Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 183
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The summits of the highest hills are 100 to 300 feet above the -river and 1,200 to 1',400 feet above tide.
The town is drained principally by the two branches of Nanticoke Creek, which flow s. through
the central portion of the town. The soil upon the hills is a slaty loam underlaid by hardpau.
The settlements are principally confined to the valleys. liiunbs Corners, in the central part
of the town, contains about 12 houses. Nanticoke Springs, in the s. part, and Glen
Aubrey, are p. offices. The first settlement was made on Nanticoke Creek, in 1793, by Philip
Counselman and John Beaehtle, from Luzerne co., Penn., and Ilenry Stoddard, from Conn.1 There
are 2 churches in town; Bap. and M. E.


POST CKAIE2 —was formed from Chenango, Dec. 3, 1855. It lies upon the e. bank of
Chenango River, extending from the central portions of the co.
n. to the borders of* Chenango. Its
surface consists principally of a high and rolling upland region. The valley of the Chenango is
very narrow, and the hills rise steeply to an elevation of 500 to 700 feet above the river. Page
Brook flows in a southerly direction through, the center of the town, dividing the uplands into 2
distinct ridges. The soil upon the hills is a clay and slaty loam underlaid by harclpan, and in the
valleys it consists of a fine, rich gravelly loam and alluvium. Port Crane, (p.v.,) on
the Chenango Canal, in the s. part of the town, has a pop. of 193. Doraville, (p. o.,) in the n.
part, is a hamlet. Settlement was commenced in 1788, by Elisha Pease/ The first religious ser¬
vices were conducted by Rev. John Camp, in 1798. There is a M. E. church in town.

SAIVFORD—was formed from Windsor, April 2, 1821. It is the s. e. town of the co., bor¬
dering upon Delaware River. Its surface is principally occupied by the high, mountainous range
that extends between Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers. The summits of the hills are 600 to 900
feet above the valley, and the declivities are usually very steep.3 The deep, narrow valley of
• Oquaga Creek, flowing s. through the" center of the town, separates the highlands into 2 parts.
This valley and that of Delaware River are both bounded by nearly precipitous mountain declivi¬
ties. In its course the creek has numerous falls, furnishing an abundance of water power. The
soil in the valleys is a fertile, gravelly loam, but upon.the hills it is a cold, clayey loam underlaid
by hardpan. Considerable portions of the central and s. parts of the town are still unsettled.
Lumber and 'leather are largely manufactured. Deposit (p.v.) is situated partly in this^town
and partly in Tompkins, (Delaware co.) The depot, several hotels, and about half of the dwellings
are in this town. Pop. 1249,—656 in Sanford, 593 in Tompkins.4 Sanford, in the central
part of the town, W. Sanford, in the
n. part, and Gulf Summit, in the s., are p. offices.

Settlement commenced in 1787, by Wm. McClure, from N. H., Whitaker, and Capt. Nathan

Dean.5 There are 3 churches in towh; Bap., M. E., arid R. C.

TIlIAJStGIiE6—was formed from Lisle, April 18, 1831. It is situated in the extreme n\ part
of the co., bordering upon both Cortland and Chenango. Its surface consists of a hilly and rolling
upland divided into ridges by the valleys of Otselic River and Halfway Brook. The summits of
the hills are 300 to 500 feet above the valleys. 'The soil is generally a gravelly loam, better
adapted to grazing than to tillage. Whitneys Point,7 (p. v.,) situated at the function of
Otselic and Tioughnioga Rivers, contains 3 churches and has a pop. of 205. Upper Uisle, (p. v.,)
on the Otselic, in the n. part of the town, contains 2 churches and 35 houses; and Triangle,
(p.v.,) on Halfway Brook, in the
s.e. part, 3 churches and 175 inhabitants. The first settlement
was made at Whitneys Point, in 1791, by Gen. John Patterson, from Berkshire co., Mass.8 The
first religious services were conducted by Deacon Josiah Lee, in 1792; and the first sermon was
preached by Rev. Seth Williston, in 1795. There are 9 churches in town.9

April, 1787; the first birth, that of Phebe Edict, in 1788; and
the first death, that of. Stephen Whitaker, Oct. 23,1793. Capt,
Dean built the first sawmill, in 1791, the first gristmill, in 1792,
opened the first store, in 1794, and kept the first inn. The first
school was taught by Hugh Compton, in 1793.

7 This name was applied to the tract s. of the Military Tract
and “ Twenty Towns” and between tho Chenango and Tiough¬
nioga Rivers. It was bought by Col.Wm. Smith, at 3 shillings
3 pence per acre. The Chenango Triangle embraces Smithville
and part of Greene in Chenango co., and Triangle and part of
Barker in Broome.

8 Named from Thos. Whitney.

9 In 1792, David Seymour and family settled at Whitneys
Point; and between 1794 and 1797, Timothy Shepherd, Asa
Kodgers, Benj. and Hendrick J. Smith, and JoMn Landers, set¬
tled at Upper Lisle. The first death was that of Mrs. Hannah
Lee, in 1791. The first school was taught by Martha Seymour,
in 1193.

10 4 Bap., 2 M. E., 2 Cong., and 1 Univ.


The first birth was that of Betsey Stoddard, July 1,1794, and the
first death, that of Sally Bird, sister of Mrs. Stoddard, Jan. 16,1809.


Named from Jason Crane, one of the engineers on the
Chenango Canal.    >    ‘    ■


The highest point between the two rivers, by the State
Road Survey, is 1688 feet above tide.


See page 265.


Among the first settlers were Daniel Race, Noah Carpenter,


Nathan Austin, Simeon Alexander, Russel Farnham, S. P. Green,


Anthony West, Joseph Page, John.Pinney, J. P. Appleton, Silas


Seward, Capt. Parker, Isaac Denton, and Dexter May. The first


marriage was that of Conrad Edict and Elizabeth Whitaker, in


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