Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 287
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The Buffalo Medical College, on the corner of Main and Virginia Sts., was organized in Aug. 1846,
â– under the charter of the
University of Buffalo. A course of lectures is given each winter; and
the students are admitted to the hospital of the Sisters of Charity, on stated days, during the visits
of the medical and surgical officers.


The Buffalo Mercantile College, on the corner of Main and Seneca Sts., was established Oct. 10,

1854. Its object is to impart a theoretical and practical knowledge of business transactions.

The Buffalo Commercial College, on Main St., is an institution similar in character to the Mer¬
cantile College.

The Buffalo Law Library Association, incorp. April 2, 1833,—capital $10,000, in shares of $100
each,—was formed for the purpose of securing the benefits of a professional library beyond tho
reach of private means.

The Young Men’s Association was established in the winter of 1835-36, and incorp. in March,
1843. It has a library of about 10,000 volumes, and a reading room, which is well supplied with
papers from most of the principal cities of the Union. During the winter months lectures are
maintained by the association.

The German Young Men’s Association was organized in 1841 and chartered in ' 846. The
library contains about 2000 volumes, mostly German works.

The Young Men’s Christian Union was established in May, 1852, and incorp. March, 1853. It
has for its object the moral and intellectual improvement of young men. Its library and reading
rooms are in Kremlin Hall, at the junction of Niagara and Erie Sts.

The Young Men’s Catholic Association and the Buffalo Catholic' Institute are societies similar
to the preceding.

The Buffalo Medical Association was formed in 1845 and incorp. in 1856. Its objects are
purely scientific and professional, and its membership is confined to the medical profession of
the county.

The Mendelssohn Association, organized Jan. 1858, has for its object the improvement and culti¬
vation of vocal and instrumental music.

The Deutsche Leidertafel and the Deutscher Saengerbund are German societies of a similar

The Buffalo Orphan Asylum, located on Virginia St., was organized in 1835 and incorp. April
24, 1837. The site was donated by Louis S. Le Couteulx, and the present building was erected
in 1850. The average number of inmates is about 80.

The Buffalo Female Orphan Asylum, on the corner of Batavia and Ellicott Sts., was established
in 1848, under the care of the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph. The present number of children
is 98.

The Buffalo Hospital of the Sisters of Charity, on Virginia St., was incorp. July 5, 1848. The
building contains 20 wards, and the average number of patients is 130.

The Buffalo General Hospital was incorp. Nov. 21, 1855, and went into operation in 1858. It
was founded by individual donations, amounting to $20,000, and a State appropriation of $10,000.1

The Lying-In Hospital, on Edwawl St., is under the charge of the Sisters of Charity.

The Buffalo City Dispensary, a society of physicians, was organized to afford gratuitous medical
services to the destitute.

The Association for the Belief of the Poor disburses among the needy each winter sums ranging
from $1,500 to $8,000.

The Firemen’s Benevolent Association was incorp. March 23, 1837, and has for its object the
accumulation of a fund for the relief of indigent, and disabled firemen and their families.

The Buffalo Physicians’ Charitable Fund Association was organized in 1858, to provide means
for the assistance and relief of the widows and orphans of medical men.

A M. E. church was founded in Buffalo, in 1809, by the Rev. Jas. Mitchell; but it had no per •
manent organization. The oldest church now in the city (1st Presb.) was organized Feb. 2,1812,
by the Rev. Thaddeus Osgood. The next established were a Prot. E., Bap., a M. E., and a Univ.
There are now 57 churches in the city.2 Most of the church edifices are large and commodious ;
and many of them are of a high order of architectural beauty.
St. Joseph’s Cathedral (R. C.) is

in this city, has been prominently before the public from the
refusal of its trustees to convey their church property to the
bishop, and the extraordinary hut ineffectual efforts made by
the Roman pontiff to induce obedience to this order. In 1S53
Cardinal Bedini visited America, having this as a prominent
object of his mission; but the trustees were inflexible, and still
continue the owners of their property.


This hospital is located on High St., and is a two story brick
structure, 160 ft. long by 75 ft. wide. The w. wing only of the
general plan is finished; hut that is complete in itself, and has

4 wards, capable of accommodating 100 patients.


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