Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 198
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mixed with clay, muck, anf^ alluvium; and in the s. it is a gravelly and clay loam and very pro¬
ductive. The whole co. is well adapted to either grain raising or pasturage. Until within a few
years wheat has been the staple production; but' it has been nearly superseded by rye,' oats, barley,
and corn. Wool growing and dairying are also extensively pursued. The cultivation of fruit, to
which the climate and soil are admirably adapted, is beginning to receive considerable attention.
The manufactures of the co., mostly confined to Auburn, are extensive, though comparatively
less than in 1810.1


The county seat is located at the city of Auburn.2 An elegant and substantial courthouse
was built in 1807-09.3' It is located upon a commanding site in the s. w. part of the city, and
contains rooms for the usual co. offices. A fireproof clerk’s office is situated adjacent to the
courthouse. A substantial stone jail was erected ip. 1833, in the rear of the courthouse.4 TKe
county poorhouse is located upon a farm, of 90 acres in Sennett, 3 mi.
n. e. of Auburn. It is a
poor, old, dilapidated building, .containing about 30 rooms. The average number of inmates is
about 100, supported at a weekly cost of 70 cts. each. A school is kept during a portion of the
year.5 The Cayuga Orphan Asylum, located in the city of Auburn, was incorp. in April, 1852.
It receives orphans and destitute children and has an average attendance of 30. The institution
is well managed, and the children receive good care and instruction. The Erie Canal extends
through Brutus, Mentz, and Montezuma. Cayuga Lake and Outlet are navigable, and form a
connection with the canal at Montezuma. The direct branch of the N. Y. Central R. R. from
Syracuse to Rochester extends through Brutus, Mentz, and Montezuma, and the Auburn branch
through Sennett, Auburn, and Aurelius.6

Two daily, 7 weekly, and 3 monthly papers’ are published in the co.7

1 “ The number of looms in the co. were 1,360, producing
340.870 yds. of cloth annually; there are 19 tanneries, 4*7 dis¬
tilleries, 48 asheries, 11 carding, machines, 11 cloth dressing-
mills, 3 oil mills, an air furnace, triphammer, several nail facto¬
ries, 6 earthen ware factories, and several hatters’ shops. About
2,500 skeins of silk and 60,000 bushs. of salt are made annually.
The inhabitants clothe themselves -principally in the products
of their own families, and were it not for the exorbitant num¬
ber of their distilleries, I should add, are very temperate and
industrious,—the character given them by correspondents.”—
Spafford’s Gazetteer, ed. 1813.

2 When organized in 1799, Cayuga included Seneca co., the
territory lying between the Cayuga and Seneca Lakes; and, as
central to the thin population, the first courthouse was located
at Aurora, on the e. shore of Cayuga Lake. It was built of poles
and covered with brush. In 1803 a circuit court And court of
Oyer and Terminer was held at this' place by Daniel D. Tomp¬
kins, at which an Indian by the name of John was tried and
convicted of the murder of Ezekiel Crane, jr., and sentenced to
be hung. He urgently requested that he might be shot,—a-pri¬
vilege, of course, not granted by our laws. A Jog building at
Cayuga Village was authorized to be used as a jail March 25,
1800. In 1804 an aot was passed, authorizing John Tillotson,
Augustus Cfiidsey, and John Grover, jr.,.commissioners to'build
a courthouse on the s. e. corner of Lot 46 of Scipio, (now Auburn,)
This act was afterward repealed. On the 6th of March, 1805,
Edward Savage, of Washington co., Jas. Burt, of Orange, and
Jas. Hildreth, of Montgomery, were appointed commissioners to
locate the site of a courthouse. The commissioners neglected
to fix the site; and, April 6, 1808, John Glover, Stephen Close,
and Noah Olmstead were appointed to superintend the finishing
of the courthouse at Auburn.

3 The first co. officers were Seth Phelps, First Judge; William
District Attorney / Benjamin Ledyard, County Clerk;
Joseph Annin, Sheriff; Glen Cuyler, Surrogate.

4 This building is 45 by 65 feet, 2 stories high, with 2 double
and 26 single cells, arranged in the center of the building, with
a hall on three sides, open to the prisoners in daytime.

5 No means are provided for ventilating the rooms or for
classifying the inmates. The insane are sometimes confined
in dark cells not provided with means of warmth; and the
whole establishment and its management are by no means
creditable to the intelligence and humanity of the citizens of
the co.    -

6 The Ontario, Auburn & N. Y. R. R., extending from Little
Sodus Bay s. to Ithaca, has been surveyed through the co, and
partially graded; but work upon it has been suspended.

t The Levana .Gazette, or Onondaga Advertiser, the first paper
published in Cayuga co., was established July 20,1798,
at Levana, in the town of Scipio, (then Onondaga co.,)
by R. Delano.

Tim Western Luminary was published at Watkins’ Settlement,
in Scipio, in 1799.

The Aurora Gazette was established in 1799 by H. & J. Pace,
and continued until 1805, when it Was removed to
Auburn and changed to
The Western Federalist. It was published as
The Auburn Gazette by Skinner and Crosby in 1816.

The Cayuga Tocsin was commenced at Union Springs in 1812
by R. T. Chamberlain. It was soon after removed to

Auburn, and continued by different persons until 1847,
when it was united with the Cayuga Patriot.

The Cayuga Patriot was started at Auburn by Samuel R. Brown
in 1814. . Isaac S. Allen, Ulysses E. Doubleday, and
others, were afterward interested in its publication.
In June, 1847, it was united with the Tocsin, the joint
. papers taking the name of

The Cayuga New Era. It was successively published by Mer¬
rill, Stone & Co., Stone, Hawes & Co., Finn
& Ilallett,
and. William L. Finn, and was discontinued in 1857.

The Advocate of the People was commenced at Auburn in Sept.
1816, by Henry C. Southwick.

The Cayuga Republican was commenced in 1819 by A. Buckin-
ham, and was afterward published by Thomas M. Skin¬
ner. In 1833 it was united with the Free Press and
issued as

The Auburn Journal and Advertiser by Oliphant &. Skinner.
Skinner subsequently withdrew, and the paper was
continued by Oliphant. In 1846 it was issued as

Tlie Auburn Journal; and the same year •

Tlie Ant)urn Daily Advertiser, the first daily paper
published in the co., was established in connection with
it. In the fall of the same year, Oliphant sold out to
Henry Montgomery, by whom the papers were con¬
tinued until. 1850, when Knapp & Peck, the present
publishers, became proprietors.

The Auburn Free Press was commenced by Richard Oliphant
in 1824 and published by him until 1829. It was then
sold to Henry Oliphant, and in 1833 it was united with
the Cayuga Republican.

The Gospel Messenger (Prot. E.) was established at Auburn by
Rev. Dr.,Rudd in 1827. It was removed to Utica a few
years after.

The Diamond was published in 1830.

■The Gospel Advocate was published in 1830.

The Cayuga Democrat was published by Fred. Prince in 1833.

The People’s Friend was published in 1836 by Oliphant k

The Western Banner was published in 1836 by Francis S.

The People’s Library, mo., was published in 1836 by F. S. Wiggins.

The Primitive Christian was published in 1836 by Silas E.

The Conference Record was published in 1837 by Rev. J. S.

The Northern Advocate (Meth. Epis.) was commenced in April,
1841, by Revv.Tohn E. Robie. It was edited by Rev. F.

G. Hibbard and Rev. Wm. Ilosmer until May, 1844,
when it was purchased by the Meth. Genl. Conference
and changed to .

Northern. Cli’n Advocate. It was edited successively
by Rev. Nelson Rounds and Wm. Ilosmer, and is now
under the editorial charge of Rev. F. G. Hibbard.

The Star of Temperance was published in 1845 by L. H. Davey.

Auburn’s Favorite was published in 1849 by Newton Calkins.

The Cayuga Chief was commenced at Auburn in January, 1849,
by Thurlow W. Brown, and continued until 1857.'

The Auburn Daily Bulletin was published in 1849 by Stone.
Hawes &>Co.

The Masonic Union, mo., was published in 1850.


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