Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 343
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off in 1828. It lies on the e. border of the co., s. of the center. Its surface is hilly in the center,
rising 400 to 800 ft. above the Mohawk, and is broken by ravines on each side of the valley of
the creek. Fine flats extend along the Mohawk on the
n. border. The principal stream is Nowadaga1
Creek, which flows
n. e. through the town near the center. The soil is gravelly in the n. and a sandy
loam in the s. In the
n. part are two sulphur springs. ISTewville (p. v.) contains 1 church and
20 houses, and Indian Castle2 (Danube p. o., a hamlet) 1 church. Settlements are supposed
to have commenced as early as 1730; but no records have been preserved. During the Revolution the
settlements were broken up, and did not commence again until'about 1780.s The first patents are
dated 1730-31.* A mission church was established here by Sir William Johnson in 1768. This#
church had a bell, which the Indians attempted to carry off in the war, and for that purpose
secreted it. Search was made in vain. After sufficient time had elapsed the thieves, on returning
by night to bear away the coveted treasure, had their presence and business betrayed by the
unruly member which they neglected to muffle. As it was -borne along on a pole, its ringing
brought the Germans to its rescue with such weapons as they in their haste could snatch, and the
bell was recovered. The present church occupying the site of the old Mission Church is known as
the “ Indian Castle Church/1 There are 2 union churches in town. This town was the residence
of King Hendrick3 and Joseph Brant,4 tlie celebrated Mohawk chiefs, and of Gen. Nicholas Her¬
kimer.5 King Hendrick sustained a high character for sagacity and integrity, was warmly at¬
tached to the English, and especially to Sir Wm. Johnson, whom he accompanied to Lake George
in the summer of 1755, where he was killed. He was recognized as a chief as early as 1697.

FAIRFIELD8— was formed from Norway, Feb. 19, 1796. A part of Newport was taken off
in 1806, and a part of Little Falls in 1829. It lies in the interior of the co., near the center. Its
surface is a hilly upland, the center rising into a ridge 800 to 1,000 ft. above West Canada Creek.9
The streams are small. West Canada Creek flows s. on the w. border. The soil on the uplands is
mostly clay, and in the valleys it is gravelly,'with local drift deposits of sand. Several fine quar¬
ries of limestone are found in different parts.6 Fairfield^ (p.v.,) near the center, contains 3
churches, an academy,7 a cheese box factory, and 60 bouses ; Midtllevllle, (p. v.,) on the line
of Newport, 1 church, a cotton factory, tannery,8 chair factory, grist and saw mill. Pop. 295.
Settlements were first made in 1770, by 3 German families named Maltanner, Goodbrodt, and Shaf¬
fer, who located upon the Royal Grant.9 The first preacher was Rev. Fields, (Presb.,) in 1791.10

of Congress on the 4th of October, 1777, “ that the Governor and
Council of New York be desired to erect a monument, at Con¬
tinental expense, of the value of $500, to the memory of the late
Brigadier Harkemer, Who commanded the militia of Trypn co.,
in the State of N. Y., and who was killed fighting gallantly in
defense of the liberty of these States,” this order has been neg¬
lected, and the citizen chief lies forgotten by the country for
whose cause he gave his life. He was chairman of the Tryon
co. committee of safety. At the time of his death he was about
50 years of age.

8 This town included nearly all of the Glen Purchase and the
first allotment of the Royal Grant.

9 The s. w. corner of the old college building is 1,276.8 ft. above
tidewater at Troy. The chapel threshold is 727 feet above low
water at W. Canada Creek at Middleville, and Barton Hill is 1,17 7
feet above the same.

1° Near Middleville are found beautiful crystals of quartz.
Most of them are perfectly transparent; and sometimes they
inclose a few drops of water or small pieces of anthracite

n Fairfield Academy was established in 1803. A medical de¬
partment, incorp. as the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
was founded in 1809, and continued until 1840. A conditional
college charter was granted to the academy in 1812, under the
name of “
Clinton College;” but the conditions were not com¬
plied with.

12 This establishment manufactures $40,000 worth of calf¬
skins and upper leather annually.

48 These settlers, though Royalists, were attacked by the In¬
dians in 1779. Two members of the families were killed, and
the others were carried into captivity. Families named Keller.'
Windecker, and Pickert settled near the Manhoim line, and
others settled on the Glen Purchase, before the war. Cornelius
Chatfield settled in March, and Abijah Mann in May, 17S5.
Josiah, David, and Lester Johnson, John Bucklin, Benj. Bowen,
John Eaton, Nath’l and Wm. Brown, Sam’l Low, David Bense-
ley, Elisha Wyman & Comfort Eaton, Jeremiah Ballard, Wm.
Bucklin,D. A. Arnold, Daniel Yenner, Nathan Smith, Nahum

Daniels, Amos and Jas. Haile,   Neely, and Peter and Bela

Ward, all from New England, settled soon after. The. first
■store was ljept by Smith
& Daniels, in 1792-93. The first

gristmill was built by  Empie, and the first sawmill by

Samuel & Paul Green. A school was taught in 1795. by Wm.
D. Gray; but others had beeu previously taught in the n. part
of the town,

14 There are now 6 churches in town; 2 M. E , Bap., Prot. E,,
Presb., and Cong.


Called by tlie Indians In-cha-nan-do.


Named from the upper Indian castle, or fort, built in 1710
on the flat just below the mouth of Nowadaga Creek. It was built

" as one of the chain of defenses that guarded the approach to
Canada, and was armed with small cannon. The Indians lived
in clusters of huts around it.


Patents, the whole of Lindsay’s, and parts of J. Vrooman’s, C.
Golden’s, Van Horne’s, and Lansing’s Patents are in this town.


The dwelling of King Hendrick stood upon the high
ground near the site of the present Indian Castle Church.


On one occasion he remarked to Sir William Johnson that he
had dreamed a dream. , On being questioned, he related that
the English agent had iu his slumber appeared to present
him a suit of new clothes. Johnson fulfilled the dream, and
not long after had in turn a dream to relate to the chief, .in ■
which he thought the latter had presented to him a large tract
of land. The Indian was caught in his own trap. He, however,
gave the necessary title, but hinted, as- he conveyed the lands
described, that they would have no more dreaming. This tract
was afterward known as the Royal Grant?"*-






Aug. 17,1777,


Ten days after the battle of Oriskany, in which engagement he
received wounds which caused his death.”


Attempts have been repeatedly made to obtain the means to
erect a suitable monument; but, notwithstanding the resolution


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