sprague, pub.; removed to Hartford, June, 1848.

The Christian Palladium, J. Hazen, ed., was brought from Fulton
co. in 1847 or ’48, and removed to Irvington, N.J.,Oct. 1855.

The Busy Bee, E. Andrews, ed., was pub. from 1848 to 1850.

The Odd Fellows’ Literary Magazine was pub. in 1848. W. K.
Coie, ed.

The Telegraph and Temperance Journal, mo., was commenced
in 1848 by S. Myers, and continued 4 years.

The DailyArtizan was pub.a short time in 1849 by Tanner & Stow.

The Albany Daily Messenger was pub. 1849 by B. F. Bomaine.

The American Christian Messenger was commenced by Jasper
Hazen Jan. 17,1841.

Transactions of N.Y. State Institute of Civil Engineers, 4to, with
plates, was pub. Feb. 1849. Two nos. issued.

The Christian Herald and Messenger was issued Feb. 10,1849,
by J. Hazen, and afterward removed to Irvington, N.J.
It was in part successor to the Ch. Messenger, pub. at
Newburyport, Mass., many years, and is the oldest-re¬
ligious newspaper in the country.

Tlie Courier and Journal was started Feb. 10, 1849,
and is now published by J. T. Hazen.

The Albany Dutchman and The Albany Sunday Dutchman


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