Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 181
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and is an important point for the transhipment of coal.13 Pop. 8,818. Hawleytoai (p. o.) is
a hamlet in the s. part, near the Penn. line. . The first settlement was 1787, by emigrants
mostly from New England.1 The first religious services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Ilowe,
(Bap.,) in 1788. Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson is a resident of this town.

BARRER2 —was formed from Lisle, April 18,1831. A part of Greene was annexed April 28,
1840. It lies upon Tioughnioga River,
n. w. of the center of the co. The surface consists of a
high, broken plateau divided into two distinct parts by the valley of the river. The declivities of
the hills are in some places very-steep; but their summits spread out into a broken region
generally covered with timber and adapted to pasturage. The highest point, in the
n. w. part
of the town, is about 1400 feet above tide. The river valley is very narrow, but the limited amount
of intervale is excellent land. Halfway Brook flows through a narrow‘valley in the
e. part
of the town. In this valley brine springs have been found; and here also the unsuccessful boring
for salt was made.2 The soil in the valley is a rich alluvium and gravelly loam, and that upon the
hills is a clayey loam mixed with disintegrated slate and shale. Clsenassgo Forks (p.v.) is
situated mostly in this town, at the fork of Chenango and Tioughnioga Rivers. It is a station
on the S. B. & N. Y. R. R. Pop. 506,—in Barker 287, in Chenango 127, and in Greene (Chenango
co) 92. Barker is a p. o. in the central part of the town. The first settlement was made in
1791, by John Barker, from Branford,. Conn.3 There are 3 churches in town.4 .    ,    .    .    .

CHENANGO—was formed Feb. 16, 1791. Windsor was taken off in 1807, Conklin in
1824, and Bingbamton and Port Crane in 1855., A part of Union was annexed Feb. 26, 1808, and
a part of Maine, Nov. 27, 1856. It lies upon the w. bank of Chenango River, a little w. of the
center of the co. Its surface consists of the river intervale and several high ridges extending in a
n. and s. direction and separated by the narrow valleys of small streams. The declivities of the
hills are steep, and their summits are 300 to 600 feet above the valleys. Castle and Kattel
Creeks, tributaries of Chenango River, are the principal streams. The former was named from
the location of an Indian castle near its mouth, and the- latter from a family of early settlers. The
soil upon the hills is a gravelly loam mixed with disintegrated slate and underlaid by hard-
pan, but farther s. it becomes a deeper and richer gravelly loam. It is productive, but," from its
moist character, it is largely devoted to grazing. Stock growing and dairying form the leading
branches of agricultural interest. Castle Creek (p.v.) is,on the creek of the same name, in
the w. part of the town. Pop. 185. Glen Castle, (p. o.,) on a branch of the same stream, is
in the central part. Chenango, (p. o.,) on Chenango River, is a station on the S. B. & N. Y.
R. R. Kattelville is a hamlet on Kattel Creek. The first settlement was made in 1787, by
Thos. Gallup.6 There are 4 churches in town.7

COILFSTIILIJE8—was formed from Windsor, April 2, 1821. It lies upon the Susquehanna,
e. of the center of the co. Its surface consists principally of a high and broken upland divided
into 2 parts by the deep valley of the river. The summits of these uplands are 400 to 700 feet
above the valley, and considerable portions are still covered with forests. .The soil upon the
river bottoms is a deep, fertile, gravelly loam, and upon t’ne summits of the hills it consists of clay
and slate. It is generally much better adapted to pasturage than tillage. Ilarpersville, (p. v.,)
on Susquehanna River, contains 3 churches and has a pop. of 230. Center Tillage,9 (p. v.,) '
on the Susquehanna, has a pop. of 147. Jfew Ohio, (p. o.,) in the
n. part of the town, Osborne
Hollow, (p.o.,) in the w. part, West Colesville, (p.o.,) in the s. w. part, Colesville,
(p. o.,) s. of the center, Ouaqnaga, (p.o.,) and Nineveh, (p.o.,) on. the Susquehanna,
are hamlets. Talionia Springs and Fnitaria are p. offices. The first settlement10

that pf Simeon Rogers and a daughter of John Barker, in 1792;
the first birth, that of Chauncey, a son of Simeon Rogers, in
1793; and the first death, that of Thos. Gallup, tlie same year.
Simeon Rogers opened the first inn, in 1795, kept the first store,
and bnilt the first mill.' The first school was taught by Thos.
Cartwright, in 1795.    •    ■

6 2 M. E. and Cong.

6 Stephen Palmer and Jared Page wore among the earliest
settlers. The first hirtli was that of Sally Smith, in 1791.

7 3 M. E. and 1 Bap.

8 Named from Nathaniel Cole, one of the first settlers.

9 At this place is a tannery, which turns out 50,000 sides ol
leather per annum.

19 Lemuel and Nat.hT Badger and Casper Spring settled in tbe
town in 1786; Nathaniel and Vena Cole, Daniel Picket. Jed


Among the early settlers wereCapt. JosephLeonard, Col. Wm.

Eose, the two brothers Whitney, Lyon. Jesse Thayer. Peter

and Thos. Ingersoll, Sami. Harding, Capt. Jolin.Sawtell,-

Butler, and Solomon Moore. The first birth was that of Amasa
Leonard, Sept. 23, 1788; tlie first marriage, that of Ezekiel
Crocker and Polly Benton; and the first death, that of Mrs.
Blunt, in 1787. Lewis Keeler opened the first inn, and Delano &
Monroe the first store. Ezekiel Crocker erected the first grist¬
mill, in 1794. The first school was taught by Col. Wm. Rose, in
1794. For details of early history see
Wilkinson’s Annals of


8 See p. 178.


Simeon Rogers, John Allen. Asa Beach, and Sol. Rose, from


Conn.. settled in town in 1792. The first marriage was


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