menta, Pop. 2081. Fort Hill1 is a hamlet. The first settlement was made in 1797, by Charles Wilbur, near Le Roy Tillage.2 The first religious services (Prot. E.) were held at the village by the Rev. Davenport Phelps, in 1802.3
©AfkFIEjLB4—was formed from Elba, April 11, 1842. It lies on the n. border of the CO., w. of the center. The surface is level or gently undulating. Oak Orchard Creek, the principal stream, flows w. through the n.’ part of the town. A marsh, forming a portion of the Tonawanda swamp, extends along its course. The soil is a sandy and gravelly loam underlaid by clay. Brine springs, from which salt was formerly manufactured, are found near the center of the town. Caryvilie5 (Oakfield p. o.) was incorp. in July, 1858. It contains an academy6 and 2 churches. Pop. 500. Oakfield and Mechanicville are hamlets. Most of this town was an Indian Reservation, and the lands were not sold to the whites until subsequent to 1832. The first settlers were Erastus Walcott, Gideon Dunham, and Christopher Kenyon, who came in 1801.7 One mi. w. of Caryvilie are the remains of an ancient fortification known as the “ Old Fort,” consisting of a ditch and breastworks, including about 10 acres of ground. There are 2 churches in town; Presb. and M. E.
PAYIIilOEH—was formed from Covington, (Wyoming co.,) May 19, 1841. Portions were annexed from Le Roy and Stafford, March 22, 1842. It is the s. e. corner town of the co. The surface is hilly in the s. and undulating in the n. Oatka Creek, the principal stream, flows n. a little w. of the center of the town. The soil is a fertile, gravelly loam underlaid by clay. Fruits are extensively cultivated. Pavilion (p. v.) is situated on Oatka Creek, near the s. border of the town. Pop. 216. Pavilion Center, (p.v.,) formerly “South Le Roy,” contains a church and 20 houses. Union Corners is a hamlet. The first settlement was made in 1809, by Peter Crosman.8 The first church edifice (Univ.) was erected at the village of Pavilion, in 1832.9
PEMBMORE—was formed from Batavia, June 8, 1812. A part of Alabama was taken off in 1826, and Darien in 1832. It is the central town upon the w. border of the co. Its surface is level or gently undulating. Tonawanda Creek flows through the n. e. corner, and Murder Creek through the s. and s. w. parts. The soil is a sandy and gravelly loam intermixed with clay. The Tonawanda Indian Reservation occupies a portion of the n. part of the town. East Pem¬ broke, (p.v.,) on the line of Batavia, contains an academy,10 2 churches, and 35 dwellings, Ricliville,11 (Pembroke p. o.,) 1 church and 40 dwellings, Loup Corners, (Corfu p. o.,) in the s. part of the town, 2 churches and 45 dwellings, and Mogadore, (North Pembroke p.o.,) 20 dwellings. Prospect Hill is a hamlet. The first settlement was made in the town in 1804, by David Goss, from Mass.12 The first church (Cong.) was formed by Rev. Joshua Spencer, first minister, in 1810, at Longs Corners.13
STAFFORD—was formed from Batavia and Le Roy, March 24, 1820. A part of Pavilion was taken off in 1842. It is an interior town, lying e. of the center of the co. Its surface is undu¬ lating, with a general slight slope to the n. Black Creek flows n. through the center of the town, and Bigelow Creek rises in the w. and flows in the same direction. The soil is a productive, sandy
establishment, costing over $20,000, was donated by its founders to the Synod of Genesee, upon the conditions that a full colle¬ giate course should be established, and a permanent fund raised for its support. The gift was accepted by the Synod, and the present name bestowed.
1 On the brow of the hill at this place are the ruins of an old fort.—Smithsonian Contributions, vol. II., art. 6, p. 48.
2 Capt. John Ganson, and his 2 sons John and James, settled near Le Roy Village in 1798, and Gideon Eordham, Alexander McPherson, and Hines Chamberlin in 1800-01. The first child born was Naomi Wilbur, in 1799; and the first after the town was named Le Roy was Wm. Le Roy Annin, in 1814. Geo. A. Tiffany kept the first store, in 1806; and the Holland Land Co. built the first mill, in 1804.
s The census reports 6 churches in town; 1 each Prot. E., Presb., Cong., Bap., M. E., and R. C.
4 Named from the fact that the lands of the town were mostly “ Oak Openings.”
6 Named from Col. Alfred Cary, an early settler and prominent citizen.
« The Cary Collegiate Institute was founded in 1840, mainly by tho influence and means of Col. Alfred Cary, who died in this town Sept. 17, 1858, aged 79. The building (which is of stone) and apparatus cost $15,000. The institution has accom¬ modations for 200 students. Besides large contributions to its establishment, Col. Cary has endowed the institution with $20,000. It is now under charge of the Prot. E. Church.
7 The first store was kept in 1833, by Col. Cary, at Caryvilie; and the first inn by Gideon Dunham, at Dunhams Corners, in 1805." The first saw and grist mill were erected by Christopher Kenyon, in 1811. |
8 Among the other first settlers were James McWithey, Solo¬ mon Terrill, Reuben Burnham, and Joshua Shumway, in 1810; Sylvanus Young, Elijah Phelps, Amasa Allen, and several bro¬ thers of the name of Burgess, in 1811; and Isaac Storm, in 1812, most of whom located in the e. part of the town. The first death was that of a child of Reuben Burnham, in 1812. Laura Terrill (from Vt.) taught the first school, in 1813; Seth Smith kept the first inn, in 1815; and Horace Bates the first store, in 1817, at the village of Pavilion. Bhe first mill was erected by Bial La¬ throp, on Oatka Creek, in 1816.
9 The census reports 7 churches in town; 3 M.E., and 1 each Presb., Bap., Dnion, and Univ.
10 The Rural Academy was incorp. by the regents in 1656 Average number of students about 100.
11 Named from Charles B. Rich, a prominent man in town.
12 John Long, Dr. David Long, (from Washington co.,) and Samuel Carr settled in the town in 1808, and Joseph Lester (from Conn.) in 1809. The first child born was Jonathan Hastings; jr., in 1810; and the first marriage, that of Ansell Hastings and Polly Long, in 1812. Anna Horton taught the first scb ool, at Corfu, in 1811; Samuel Carr kept the first inn, at W. Pembroke, in 1809; John Ball the first store, at the same place, in 1812; and Samuel Carr erected the first gristmill and sawmill, in 1808-09.
13 The census reports 6 churches in town; 2 Bap., and 1 each Presb., M. E., Prot. M., and Christian. |