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ERIE COUNTY. The Buffalo Medical College, on the corner of Main and Virginia Sts., was organized in Aug. 1846, 287 The Buffalo Mercantile College, on the corner of Main and Seneca Sts., was established Oct. 10, 1854. Its object is to impart a theoretical and practical knowledge of business transactions. The Buffalo Commercial College, on Main St., is an institution similar in character to the Mer¬ The Buffalo Law Library Association, incorp. April 2, 1833,—capital $10,000, in shares of $100 The Young Men’s Association was established in the winter of 1835-36, and incorp. in March, The German Young Men’s Association was organized in 1841 and chartered in ' 846. The The Young Men’s Christian Union was established in May, 1852, and incorp. March, 1853. It The Young Men’s Catholic Association and the Buffalo Catholic' Institute are societies similar The Buffalo Medical Association was formed in 1845 and incorp. in 1856. Its objects are The Mendelssohn Association, organized Jan. 1858, has for its object the improvement and culti¬ The Deutsche Leidertafel and the Deutscher Saengerbund are German societies of a similar The Buffalo Orphan Asylum, located on Virginia St., was organized in 1835 and incorp. April The Buffalo Female Orphan Asylum, on the corner of Batavia and Ellicott Sts., was established The Buffalo Hospital of the Sisters of Charity, on Virginia St., was incorp. July 5, 1848. The The Buffalo General Hospital was incorp. Nov. 21, 1855, and went into operation in 1858. It The Lying-In Hospital, on Edwawl St., is under the charge of the Sisters of Charity. The Buffalo City Dispensary, a society of physicians, was organized to afford gratuitous medical The Association for the Belief of the Poor disburses among the needy each winter sums ranging The Firemen’s Benevolent Association was incorp. March 23, 1837, and has for its object the The Buffalo Physicians’ Charitable Fund Association was organized in 1858, to provide means A M. E. church was founded in Buffalo, in 1809, by the Rev. Jas. Mitchell; but it had no per •
This hospital is located on High St., and is a two story brick 4 wards, capable of accommodating 100 patients. PREVIOUS PAGE ... NEXT PAGE This page was written in HTML using a program written in Python 3.2 |