Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 159
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AM5AYY CITY1—was incorporated by patent July 22,
1686,2 haying previously enjoyed divers rights and privi¬
leges, under the names’ of “
Beverwick,”William Stadl
and Albany. The Dutch styled it “New. Orange.” The
part of the city north of Patroon and Quackenboss Streets,
known as the “
Colonie,” was incorp. March 31, 1791; and
again, March 30, 1801. . It was made a village April 9,
1804; and was erected as a town April 11, 1808. Tho
town was divided, and merged' in Albany and Watervliet,
Feb. 25,    1815. The city lies upon the w. bank of the


Hudson Biver, a little n. of the center of the county;
and embraces a strip of land about one mile wide, extending
13J miles in a
n. w. direction to the n. boundary of the
county.    A narrow intervale of low land lies along the

course of the river, bounded by    steep banks    from 150 to 250 feet high, where    a barren

region commences, rising toward    the w., and    broken    by numerous sand hills and ridges.

The banks which form the declivities of this tract are separated into several distinct ridges
by the deep gulleys worn in the    clay by the    streams    which flow through them.    The soil,

except near the river, is a light sand, not adapted to    cultivation without the aid    of costly

artificial    means.    A    mineral    spring was    obtained on Ferry St. in 1827, while boring for

water.3    Albany    is    situated near the head    of navigation upon the Hudson, and at the eastern

terminus    of the    Erie    Canal.4 ■    The several    railroads before mentioned render it a place of con¬

siderable commercial importance.5 It is the largest barley market in the U.S., and immense

were started in 1849 by Griffin & Farnsworth, and sub¬
sequently removed to N.Y..

The Temperance Courier was commenced Feb. 10,1849, by J. T.

Hazen, and subsequently pub. by J. Hazen & Son.

The Washingtonian and Rechabite was issued in 1849 by J.

T. Hazen, and in 1855 united with The Conner.
Florence Oneida Telegraph
was printed at Albany in 1849.

The Albany Morning Express was started in 1850 by Stone &
Henley. In 1854 it passed into the hands of Munsell
& Co., and in 1856 its title was changed to
Tlie Daily Statesman, now published by J.B. Swain & Co.
The Albany State Register, da., semi-w., and w., was started in

1850 by Fuller & Seward. S. H. Hammond and G. D.
Brigham were afterward eds., and in 1856 it was re¬
moved to N.Y.

The Albany Daily Times commenced Feb. 16, 1850. Five nos.
were issued.

The New York Reformer, John Abbott, ed., Munsell, pr., was
pub. 10 mos.

Tlie State Military Gazette, C. G. Stone, pub.,' was
commenced in 1858, and was soon after removed to N.Y.
The Half-Dollar Monthly was pub. in 1850 by B. F. Romaine.
Tlie Journal of tlie A. Y. State Agricultural
mo., was started in May, 1850.

The Daily Albany Eagle was started Sept. 1, 1851, by John
Sharts, and continued 4 months.

The American Mechanic was started Jan. 4, 1851, by J. M.

The Carson League, published by J. T. Hazen & T. L. Carson,
was removed from Syracuse in March, 1853.

The Albany Mirror and Literary Cabinet was published in

1851 by J. H. Canoll and W. M. Colburn.

The Cithern was started Oct. 11,1851, Warner & Rooker, pub.
The Northern Eight, mo., conducted by Dix, Hawley, Dean, Beck,
Olcott, and Delavan, and subsequently by A. B. Street,
was started in 1851, and continued about 3 yrs.
Deutsche Frele Blaetter, tri-w., was started in 1852.

Henry Bender and Augustus Miggael, present pub.
Tlie Family Intelligencer was commenced by Jasper
Hazen, Sept. 11. 1852, now pub. by J. T. Hazen.

Tlie New Yorlc Teacher, mo., the organ of the N.Y.
State Teachers’ Association, was started in 1852, and is
now conducted by James Cruikshank.

The Evening Transcript, da. and w., commenced Jan. 31,1853, by
& Henry, was last published by Snyder & Ells.
The Country Gentleman, started by ,T. J. Thomas and
L. & L. H. Tucker in 1853, is nowpub. by L. Tucker & Son.
The Prohibitionist, mo., ed. by A. McCoy, the organ of the N.Y.
State Temperance Society, was started in 1854, and in
1857 united with the Jour, of the Am. Temp. Union.
The Family Dental Journal, mo., was pub. in 1854 by D. C. Estes.
The State Police Tribune was started July 21, 1855, by S. H. H.

Parsons and R. M. Griffin. Removed to New York.
The Albany Morning Times was started in 1856, and
is published by Barnes
& Godfrey.

The Albany Evening Union, edited by J. McFarlan, and subse¬
quently by John New, began 1856, and ended 1857.

The Albany Yolksblatt was published in 1856 by Geo. Herb.
The Albany Morning Express was started in 1858
by Stone
& Henley, and edited by J. C. Cuyler.

The Albanian, semi-mo., boys’ paper, commenced June, 1857.
The Hour and the Man, da. and w., Geo. W. Clarke, pub., John
Thomas, ed., commenced Aug. 1858.

The Mercantile Horn, w., was pub. gratis Oct. 1858.

The Voice of the People. Republican campaign of 1858.

The Albany Evening Standard, da., was begun
Dec. 1858. R. M. Griffin
& Co., pub.

The Independent Press, da., started Dec. 1858, was pub. a few mo.
Astronomical Notices was started at Ann Arbor, Mich.,
in 1858. Since the 7th no. it has been pub. at Albany.
Prof. Brunow, ed.

The American Magazine, mo., by J. S. & B. Wood, was pub. If yr.
The Gavel, mo., was published by John Tanner 2 years.

The Albany Literary Gazette was published f>y John B. Germain.
The Rural Folio was started at Reusselaerville in Jan. 1828, by

C. G. & A. Palmer, and continued 2 years. An Anti-
Rent paper has also been published.

The Zodiac, mo., was published about 1836 by Gen. De Coudrey

The West Troy Advocate was commenced, at West
Troy in Oct. 1837, by Wm. Hollands, and is how pub¬
lished by his widow and son.

Watervliet Daily Democrat was started at West Troy
Jan. 20, 1859. Allen Corey, ed.

The Cohoes Advertiser was started at Cohoes in 1845 by Winanta
& Agnes. In 1849 its name was changed to
The Cohoes Cataract. J. H. Masten, publisher.

1 The name Albany was derived from the Scotch title of the
Duke of York, to whom the province was granted.

2 The charter conveyed municipal jurisdiction over the terri¬
tory bounded
e. by the low water mark on the Hudson; s. by a
line drawn from the southernmost end of the pasture at the n.
end of Martin Gerritsen’s island, and running back due
n. w. 16
miles into the a certain creek called Sandkil;
n. by a
line parallel to the former, about 1 mile distant; and w. by a
straight line drawn from the western extremities of the N. and
s. lines. This charter embraced the right of certain public
buildings and fields, the ferry, all waste land within their
boundaries, the right of fishing in the Hudson within the county,
and of purchasing of the Indians 500 acres of meadow land at
“ Schaatcogue” on the N., and 1,000 acres at “ Tionnonderoge”
(Fort Hunter) on the w., in the Mohawk country, on which to
plant colonies as barriers against hostile incursions. The quit-
rent was fixed at one beaver skin, payable at Albany on the
25th of March annually forever.

3 This boring was commenced to obtain water for a brewery.
At a depth of 480 feet, sparkling water, of a saline taste and im¬
pregnated with carburetted hydrogen gas, was obtained. The
boring was continued to a depth of 617 feet without any change
in the character’of the products. A few rods distant a second
well was bored, with similar results. One of the wells wa*
ruined by placing a pump in the other. 4 See page 156.

B Besides the river, canal, and railroads, there are 5 plank
roads and 2 turnpikes terminating in the city.


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