UNION—was formed Feb. 16,1791. A part of Norwich and Oxford (Chenango co.) were taken off in 1793, a part of Greene (Chenango co.) in 1798, Tioga (Tioga co.) in 1800, Lisle in 1801, a partof Che¬ nango in 1808, Vestal in 1823, and Maine in 1848. A part was annexed from Tioga, (Tioga co.,) April 2,1810, and a part from Lisle, April 11,1827. It lies upon the n. shore of the Susquehanna, s. w. of the center of the co. The surface consists of the Susquehanna intervale and the hilly region isr. of it. The highlands are nearly centrally divided by the deep valley of Nanticoke Creek. The soil in the valley consists of a mixed clayey, sandy, and gravelly loam and alluvium, and is very pro¬ ductive. The hills have a rich soil of slaty and gravelly loam, and are cultivated to their summits. •U ni®U; (p. v.,) situated near the Susquehanna, in the s. part of the town, is a station on the N. Y. & E. R. R. The Union News is published at this place-. Pop. 520. Union Center, (p. v.,) on Nanticoke Creek, partly in this town and partly in Maine, contains 2 churches .and about 40 houses. Hooper, (p.o.,) in the s. part of the town, is a station on the Erie R. R. The first settlement was made in 1785, by Joseph Draper, Nehemiah Crawford, Bryant Stoddard, Nathan Howard, Jabesh Winchop, Caleb Merriman, and Winthrop Roe.1 The first church (Ref. Prot. D.) was organized in 1789, at Union Tillage, and Rev. John Manley was the first settled-preacher. There axe 4 churches in town.2 . •
VESTAR—was' formed from Union, Jan. 22, 1823. It lies upon the s. bank of tlie Susque¬ hanna, and is the s. w. corner town of the co'. The surface consists of the river intervale and the hilly region immediately s. of it. The soil upon the hills is a fine quality of slaty loam, and in the valley it is a deep, rich, gravelly loam and alluvium. It is adapted to both grain raising and grazing. Vestal, (p.v.,) near the mouth of Big Choconut Creek, contains 1 church and about 45 dwellings, Vestal Center, (p.v.,) on the same stream, 1 church and about 20 houses, and Tracy Creek, (p. o.,) in the w. part, 1 church and about 10 houses. Settlement was com¬ menced in 1785, by emigrants from New England.3 The M. E. church at Vestal was the first religious organization in town.3
WINDSOR4—was formed from Chenango, March 27, 1807. Colesville and Sanford were taken off in 1821, and a part of Conklin in 1851. A part of Conklin was annexed April 18, 1831. It lies upon the s. border of the co., s. e. of the center. Its surface is principally occupied by 2 high ridges separated by the valley of the Susquehanna. Upon the e. side of the valley the hills attain an ele’vation of 400 to 800 feet above the river, and culminate in several sharp ridges ; on the w. the hills are less elevated, though the highest summits attain an elevation of 400 to 800 feet above the valley.5 The declivities of these hills are generally quite abrupt. Oquaga Hill, in the n. e. part of the town, is one of the highest peaks, and it has some historical notoriety. (See p. 180.) The valley of the river is generally narrow. The soil is a deep, rich, gravelly loam in the valleys, and a slaty loam underlaid by clay and hardpan upon the hills. Considerable portions of tbe e. and s. parts of the town are yet uncultivated. Windsor, (p.v.,) situated on the Susquehanna, near the center of the town, contains 3 churches and Windsor Academy. Pop. 339. Stillson Hollow (West Windsor p.o.) contains about 20 houses. Ra.ndolpli Cen¬ ter6 (p.o.) is a hamlet. The first settlement was made on the Susquehanna, at the mouth of Doo¬ little Creek, in 1786, by John Doolittle, from Conn.7 The first church (Cong.) was organized Aug. 15, 1793, by Rev. Mr. Judd. There are 5 churches in town.8
4 The census reports 3 churches; Bap., M. E., and Ref. Meth.
6 Named from Windsor, Conn.
® The surface of the Susquehanna in this town is about 910 feet above tide. *
7 So called from its being the center of Randolph’s Patent.
8 David Amaphad and Cyrus Hotchkiss. John Gurnsey and
Swift, settled in town in 1787. The first birth was that of
David Doolittle, Dec. 27, 1786; tlie. first marriage, that of Capt. Andrew English and Miss-Rachel Moore; and the first death, that of Mrs. Ashley, the interpreter at the Oquaga Mission, in Aug. 1787. Josiah Stow opened the first inn and stoie. in 1788, and Nathan Lane built the first gristmill, in 1797. The first school was taught by Stephen Seymour, in li 89.
9 2 M. E., and 1 each F. W. Bap., Bap., and Presb. |
Among the early settlers were Joshua and John Mersereau,
and Benj. Brown, Amos Patterson, Abner Rockwell, and Medad
and Elisha B. Bradley. The first death was that of Mary J.
Fisk, June 13,1789. James Ross and Jabesh Winchop built the first gristmill, in 1791, and the latter opened the first tavern, the same year. The first school was taught by Flavel Sabin, to 1787. The first birth was that of Joseph Chambers, July 4,1790.
s 2 Presb. and 2 M. E.
s Samuel and Daniel Seymour, David Barney, Daniel Price,
Wm. Coe, Ruggles Winchel, and Asa Camp, were the first set¬ tlers. Sapil. Coe kept the first inn, in 1791, and R. Winchel built