Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 338
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HOPE1 —was formed from "Wells, April 15, 1818. A part of Lake Pleasant was annexed May
10, 1847. It lies upon Sacondaga River, in the s.
e. corner of the co. Its surface is broken and
mountainous. It is the most populous town in the co., and the settlements are chiefly in the
part. The w. portion is still a wilderness, known only to hunters. The mountains are very irre¬
gular; but in general they extend upon both sides of the river, and, as usual in this region, have
their longest slope to the s.w. The principal tributary of the Sacondaga is East Stony Creek; and
the main range of mountains lies between this stream and the river.2 Lumbering and tanning are
extensively carried on. Hope Center, Benson, and Henson Center are p. offices.
Hope Falls (p. o.) is a hamlet.0 Settlement was begun in 1790, in the s. border of the town.3

IMHJAN ILAM.E—was formed from Gilman, Long Lake, and Wells, Nov. 13, 1858. It lies
upon the e. border of the co., n. of the center.4

IiAH.E PILE AS AWT—was formed from Johnstown, Fulton co., May 26, 1812. Parts of
Stafford, Johnstown, and Salisbury were annexed at the time of the formation of Hamilton co.
Morehouse was taken off in 1835, Arietta in 1836, and a part of Long Lake in 1837. A part" was
annexed to Hope in 1847, and a part to Wells in 1858. It is the central town of the eo., and in¬
cludes a long tract extending from n. to s. to within a few mi. of each extremity of the co. Its
surface is broken and mountainous, and most of it is still a wilderness. Lake Pleasant, from which
it derives its name, is about 4 mi. long by 1 wide. Round Lake, J mi. from this, is very irregular
in form, and about 1| mi. across in the widest part.5 The Eckford chain of lakes, in the
n. part,
are in the midst of wild mountain solitudes. The upper of these is named Janet Lake.6 The
principal streams in the s. are the n. and w. branches of the Sacondaga, and in the n. the Racket
and its tributaries. A mine of graphite has been opened 4 mi. n. of Sageville. Limestone mixed
with silex and mica, from which quicklime is obtained, is found s. of Lake Pleasant. Lumbering
and shingle making are carried on to a considerable extent. Lake Pleasant, (p.o.,) at the
foot of the lake, contains a hotel and 2 dwellings. Sag'eville7 (p.v.) is situated on a beautiful
elevation 50 feet above Lake Pleasant8 and Round Lake, about one-fourth of a mi. distant from
each. It contains the co. buildings, a large hotel, a church, and several dwellings. Settlement was
commenced about 1795, by Joseph Spier, of Columbia co.9 Meetings were first held by Rev. Elisha
Yale; and the first settled minister was Rev. Ryan Bristol.

EONCr HAILE—was formed from Arietta, Lake Pleasant, Morehouse, and Wells, May 4,

1837. It extends across the n. end of the co., and is named from the principal lake within its
borders. Its surface is very broken, and numerous small lakes are scattered through its forests.
Settlement was begun in Township 21, a few years before the date of its organization.10 There is
no p. o. in town.

MOREHOVSE11—was formed from Lake Pleasant, April 13,1835. A part of Long Lake was
taken off in 1837. It extends along the w. border of the co., from the s. extremity to Long Lake.

a costly mansion on Elm Lake, in Township 9, several mi. dis¬
tant from neighbors. He remained here until the death of his
wife, in 1818 or ’19, and soon after, being struck with paralysis,
was obliged to return to New York. The property, after repeated
sales, is now owned by Dr. Elliott, an oculist of New York City.
Gilman and his sons were the next settlers. John Carter, An¬
drew Morrison, Samuel Johnson, jr., Wm. B. Peck, Wm. Orcutt,
and others were early settlers. Mrs. Rhinelander was the first
person that died. Susan Gilman taught the first school, in 1823.
No inn has ever been licensed in town.

1 There are 2 large tanneries in town, and several sawmills.

2 These mountains are entirely primitive, and incline to the
hvpersthene and feldspathic varieties.

8 Gideon and Jeremiah Olmstead, from Mass., were the first
settlers. Issachar Robinson, Peter Wager, Asa Deville, Jacob
Houck, John Graff, and Elisha Wright settled about 1791-92, a

little N. of the center of the town. Zadock Bass, Conklin,

Elkanan, Amos, and Isaac Mason came into the e. part in 1805.
The first birth was that of Lucinda Olmstead; and the first
death, that of Mrs. Conklin, about 1800.  Wilson, a Scotch¬
man. kept the first school.

4 This town has been formed sinee the statistics were collected;
and its description and history are included in those of the towns
from wbieh it was formed.

8 The summit level between Round Lake and Little Long
Lake is but a few feet above the water. In wet seasons water
runs both ways, and 25 mi. of slackwater navigation might be
made at comparatively small expense. Round Lake flows into
the n, branch of the Sacondaga, and Little Long Lake into the
v. branch,—so that, after running 25 and 35 mi. respectively,
their waters again unite.

5 Named from Mrs. James E. De Kay, by Dr. Emmons, while
making the geological survey of the 2d district. She was the
daughter of Henry Eckford, the celebrated shipbuilder, from
whom the chain of lakes was named.

I Known for several years as “ Lake Pleasantuntil changed
through the agency of Hezekiah Sage, of Chittenango, who built
a large hotel and attempted to establish an extensive business
there. Efforts have been made to procure a change of the pre¬
sent name, but without success.

8 A few years since, Abraham R. Lawrence, of New York City,
built a large hotel for summer resort at the head of Lake Pleasant.
As a speculation it proved a failure.

9 Benj. Macomber, John Barnes, Joseph Davis, Joshua and
J onathan Rich, Jesse Callop, Caleb N ichols, Geo. Wright, Ephraim
Page, Daniel Eish, Henry Burton, Lemuel Holmes, and B. Sater-
lee settled in town before 1806. The first birth was that of
Olivia Spier, in 1806; and the second, that of Eleanor Macomber,
who died a missionary in Burmah. Geo. Wright kept the first
inn, in 1806, and Wm. B. Peek the first store, in 1817. A saw¬
mill was built hv - Foster, in 1795; and a gristmill, by

Joseph Spier, in 1797.

10 David Keller, James Sargent, Owen Skinner, Zenas Parker .
Joel Plumley, and John Cunningham were first settlers. The
first death occurred in 1838. A school was first taught in 1840
by Lucina Bissell. There are now 3 schools in town. A Cong
church was formed in 1842, by Rev. John Todd, of Pittsfield,
Mass., and placed under the charge of Rev. M. Parker. This is
the most secluded town in the State. It is usually reached from
Essex co., to which the settlers resort for their mails and trade.
Scliroon River p.o., Essex co., is the nearest and most
convenient office for receiving mails.

II Named from the first settler.


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